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Amk Kakis Anyone?

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Halo halo...here i comes! Didnt know there is a thread for amk neighbourhood til merryman sent me a sms...heehee...

pinklady...u dont be sad...even u dont stay so near to the central but bear in mind i paid much higher price for my flat. Sometimes think back oso abit heartpain...next time cannot sell at good price...sure lugi de!

i oso gana ntuc trolley bang before...somemore its a malay kid playing with the trolley leh! So angry cos he banged my arm and hit my watch! Tat watch is my birthday present from hubby...worst is that kid never apologized and run away! haiz...what to do...jus not lucky enough.

i always go to kbox plaza for sushi...cos my gal and me loves jap food....didnt see any bengs hanging there leh? mayb they dont come out so early?

well, roamca, maybe later enbloc liao we wont be so near central leh... those outskirts de also come to quite near to my place liao... sianz

kids usually never apologized de, to people they don't know... don't know why liddat...

yea, they usually hang around there at night de, last time they hang out the snooker place, even worse... now at least out of sight for me... haha


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one half of us lives in amk now - guy beany stays in amk, girl beany stays in woodlands (hmm, half in amk for now)

guy beany - stayed there all his life.

girl beany - stayed there for 1st 5 yrs, went there every week cos grandma stays there, then studied there 2 yrs during JC, after graduation work there for bout 5yrs, heh.

amk is a good place. convenient. has everything we need - toiletries = red tomato; curry puff = tip top; bank = posb/dbs/ocbc, u name it; ntuc xtra; bishan park nearby for avid joggers; melben for crabs; wanyang for foot massage :dribble:

but population density @ central/hub area is abit too much

wow...my fav tip top curry puff....i had been eating the curry puff for at least 15 years! From 50 cents per pce till now $1.10 per pce....last time stay in Jurong, Choa Chu Kang and Woodlands...i oso purposely travelled there and buy...shiok lor...will not get sick of it!!


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wow...my fav tip top curry puff....i had been eating the curry puff for at least 15 years! From 50 cents per pce till now $1.10 per pce....last time stay in Jurong, Choa Chu Kang and Woodlands...i oso purposely travelled there and buy...shiok lor...will not get sick of it!!

lolz... i never eat b4 leh... never though i walk past so many times... think i should go buy liao... next time never walk past le...


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well, roamca, maybe later enbloc liao we wont be so near central leh... those outskirts de also come to quite near to my place liao... sianz

kids usually never apologized de, to people they don't know... don't know why liddat...

yea, they usually hang around there at night de, last time they hang out the snooker place, even worse... now at least out of sight for me... haha

ENBLOC!!!?? Dont lah...i just shifted in my love nest for less than 4 months! I hope can stay there for at least another 10 years...then we talk abt enbloc lah....very sad cos oso spent on reno...if enbloc not very worth lor...like you said location might not be as good as our current place le....PRAY HARD!!

Tonite where will u be hanging around? I might be slightly late cos mum in law just called me to bring my gal see doc. So might be home ard 8.30pm. u ok mah?


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lolz... i never eat b4 leh... never though i walk past so many times... think i should go buy liao... next time never walk past le...

You sure fall in love de lor...so much nicer than Old Chiang Kee & A1. Hmm...but thats my taste bud lah...hahaha....my whole family loves it too!


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I am the 1st and yet you nv see me.... :( haha just kidding. Currently still staying at my parent place which is ave 10 st53. New house which is at ave 3 dont know what street, just signed with ID havent move in yet.

hi takomi...your new house isit resale? How many rooms de? Can share how much u pay?

That time i saw a unit opp my in law block at street 31 cost $320K for a 3room+1 (74m2). Super ex...we give up cos too ex le...just becos of that utility room, we got to pay another $57k for it...not worth lor...


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ENBLOC!!!?? Dont lah...i just shifted in my love nest for less than 4 months! I hope can stay there for at least another 10 years...then we talk abt enbloc lah....very sad cos oso spent on reno...if enbloc not very worth lor...like you said location might not be as good as our current place le....PRAY HARD!!

Tonite where will u be hanging around? I might be slightly late cos mum in law just called me to bring my gal see doc. So might be home ard 8.30pm. u ok mah?

My unit already 32 years liao, yours?! 10 years seem so far leh, for me, depends on how many kids next time, might have to move also... location wise should be still around amk but hope don't end up very far away lar... yalor, going to spend on reno also, they better enbloc later :D

No problem, will be around hub bah...

You sure fall in love de lor...so much nicer than Old Chiang Kee & A1. Hmm...but thats my taste bud lah...hahaha....my whole family loves it too!

haha, then I will have to detour everytime after I shift :D


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My unit already 32 years liao, yours?! 10 years seem so far leh, for me, depends on how many kids next time, might have to move also... location wise should be still around amk but hope don't end up very far away lar... yalor, going to spend on reno also, they better enbloc later :D

No problem, will be around hub bah...

haha, then I will have to detour everytime after I shift :D

Mine oso 32 years...me confirm enough cos only one kid and i closed factory liao! hahah...

Tonite i will sms you when reach home...

you can go and buy the currypuff tonite liao lor...dont need to wait...hahah...but bear in mind they closed at 9.30pm.

If addicted dont blame me hor....:P


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Mine oso 32 years...me confirm enough cos only one kid and i closed factory liao! hahah...

Tonite i will sms you when reach home...

you can go and buy the currypuff tonite liao lor...dont need to wait...hahah...but bear in mind they closed at 9.30pm.

If addicted dont blame me hor....:P

hahaha, you like baking right? ever try before making currypuff?!


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hahaha, you like baking right? ever try before making currypuff?!

Curry puff better deep fried lah...u oso can make! hahaha....my curry puff standard no good lah...and the fillings quite ley chey to prepare...buy from tip top and eat better! heehee....


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wow roamca, u finally came into this amk thread huh! i thought u too busy doing housework and forgotten RT liao! toking about Tit Top, yeah last time when i'm small always go there eat curry puff. and go to last time Jubilee to watch movies and hang around the playground outside. the very old-fashioned one. and also eating the kacham puteh. u all remember the indian seller the kacham puteh man or not? now, long long time no more liao leh. miss it a lot.

Merryman, you got Roamca's hp huh? so happening


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wow roamca, u finally came into this amk thread huh! i thought u too busy doing housework and forgotten RT liao! toking about Tit Top, yeah last time when i'm small always go there eat curry puff. and go to last time Jubilee to watch movies and hang around the playground outside. the very old-fashioned one. and also eating the kacham puteh. u all remember the indian seller the kacham puteh man or not? now, long long time no more liao leh. miss it a lot.

Merryman, you got Roamca's hp huh? so happening

the youngest I was at jubilee to watch a movie was already in my teens liao... :P

yea, got her number because she very kind to give me reno advice :D


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wow roamca, u finally came into this amk thread huh! i thought u too busy doing housework and forgotten RT liao! toking about Tit Top, yeah last time when i'm small always go there eat curry puff. and go to last time Jubilee to watch movies and hang around the playground outside. the very old-fashioned one. and also eating the kacham puteh. u all remember the indian seller the kacham puteh man or not? now, long long time no more liao leh. miss it a lot.

Merryman, you got Roamca's hp huh? so happening

hihi...me seldom do housework de lah...everyday busy with work..hee...today boss not in so can come in snake abit...Jubilee very quiet nowadays not much ppl watch movie there liao...now the most happening place in Jubilee is the Popular bookshop! hahah...kacang puteh...wah....i think long tong never eat le....quite miss it oso..some of the kacang outside dont sell de....i love the cracker in small rectangular squarish shape coated with thick sugar icing...yum lor!! Now cannot find liao.....:(


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oh the blk 400 something one rite? sorrie huh, i really didn't saw your T-Blog. What's the title? ave 10, oh the Ang Mo Supermarket there or the temple there?

No T-blog at the moment yet :P My parent is at 43x there and my new hse at 32x....


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hi takomi...your new house isit resale? How many rooms de? Can share how much u pay?

That time i saw a unit opp my in law block at street 31 cost $320K for a 3room+1 (74m2). Super ex...we give up cos too ex le...just becos of that utility room, we got to pay another $57k for it...not worth lor...

Ya, it resale 32 yrs old 1.... Mine is 4 room and I got it at 330k, no cov :rolleyes: but it at the 2nd floor...


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