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Everything posted by MaCe

  1. yes. you will be surprise how efficient they are when the date is drawing near. hobee is a REAL contractor - while many in the market arent real Interior Designers. when you have enough of house warmings - you will realise that EVERYONE 's design is the same although they all engaged different IDs.
  2. then the flush cylinder kaputz liao... remove it and bring it to hardwareshop and buy a new one.
  3. best is to patch the "holes/cracks" both OUTSIDE and inside. before patching up - make sure the place is dry if not use hair dryer to blow dry first.
  4. just skip the brand TECHNO i am using them now.
  5. dunno what model - only know paid $200-$300 over for it.
  6. using novita - close to 2 yrs liao - no problems
  7. slim......no strong wind....those tower types
  8. 1. is it ok if a bedroom door is facing the kitchen? actually directly facing partly the ref and the kitchen exit door.. PARTITION 2. our other door is also facing the kitchen, directly faces the stove? is it ok? what other door? to what room? 3. our common bathroom also faces the kitchen sink. is it also ok? unhygiene! toilet bowl not facing out directly is ok.
  9. this is yet another bull**** - the type of cordless phone that really interferes wireless were not being sold in ASIA - unless you are a angmoh who just migrate over here along with all your furnitures. you need to find a room that is "central" to all other rooms, close to windows and place your router.
  10. hmmm...... funny how come philips and osram dont have? btw, I have boycott megaman bulbs - details can be seen at my tblogchat.
  11. partition need to cover the height of the toilet entrance. * never put a bed sharing the same wall as a toilet.
  12. gnee hong, samtat....search google for their address
  13. MaCe

    Water Feature

    nothing to do with water feature if the position was set by a fsm.but do make sure the water is ALWAYS CLEAN!!!! check WEST section of house. minimise fire at WEST. eg red, candles...etc And please visit the DOCTOR even if you have a tiny mini cold or cough - this year dont play play - it's a SICKNESS year.
  14. try channel 1. if still cannot, search google for wireless - and they will tell you signal/reception is based mainly on the structure/floorplan of your house.
  15. me saw the big big rainbow also heehee.......near eunos.
  16. MaCe

    Water Feature

    nowadays many many ah kow and ah meow wear nice expensive suits, go for a few expensive FACIAL, then tell you they are fengshui mud-stirs.
  17. There is only 2 acrylic distributors/importer in sg, dama and hipoint who caters to contractors. dama is a lot cheaper and "friendlier". both can do all kinds of stuff for you - fish tank, covers, lamp shade..bla bla bla. but the labour charges is rather costly. if you ONLY want acrylics cut in pieces and does not require any polishing or pasting/joining - it's DIRT CHEAP cos they are the supplier. below is what i got dama to do
  18. retailer? nope. distributor/factory = yes www.dama.com.sg
  19. patrick is a workaholic + tons of patience - I will definitely stick to him for any reno works in future. i believe fishpond's quotation could be too far off - ah keong left hobee for quite some time already. one thing to take note about hobee's quotation - when comparing with other contractors. hobee's quotation will "ALWAYs" look more EXPENSIVE - but when coming to the end of reno - your price remains the same. cos no HIDDEN cost!!! No point having a cheap cheap quotation and then when reno starts - sorry this one not included must pay extra, that one also not included. although there are contractors out there who can match or even cheaper than hobee's pricing. Do take note that patrick has a IRONCLAD reputation for his honesty + aftersales service.