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Why Is The Id Industry So Unregulated?

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I've read so many posts about renovation horror stories here. The bad experiences range from poor workmanship to ID/contractors running away with the client's money. My own reno experience was also far from ideal, despite having engaged a firm that presents itself a notch up from the industry "average".

This got me thinking: why is there no regulation in the industry? Renovations are a huge market so it's not a small industry. The sums involved are also large, often in the tens of thousands of dollars. More importantly, the clients are individuals, not businesses, who may not be familiar with how contracts of that size should be done up, so they can be makan-ed if they are not careful. Very often, we just go with what the ID/contractor suggests because we don't know any better. I think typical payment schedules which demand large sums of money upfront is a good case in point. I can't think of any other industry where an individual has to pay that much for goods he has not received, and has no assurance that there's actually going to be a good in the first place (because the renos haven't started). For the large sums of money being transacted, most of the contracts are very ambiguous.

Is it really that difficult to have any form of regulation? I know CASE has a scheme called CASETRUST but I think the take-up is very low. Is it too expensive? Impractical? Or has everyone accepted this as the way things are meant to be?


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the number of new members who register and post a few post to recommend their ID/contractors are plenty as well.

basically just to self advert.

poor forumers who think they found good lobang end up may be worst off.


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the number of new members who register and post a few post to recommend their ID/contractors are plenty as well.

basically just to self advert.

poor forumers who think they found good lobang end up may be worst off.


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Well feeling that the most important in choosing I'd is the chem that the I'd gave rather then the price


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I like this topic.

Firstly, this ID field is not a profession by its nature. Thats why any Tom Dick and Harry can proclaim themselves as INTERIOR DESIGNERS. Recently, may graphic designer claim themselves that they can design house, which i find a total bull**** out of it.

I totally agree with you that it is unregulated in some sense.

Allow me to intro, i received 3 years of Interior Design education, plus 5 years in NUS architecture. And now currently working with a big company. I am not here to advertise my capabilities but as my own standpoint, i am raising my concerns for this industry's future.

Negative reviews does not mean the contractors is bad. Maybe most new homeowners does not have a better understanding of what the ID and contractors does, thus assuming a lot of issues and expect the ID to work on it. Also, some client's requirements differs from one another. Some can be simple, some is very complex.

In my 4 years dealing with freelance projects, i have my fair share of experience.



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Thanks for sharing Gilbert :D

Let me recall what was happening for the last 20 Years...

Contractor used to be very rich...atlease with a Mercedes--, agree? :good:

ID was hard to find, and they were very professional at that point of time,

i remembered the drawings i drawn were as good as drawing dollars note :good::good:

Then there comes some basket contractors whom don't mind employed some new graduate young designers to produce perspective drawings for FREE 8|

i then knew the ID market has screwed up by them.... our owners start to complain, they would rather go for Free design why not? :jawdrop:

3D Max implemented 10 years after and they have saved ID life again :bow:

.....Then another bunch of basket contractors sell them for FREE again :jawdrop::jawdrop:

up to this point of time, Friend let me tell you... if i am to tell my Client how much i were to charge for designing, i will never get a single contract in Balestier :dunno:

Today, what are the ID driving? :dunno: Taxi i think

Who to blame? :dunno: The contractors themselves? The Customers? The socialty?


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Tiler Seng,

I hear you and in fact, i could not agree more with the things you said.

The Interior Design industry has loses its respect over the past 10 years, at least. Not mainly because of picky clients or cheap perspective drawings that young students does. But is because of the freewill of accessibility of information that homeowners can obtain. The demography has changed and we now have educated people in this society who wish to outsmart any possibilities.

Young homeowners now have their own standpoints and they tend to be a little bit cocky in some sense. They will not see eye to eye over a lot of things that we, as designers, architects or ID, suggests. They tend to assume a lot in what the industry does, in the name of budget-saving.

We, as designers, need to fit with them, rather than the client fit with us and our creativity. Thats why they said creativity dies. And the whole glamorous job of designing interiors has become more than just a mere trading business, comparing "whose prices is lower and i-will-hire-you" that kind of ideas.

It is hard to find such clients now, who trust us so so much.

It is sad, i know.


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GermanneCher Thanks for sharing as a home owner.

Afterall, it's not homeowner fault, it's ourselves who spoiled the whole ID market!

15-25 Years ago, owners that has their idea will intend to go for contractors as they know the ID are not going to entertain them- but situation has changed, they want ID to implement what they want by using their ability yet designing fee are void.

Owner feel proud for hiring ID and ID were proud to serve their owner not only on work yet was profitable at that point of time- but situation has changed, god know who are the real designer...?


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