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A "scandustrial" Concept ~ Sengkang Ea

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Door pics continued...

This is a shot of the kitchen folding doors when closed. Apologies for the lack of clarity, this was taken at night with low lighting. :P Discovered that there weren't any handles on the outside, which means that it is impossible to open if you accidentally close it. Luckily they had not put up the glass panels yet.


View from the living room to the kitchen. Still missing on the wall to the right of the kitchen is our full height display cabinet.


Uh oh....big problem here. Discovered that the study room door cannot open fully! Wth.... :no: Must get contractor to rectify for sure. Btw, the packages on the floor are our lights from taobao!!


A bit off topic, but I had to lug a huge Sellena kitchen sink from my present house to our new home. So big that I couldn't even see the side mirror when driving! :dunno: Anyway, can't wait to see it set up.


Grande Punto ah


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Hi vicx1234,
Can you please share your experience with the Crestar Icol so far? Thanks!

hi there jczm, unfortunately I still haven't had a chance to test it out yet cos they have yet to put up the fan control switch and other light switches on the feature wall! :~

Don't worry I won't forget your request as a lot of people has been asking me for a review of the fan too. Guessing it's rather new to the market that's why.

Get back to you guys as soon as I can on this. Cheers.

Grande Punto ah

you very funny la bro, thought you gonna ask me about my doors instead. :bow:

Yes I drive a punto. You too? Small and zippy but useless to transport stuff haha. So for people doing reno or moving house, definitely not good .

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Your study's glass panel with black frame is so nice. :wub:As my plans is to have one as well, I am undecided if I should have just one large panel with the frame or have them segmented like you do. At the moment, I am leaning towards just one large panel to reduce the shadows being cast on the passageway but the extra segments really adds to the industrial theme.

Your study's glass panel with black frame is so nice. :wub:As my plans is to have one as well, I am undecided if I should have just one large panel with the frame or have them segmented like you do. At the moment, I am leaning towards just one large panel to reduce the shadows being cast on the passageway but the extra segments really adds to the industrial theme.

Hi how much did u pay for the black frame glass and the door for the study room. ..?


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hi there jczm, unfortunately I still haven't had a chance to test it out yet cos they have yet to put up the fan control switch and other light switches on the feature wall! :~

Don't worry I won't forget your request as a lot of people has been asking me for a review of the fan too. Guessing it's rather new to the market that's why.

Get back to you guys as soon as I can on this. Cheers.

you very funny la bro, thought you gonna ask me about my doors instead. :bow:

Yes I drive a punto. You too? Small and zippy but useless to transport stuff haha. So for people doing reno or moving house, definitely not good .

Occupation sickness... Hahaha... Yea used to... For half a yr.. After that I got the 500 for 2yrs...


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Tiling by Evorich

So Evorich came down yesterday to install our flooring for the rooms. Here are some thoughts on that:

- We hadn't thought at all about the orientation of the tiles until the Evorich installer called me up. I had to rush down to our unit to ensure that we laid it the way it should be laid, which is horizontal relative lengthwise to the unit (same as kitchen).

- The skirting was actually of a vastly different colour (see below) than the tile. When I called up the Evorich salesperson, he mentioned that it was the closest they had and everyone had used it without complaint. Any thoughts? How can it be that they don't have skirting which is at least of a similar colour? Whatever the case, we think the skirting kindda disrupts the look of the rooms so we should be painting over them.


- It appears that our contractor's tiler did not do a great job cement screeding the master bedroom where the wall had been hacked. As a result, the floor feels uneven in parts there, and creates a hollow noise when walking over. Getting our contractor down to rectify this and then relay the Evorich tiles.

- Colour of the tiles: we chose Durban Oak for the colour of our tiles and it seems that it looks very different under sunlight and particularly in camera images. Think the colour rendering of my smartphone camera is not terribly accurate, resulting in an almost purplish hue *EEKS*. The wife wasn't pleased at all with the look of the tiles when I showed her the pics, but I assured her that it would work out fine with all the furnishings in.

Does anyone else feel the same way, as in all the tiles seem out of place until the furniture actually comes in?

Anyway, more pics of our place with the tiles up.






Is the cement screed flooring diff to maintain or is it homogenous tiles that are smooth in texture?


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Greetings from HK once again (which explains my absence)! Hope everyone is having a good start to the weekend.

Hahahaha ~

I was not expecting this when I was browsing through the blog...

I will try not to turn this thread into a car discussion forum, hahaha.

Bro, get some pics of the nice sofa. :notti:

not ready yet! Sofa is in but hasn't been unwrapped cos the place is still very messy and dusty! How's your place coming along?

Hi how much did u pay for the black frame glass and the door for the study room. ..?

Hi bianzi, I just pm-ed you :lol:

Occupation sickness... Hahaha... Yea used to... For half a yr.. After that I got the 500 for 2yrs...

good choice to get the 500 :good: - did you get the gucci edition? Hahah

Is the cement screed flooring diff to maintain or is it homogenous tiles that are smooth in texture?

Hello hellonub, the flooring is actually smooth homogeneous tiles which happen to look like cement screed - it's as easy to maintain as other homogeneous tiles :good::good:

This made me chuckled as well. :D

Life is about bringing happiness and laughter to other people :D


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Just some updates and pictures taken before I left for HK. I think reno wise we are almost there - final painting is being done today and the 2nd chemical wash will be carried out tomorrow! After that we are waiting for the final piece of the puzzle to come in on Tuesday (the glass backsplash) and we are done. :jammin: Took a while to get here but I'm pretty sure it's worth the wait.

For starters, here is a picture of our MBR door with the other side of the handle up. Previously, the door people said that it could not be mounted because there was some mechanism missing, but it turns out that it was just a case of miscommunication as they didn't know we wanted the handle to be a dummy handle - meaning it's just there to look pretty. So after they understood that, all they had to do was drill a hole and then glue the handle in place.

Door is now looking good and awaiting white paint. :good:


Quartz top for the kitchen is finally in! The look is finally close to being completed, although I must say our kitchen is in desperate need for colour to avoid it from looking too sterile. :help:


Likewise, the quartz tops for the bathrooms are up, thus allowing for the sinks to be up as well. The singer sewing machine legs have not been placed underneath the guest bathroom sink yet, so I'll post pics again once it's positioned.


For the MBR toilet, there was some issue with the sink's hole where the tap is supposed to go in - it was too small, and so the guys from wasser bath had to come down to enlarge the hole. shucks. Anyway, the light above the mirror is now up, giving a really nice feel to the place when it's turned on. Very cosy as it lights up both ways - up and down. :D


Dining light is up! There was a bit of a comedic error with the placement of these lights. Our electrician got the measurement completely off! Instead of measuring 45 cm (which is half the width of our dining table), he measured the full 90 cm instead which meant that the lights were placed way too far to the right. Anyway, they have since gotten it rectified or so I hear.


Just a preview of the placement of the TV in our MBR - I have a feeling that it's going to be utilized much more than our living room TV haha.



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Another quick post before dinner - the LED lights for the living room display cabinet and MBR dresser mirror are up!




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Hello hellonub, the flooring is actually smooth homogeneous tiles which happen to look like cement screed - it's as easy to maintain as other homogeneous tiles

Saw the updates and looking good! Actually, I went to Defu and saw some tiles today. The contractor explained that the "cement screed" homo tiles would not be as smooth as shiny reflective homogenous tiles as they are not polished. Do you feel any bumps when walking in your floor?


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Looks like the reno is coming to an end soon and everything seem to be quite well made ^^

Thanks! Yup I think we're almost at the end already, can't wait to move all our stuff in and start decorating for real. Actually I think decorating could be equally challenging. :jawdrop:

Saw the updates and looking good! Actually, I went to Defu and saw some tiles today. The contractor explained that the "cement screed" homo tiles would not be as smooth as shiny reflective homogenous tiles as they are not polished. Do you feel any bumps when walking in your floor?

hmmm ours is definitely smooth when walking over, but there are quite a number of different cement screed lookalike tiles out there so maybe he's referring to a particular type that he saw before. Most if not all of the tiles that have seen are smooth though, so I don't think you'll have a problem :good:


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