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El Nino_Al Nito

El Nino's Anfield

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thanks el nino... can't wait to live there sooner... then i can shut my kid outside the door while i take a relaxing good soak in the bathroom.. keke

nope, i haven't shop for tubs.. and i didn't even check out what tubs available in the market leh, cos i have not found a contractor yet thus didn't do any on site measurements.. haha, i don't mind a sleek theme for bathroom, with a modern touch.. but hubby prefer resort style leh..

haha.. your wife really very cute..

good for you, can get a longer tub.. btw, how much does a tub cost now ah? i got absolutely no idea.

kids eh? i foresee they will wna hog ur tub too... :P ahhh...what'll i do now for a good soak and read whilst listening to some Micheal Buble....oh wait, the image of my wife hosing down the wall is ruining this moment of solitude... :bangwall:

quite a number of shops along balestier and jalan besar sells tubs...park mall also got one but costly to me..

depending on dimensions, material etc, costs can be between low $200 to $2k upwards...then must bear in mind construction and piping of the tubs etc easily another $500 to $700 based on what i was quoted...

oh yah, best u dun buy first, get site measurement confirmed by ur ID/contractor then look for those exact dimensions...otherwise very leceh gotta change this and that...btw, good luck on ur ID/contractor search!

make sure u find one before getting the house keys yah... :yamseng:


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that's for sure, must draw a timetable for using the bathtub already.... keke...

hahaha.. try hosing yourself la... you get your cascading water plus the solitude...

what? still got tubings etc to consider? oh my, a lot of things to consider for reno man... i don't remember my first house so leh cheh... or maybe i'm very involved now.... i just checked out the hansgrohe though.... very keen... keke


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hahaha.. try hosing yourself la... you get your cascading water plus the solitude...

what? still got tubings etc to consider? oh my, a lot of things to consider for reno man... i don't remember my first house so leh cheh... or maybe i'm very involved now.... i just checked out the hansgrohe though.... very keen... keke

hehehe...so bo liao leh hose myself... :bleah::bleah:

er...pipings actually...got mah, den how u gna fill up ur tub or drain the water after use etc?

if not u can use hose from wash basin to fill up and den vacuum out the water after use?

save cost this way maybe? hahaha... :P

yup, exactly...but its fun lor planning and organizing all these...important to know all these at the back of our head else, when discussing or meeting with salespeople or ID etc they will know if there is a big carrot standing in front of them..hehe :D

oh yah hor, i havent really looked at taps and mixers yet...but how much for hansgrohe roughly now? the talis got promo? :unsure:


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hehehe...yeah, my sweetheart is quite a character. Funniest, most adorable woman i've known personally. hands down. deep down i know she originated from cartoon network background. :D

i hope u get to live ur dream too! kitchen was my most planned room followed by the bathroom. :)

will u be combining ur two bedrooms? any chance ur utilities room can be waterproofed and half converted

into a bath area? :unsure:

cartoon network background?! lol..you also very funny...haha

nope we won't be combining the two rooms cos don't wanna affect the resale value as we intend to sell after 5 years. and mr. hdb don't allow bathroom extensions more than 0.6m2 (which is so super pathetic a space they might as well say no extensions at all) so even if we wanted to expand the bathroom into the utility room, it's not going to be (legally) possible. we will try to extend it to the max la but it all lies in the hands of mr. hdb.


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hehehe...so bo liao leh hose myself... :bleah::bleah:

er...pipings actually...got mah, den how u gna fill up ur tub or drain the water after use etc?

if not u can use hose from wash basin to fill up and den vacuum out the water after use?

save cost this way maybe? hahaha... :P

yup, exactly...but its fun lor planning and organizing all these...important to know all these at the back of our head else, when discussing or meeting with salespeople or ID etc they will know if there is a big carrot standing in front of them..hehe :D

oh yah hor, i havent really looked at taps and mixers yet...but how much for hansgrohe roughly now? the talis got promo? :unsure:

haha... well.. you wanted solitude ma... so gotta hose yourself lor...

oh... you meant the copper pipes ah? kekeke.. ya, that pipe i know la... i thought what other tubes ma..

yes, it's fun but really need a lot of time and effort... hansgrohe has promotion for citibank credit cards. 25% off regular items, and that includes the talis la. i don't know the price for talis. but if you need to know, i can give you the code and you can call up hansgrohe and mohd sultan, they will tell you the price.

i wanted the focus E2 wor, i like the design.. :D


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coz like what u mentioned mah...abit mah fan if wanna have quick shower must climb into the tub...some more maintenance would be a chore with all the suds and shampoo etc..now we still young and vibrant ok la...30 years later after we finish paying hdb loan then realised can no longer get into the tub liao...haha

2hrs in the bath eh? now u tempt me to consider getting a sauna heater and expand that bathroom...otherwise all the soaking without sauna no point hor..haha :notti:

lucky for me all my walls cannot hack, else i can push my bed into the other room and really enlarge the bathroom...wahahaha :dribble:

haha..thats a fantastic idea leh. U probably can use the whole room as your spa room liao. Mayb u will be the 1st person to do that in HDB? That could be a good selling point next time, no need wait till 30yrs liao, ask for 100k COV. keke


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Cats Room


*I totally forgot to take MBR and toilets pics that day. Was pissed coz my hp reception went blank on me that afternoon whilst waiting for Mr Yeak at the flat.

Because of the hp (and singtel's cranky network reception), i thot he was late. Then he thot i havent come up to the flat since he cant call thru to me. Lucky he waited for half an hour. When i called him on my wife's hp, he said almost gonna give me another half hour before going off.

:thumbs up: Thumbs up to Mr Yeak for always being prompt and on time and for the patience to wait for me whilst my hp and singtel mobile got itself constipated that day. :thumbs up:

El Nino, whats this cats room abt?? So interesting. :notti:

Is this suppose to be the store room??


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cartoon network background?! lol..you also very funny...haha

nope we won't be combining the two rooms cos don't wanna affect the resale value as we intend to sell after 5 years. and mr. hdb don't allow bathroom extensions more than 0.6m2 (which is so super pathetic a space they might as well say no extensions at all) so even if we wanted to expand the bathroom into the utility room, it's not going to be (legally) possible. we will try to extend it to the max la but it all lies in the hands of mr. hdb.


0.6m2 extension only?? so stingy sia...if all fails, u can still go for the standalone tub since it will be on legs and u can run the pipes into the bath. i saw this done before locally in some decor mag.

alternatively, get a smaller sit down tub? it only needs 1.2m of length. saw it yesterday at sim siang choon.

more for kiddos tho in my opinion... :P


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yes, it's fun but really need a lot of time and effort... hansgrohe has promotion for citibank credit cards. 25% off regular items, and that includes the talis la. i don't know the price for talis. but if you need to know, i can give you the code and you can call up hansgrohe and mohd sultan, they will tell you the price.

i wanted the focus E2 wor, i like the design.. :D

oh, and if u wanna have those massage bathtubs with jets, u gotta consider space for the motor also but should be right around the tub lor..

btw, merydith and lilith (.....like sister sister name leh? :unsure: ) do drop by sim siang choon at their changi showroom to recce for more bathtubs..that place has it all jacuzzi tubs, normal tubs, kiddo tubs...but no ice cream tub yah.. :P . Location is at 21 Changi South Ave 2. I went down yesterday evening to see if i can find anything i like. this weekend going balestier to see if they have what i liked at sim siang choon. Lol! :D

actually, i didnt give much thot to taps and mixers etc...initially i thot maybe $200 budget for all taps and mixers are enough...boy was i wrong sia! most costs $100 and above!!! cut throat! and the one i really fancied from hansa costs $5k leh...freaks! :(

hmmm for credit card holders ah? den i not valid lor...i dun have any and not interested to get anytime soon.

maybe i get simple2 taps and mixers since my wife bo chup on these except for kitchen sink...she said got water come out can already mah.. :D


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El Nino, whats this cats room abt?? So interesting. :notti:

Is this suppose to be the store room??

Dude, glad u asked! Yah, its a store room which im converting into my cat(s) room.

Dun like to keep him in a cage when im not at home, so was very pleased that this flat's store room got windows for ventilation and my cat to 'wash' his eyes. Lol. Sux that its abit small to my standard but will do for now lor.

Here are some pics on what i had planned for my lil darling...

Cat Condo


Cat Shelves


It will be top hung windows with 1 KDK ventilation fan and probably some wire mesh if i feel he has learned how to open the windows (highly doubtful tho) :D


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0.6m2 extension only?? so stingy sia...if all fails, u can still go for the standalone tub since it will be on legs and u can run the pipes into the bath. i saw this done before locally in some decor mag.

alternatively, get a smaller sit down tub? it only needs 1.2m of length. saw it yesterday at sim siang choon.

more for kiddos tho in my opinion... :P

the standalone tub very difficult cos water will splash all over the floor! :o i need shower curtains leh. cannot la. and the sit down tub is so small and "ji", defeats the purpose of a bathtub la.

btw, merydith and lilith (.....like sister sister name leh? :unsure: ) do drop by sim siang choon at their changi showroom to recce for more bathtubs..that place has it all jacuzzi tubs, normal tubs, kiddo tubs...but no ice cream tub yah.. :P . Location is at 21 Changi South Ave 2. I went down yesterday evening to see if i can find anything i like. this weekend going balestier to see if they have what i liked at sim siang choon. Lol! :D

actually, i didnt give much thot to taps and mixers etc...initially i thot maybe $200 budget for all taps and mixers are enough...boy was i wrong sia! most costs $100 and above!!! cut throat! and the one i really fancied from hansa costs $5k leh...freaks! :(

muahaha $5k tap. buy one and forget about buying anything else for the toilet..lol. i don't intend to recce tubs yet la..due to budget constraints, we're most likely gonna have to just "reserve" the space to put the tub in the future..


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Dude, glad u asked! Yah, its a store room which im converting into my cat(s) room.

Dun like to keep him in a cage when im not at home, so was very pleased that this flat's store room got windows for ventilation and my cat to 'wash' his eyes. Lol. Sux that its abit small to my standard but will do for now lor.

Here are some pics on what i had planned for my lil darling...

Cat Condo


Cat Shelves


It will be top hung windows with 1 KDK ventilation fan and probably some wire mesh if i feel he has learned how to open the windows (highly doubtful tho) :D

ur cat **** lucky to hv u for owner!!!! :bow:


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ur cat **** lucky to hv u for owner!!!! :bow:

haha...thanks! but im also lucky to have him too! :D

think its high time i find him a companion. otherwise, when i get home from work, he's always cuddled up in our pile of clothes after ransacking our drawers. 8|

my senses tells me, my cat actually tried to communicate with me via email coz my desktop keyboard keys are always scratched out and all over the room! too bad for him, he dun have aposable thumbs to type. :bleah:

hope to get one pedigree cat after we move in, if got spare cash. so excited! :sport-smiley-004:


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El Nino,

ask u ar...did u go to any other sink/mixer shops like Poh Joo, Hoe Kee etc instead of Sim Siang Choon?? seems tat SSC's prices abit steeper rite?

got la...went to Hoe Kee, PJ, Lookz, GR Link, Song Cho, Asia Excel etc also...

yup, indeed SSC's pricing more steep but some items i like can only be found there... :unsure:

gonna do one more round at balestier and jalan besar this weekend..hope i can settle on the sanitary stuff...maybe drop by some indian restaurant along racecourse road after shopping for some fish head curry...yum yum! :dribble:


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