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Fengshui Ba Zi Different From One'S Ba Zi?

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Why the Year pillar is based on 60-years cycle? And why the Day on 60-days cycle?

Also, why the Month pillar is Year-dependent, the Hour pillar Day-dependent?

I am trying to understand the fundamentals nia...


I've asked the same Qs many yrs ago. I'm afraid no one can give convincing retionale, these are fundamentlly the "structure" of this divination method. I can explain HOW the combination of 10 tiangan and 12 dizhi to give 60 possible combinations of the 2 Chinese "numerical" characters. It is purely a "maththematical game", same like how the 4D(of different numerical number)number give rise to 24 combinations.

List 1st TG vs 1st DZ, 2nd TG vs 2nd DZ.....till 10th TG vs 10th DZ, 2 DZs "left over" right? Never mind, continue with 1st TG vs 11th DZ, 2nd TG vs 12th DZ, 2nd TG vs 1st DZ...so on and so forth, until the 10th TG meets wth 12th DZ. So there are 60 possible combination.













13丙 子

14丁 丑

15戊 寅

16己 卯

17庚 辰

18辛 巳

19壬 午

20癸 未

21甲 申

22乙 酉

23丙 戌

24丁 亥

25戊 子

26己 丑

27庚 寅

28辛 卯

29壬 辰

30癸 巳

31甲 午

32乙 未

33丙 申

34丁 酉

35戊 戌

36己 亥

37庚 子

38辛 丑

39壬 寅

40癸 卯

41甲 辰

42乙 巳

43丙 午

44丁 未

45戊 申

46己 酉

47庚 戌

48辛 亥

49壬 子

50癸 丑

51甲 寅

52乙 卯

53丙 辰

54丁 巳

55戊 午

56己 未

57庚 申

58辛 酉

59壬 戌

60癸 亥

This TG & DZ combinations have been used since 2637 BC by Chinese to mark which "year". It is just like present's gregorian calendar year( which starts from Jesus Christ's birth year)2010, 2011, 2012,...etc.

Chinese year starts from 甲子 and ends with 癸亥 as one cycle (60 years), the cycle repeats itself. Why don't use 70-year cycle, 100-year cycle? or even 10,000-year cycle? Can, why not, question is WHO will adopt this "cycle"???

I have explained before the calculation of maximum "possible combination of bazi". Anyone cares to try to explain the possible combination? and later compare the the world population(6.97 Bil, over 1/4 are Chinese!)


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How come no continuation one? Neck becomes long while waiting....

Now that the four pillars have been decoded, what do the bazi say about this fictitious person's destiny (not sure if this is the right word)?

Kindly illustrate the decoding process.


I've asked the same Qs many yrs ago. I'm afraid no one can give convincing retionale, these are fundamentlly the "structure" of this divination method. I can explain HOW the combination of 10 tiangan and 12 dizhi to give 60 possible combinations of the 2 Chinese "numerical" characters. It is purely a "maththematical game", same like how the 4D(of different numerical number)number give rise to 24 combinations.

List 1st TG vs 1st DZ, 2nd TG vs 2nd DZ.....till 10th TG vs 10th DZ, 2 DZs "left over" right? Never mind, continue with 1st TG vs 11th DZ, 2nd TG vs 12th DZ, 2nd TG vs 1st DZ...so on and so forth, until the 10th TG meets wth 12th DZ. So there are 60 possible combination.













13丙 子

14丁 丑

15戊 寅

16己 卯

17庚 辰

18辛 巳

19壬 午

20癸 未

21甲 申

22乙 酉

23丙 戌

24丁 亥

25戊 子

26己 丑

27庚 寅

28辛 卯

29壬 辰

30癸 巳

31甲 午

32乙 未

33丙 申

34丁 酉

35戊 戌

36己 亥

37庚 子

38辛 丑

39壬 寅

40癸 卯

41甲 辰

42乙 巳

43丙 午

44丁 未

45戊 申

46己 酉

47庚 戌

48辛 亥

49壬 子

50癸 丑

51甲 寅

52乙 卯

53丙 辰

54丁 巳

55戊 午

56己 未

57庚 申

58辛 酉

59壬 戌

60癸 亥

This TG & DZ combinations have been used since 2637 BC by Chinese to mark which "year". It is just like present's gregorian calendar year( which starts from Jesus Christ's birth year)2010, 2011, 2012,...etc.

Chinese year starts from 甲子 and ends with 癸亥 as one cycle (60 years), the cycle repeats itself. Why don't use 70-year cycle, 100-year cycle? or even 10,000-year cycle? Can, why not, question is WHO will adopt this "cycle"???

I have explained before the calculation of maximum "possible combination of bazi". Anyone cares to try to explain the possible combination? and later compare the the world population(6.97 Bil, over 1/4 are Chinese!)


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How come no continuation one? Neck becomes long while waiting....

Now that the four pillars have been decoded, what do the bazi say about this fictitious person's destiny (not sure if this is the right word)?

Kindly illustrate the decoding process.


Did I promise to "decode" further? beside constructing 4 pillars from DOB of Gre yr/month/day/time.

I was trying to tell jialuck that the time's gan depends on day, and day's gan depends on month's gan...and month's gan depends on yr's gan, they are related....

To have comprehensive bazi analysis, can always consult master chang who charges $269, and will ask for your exact place and time of birth. Also, no "outsider" to be around during the consultation, unless the owner allows one/ones to sit in.


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Did I promise to "decode" further? beside constructing 4 pillars from DOB of Gre yr/month/day/time.

I was trying to tell jialuck that the time's gan depends on day, and day's gan depends on month's gan...and month's gan depends on yr's gan, they are related....

To have comprehensive bazi analysis, can always consult master chang who charges $269, and will ask for your exact place and time of birth. Also, no "outsider" to be around during the consultation, unless the owner allows one/ones to sit in.


OK, thank you for the clear illustration nonetheless.



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I am certain that all of us are looking forward to it.

And if you allow me to ask one or two forward questions; in your experience, how accurate is bazi in deciphering the past & foretelling the future of one?

If 100% accurate, then how much can FS alleviate a misfortune (to be happened) or improve on a fortune (also to be happened nia)?


Allow me to "luso" a bit.

Many yrs ago, before going deep into bazi, I regard bazi as "rubbish" and had hot arugments with my 3rd bro who is a fan of fs,bazi,ZWDS, and TMC. I remembered he "asked" me to "study further" before "anyhow" commend. So, I went into study of:

- Chinese calendar structure/history.

- Chinese star constellation,三垣(three enclosures)二十八宿(twenty-eight mansions)or 四象(four Symbols), 黄道, incl 北斗星(northern dipper)- within one of the 3 enclosures. I even taught my son, when he was at UK, to identify the direction of "handle" of the northern dipper, so one can tell the "month" without knowing the calendar. I also taught him to look at the "shapes" of moon, so one can tell which day in a month.

- TCM's 阴阳五行 theory, I even bought 2 vol of 黄帝内经 - abt 3 kg in weight.

- Some books on 天干地支阴阳五行, 五行五方四时,五行寄生十二宫,推命,十天干五行生旺死绝, 地支生旺,十二长生诀,六十甲子空亡...etc etc

My experience/comments, at this point of time:

- Bazi is very very complex, has been linked up with many "theories" at a single time. Unless one studies it systematically, from "easy" to "difficult", there is no way to understand and appreciate this divination method.

- Some theories are collection of wisdow, some theories are "rubbish".

- Wisdow + rubbish = rojak

- wisdow + rubbish + superstition = modern rojak caters to suit modern ppls' tastes.

- From month (jieqi)of birth can "agar agar" tell one's character tendency.

- Bazi is not God. Nobody will know exactly what will happen onto him tmr, not to mention next wk, next month or the 小流年, or the 大流年. These are just "games" of prediction.

- 地支's "sub-theories" have been very questionable.

- The wuxing is just an "agar agar" concept, expaining relationships among materials, which is impossible to be "quantified".

Enough? Or who wants to add somemore?


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More, more!!!

The more "lor sor" the better arh...


Allow me to "luso" a bit.

Many yrs ago, before going deep into bazi, I regard bazi as "rubbish" and had hot arugments with my 3rd bro who is a fan of fs,bazi,ZWDS, and TMC. I remembered he "asked" me to "study further" before "anyhow" commend. So, I went into study of:

- Chinese calendar structure/history.

- Chinese star constellation,三垣(three enclosures)二十八宿(twenty-eight mansions)or 四象(four Symbols), 黄道, incl 北斗星(northern dipper)- within one of the 3 enclosures. I even taught my son, when he was at UK, to identify the direction of "handle" of the northern dipper, so one can tell the "month" without knowing the calendar. I also taught him to look at the "shapes" of moon, so one can tell which day in a month.

- TCM's 阴阳五行 theory, I even bought 2 vol of 黄帝内经 - abt 3 kg in weight.

- Some books on 天干地支阴阳五行, 五行五方四时,五行寄生十二宫,推命,十天干五行生旺死绝, 地支生旺,十二长生诀,六十甲子空亡...etc etc

My experience/comments, at this point of time:

- Bazi is very very complex, has been linked up with many "theories" at a single time. Unless one studies it systematically, from "easy" to "difficult", there is no way to understand and appreciate this divination method.

- Some theories are collection of wisdow, some theories are "rubbish".

- Wisdow + rubbish = rojak

- wisdow + rubbish + superstition = modern rojak caters to suit modern ppls' tastes.

- From month (jieqi)of birth can "agar agar" tell one's character tendency.

- Bazi is not God. Nobody will know exactly what will happen onto him tmr, not to mention next wk, next month or the 小流年, or the 大流年. These are just "games" of prediction.

- 地支's "sub-theories" have been very questionable.

- The wuxing is just an "agar agar" concept, expaining relationships among materials, which is impossible to be "quantified".

Enough? Or who wants to add somemore?


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More, more!!!

The more "lor sor" the better arh...


Memeber this "Leafy trees bear no fruits". Leafy trees subject to "winds". Once blown, all leaves down.

Need wisdow to identify where the fruits are and what are the decorative leaves, ok?.


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Memeber this "Leafy trees bear no fruits". Leafy trees subject to "winds". Once blown, all leaves down.

Need wisdow to identify where the fruits are and what are the decorative leaves, ok?.



But the construction of 4 pillars is structural, and I have the impression that the further decoding from there is also structural (or systematic, and therefore programmable as in Bazi Calculator).

If this impression is correct, then could we expect that the destiny of a person as read from his/ her bazi, should be the same? No matter who is the FS master who read it?

Then how does FS help to improve the person's destiny? I remember reading a comment from Mae that the person's luck would determine the kind of house he/she is buying?

Sorry for being "lor sor" also.



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But the construction of 4 pillars is structural, and I have the impression that the further decoding from there is also structural (or systematic, and therefore programmable as in Bazi Calculator).

If this impression is correct, then could we expect that the destiny of a person as read from his/ her bazi, should be the same? No matter who is the FS master who read it?

Then how does FS help to improve the person's destiny? I remember reading a comment from Mae that the person's luck would determine the kind of house he/she is buying?

Sorry for being "lor sor" also.


Seem forumers here are either reserved or humble. Yhy don't try to "go into the tiger cage, to find out if there are any little tigers there?"

From tables attached in prev posts, one could tell that

year pillar has 60 possible combinations.

month pillar has 60 possible combinations.

day pillar has 60 possible combinations.

time pillar has 60 possible combinations.

So, in total possible bazi combination, made up of 8 chinese "numerical character" = 60x60x60x60 = 12,960,000

The fundamental problem with bazi is the different significance( or different weight) of yr/mn/day/time pillar that interpreter put on. Bazi is like a plant. Yr piller=root, month=stem and branches, day= leave, time=flower & fruit.

Zhi Peng said "day" is the most important. But when come to the process of "推命" for the small/big "流年", all pillars need to be used.

The "干“ in respective pillars tell the core "outlook", whereas "支” in respective pillars tell "intrinsic characteristic" of one's. So, which is which, I still very confused, frankly speaking. How the wuxing's "sheng" and "ke" functions play in the respective "chinese numerical character" in each of the pillars, remains a myth, no "figure", or quantitative approach can be used! That is the big problem! Same problem as to how to define "beautiful" - 各花入各眼。

Systematic approach? Different interpreters "see" different things, how can have "systematic approach"?

Something which human cannot logically explain then coins it as "luck", same term like "cancer"- doctors don't know the cause. When dealing with "something" someone don't know, how could one tell that this "something" will lead to "this" result?? Exercise wisdom more than blind following.


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Seem forumers here are either reserved or humble. Yhy don't try to "go into the tiger cage, to find out if there are any little tigers there?"

From tables attached in prev posts, one could tell that

year pillar has 60 possible combinations.

month pillar has 60 possible combinations.

day pillar has 60 possible combinations.

time pillar has 60 possible combinations.

So, in total possible bazi combination, made up of 8 chinese "numerical character" = 60x60x60x60 = 12,960,000


Dear Bepgof,

About 13 millions....

But world population is much more leh, how?




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Allow me to "luso" a bit.

Many yrs ago, before going deep into bazi, I regard bazi as "rubbish" and had hot arugments with my 3rd bro who is a fan of fs,bazi,ZWDS, and TMC. I remembered he "asked" me to "study further" before "anyhow" commend. So, I went into study of:

- Chinese calendar structure/history.

- Chinese star constellation,三垣(three enclosures)二十八宿(twenty-eight mansions)or 四象(four Symbols), 黄道, incl 北斗星(northern dipper)- within one of the 3 enclosures. I even taught my son, when he was at UK, to identify the direction of "handle" of the northern dipper, so one can tell the "month" without knowing the calendar. I also taught him to look at the "shapes" of moon, so one can tell which day in a month.

- TCM's 阴阳五行 theory, I even bought 2 vol of 黄帝内经 - abt 3 kg in weight.

- Some books on 天干地支阴阳五行, 五行五方四时,五行寄生十二宫,推命,十天干五行生旺死绝, 地支生旺,十二长生诀,六十甲子空亡...etc etc

Not that i know alot but since you ask if anybody to add something, I just give some 5cents worth of opinion, hoboh.

Impressive that you read alotbut seems to me you are still just a non-believer

To me its just like reading the whole bible, memorizing from head to toe yet not even baptising or praying. I think you are smart enough for me NOT to elaborate further. Worse still if you are trying to "throw a stone to draw a jade". As I see it, not that there aren't but who will want to share with you the secret if they know? Which TCM you know can practise feng shui well. No doubt that principles are universal, unless that they have been practising for years in fs, otherwise its just like asking an acupuncturist to be a surgeon, tio boh?

My experience/comments, at this point of time:

- Bazi is very very complex, has been linked up with many "theories" at a single time. Unless one studies it systematically, from "easy" to "difficult", there is no way to understand and appreciate this divination method.

- Some theories are collection of wisdow, some theories are "rubbish".

- Wisdow + rubbish = rojak

- wisdow + rubbish + superstition = modern rojak caters to suit modern ppls' tastes.

- From month (jieqi)of birth can "agar agar" tell one's character tendency.

- Bazi is not God. Nobody will know exactly what will happen onto him tmr, not to mention next wk, next month or the 小流年, or the 大流年. These are just "games" of prediction.

- 地支's "sub-theories" have been very questionable.

- The wuxing is just an "agar agar" concept, expaining relationships among materials, which is impossible to be "quantified".

Enough? Or who wants to add somemore?

You gave your opinion on "rojak", can say some true and some not chun. It depends on which fsm you are talking about or what you have been learning. Thousands of years of knowledge and application is too cheap or irrespectable for you to comment on whether its questionable or not. So how do you quantify the exact weight of Mars and its composition? haha....from scientist?...pai sei, hope you don't mind as i'm just as straight forward as you. Now scientist discover there are something faster than light...

Edited by kcwee

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I am certain that all of us are looking forward to it.

And if you allow me to ask one or two forward questions; in your experience, how accurate is bazi in deciphering the past & foretelling the future of one?

If 100% accurate, then how much can FS alleviate a misfortune (to be happened) or improve on a fortune (also to be happened nia)?


This will depend on individuals, all bazi interpreters are human. A minority, if you can find, will be good enough to foretell your bazi accurately.

In my humble opinion, FS definitely is able to 趋吉避凶.


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My experience/comments, at this point of time:

- Bazi is very very complex, has been linked up with many "theories" at a single time. Unless one studies it systematically, from "easy" to "difficult", there is no way to understand and appreciate this divination method

Indeed. Must start from very basic and systematically up. Those who can reach and truly understand divination are the cream of the crop, very hard to find. Easily been practising 20 to 40 years already.

- Some theories are collection of wisdow, some theories are "rubbish".

- Wisdow + rubbish = rojak

- wisdow + rubbish + superstition = modern rojak caters to suit modern ppls' tastes.

Quite true but sometimes its difficult to differentiate wisdom and rubbish, don't you agree. End up probably wisdom mistaken as rubbish ;)

- From month (jieqi)of birth can "agar agar" tell one's character tendency.

- Bazi is not God. Nobody will know exactly what will happen onto him tmr, not to mention next wk, next month or the 小流年, or the 大流年. These are just "games" of prediction.

What is 大流年? Are you trying to say 大运 或 大限

- 地支's "sub-theories" have been very questionable.

Why do you say very questionable? Is it you referring to the hidden elements?

- The wuxing is just an "agar agar" concept, expaining relationships among materials, which is impossible to be "quantified".

I don't think its a agar agar concept. There are things which the human mind has not come to the stage to understand.


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But the construction of 4 pillars is structural, and I have the impression that the further decoding from there is also structural (or systematic, and therefore programmable as in Bazi Calculator).

100 babies born around the world at this very minute, 4 pillars all the same ;)

How to programme in the calculator? All have different lives and stories.

If you see one bazi master holding a bazi software or calculator, better cancel the bazi reading :dunno:


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