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*~ Keong Bibi & Candy Fifi ~*

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Hello!8| time for us to join here... hee... have "gotten" our "new" flat at Admiratly Drive :P

Will collect keys soon I guess??? Waiting for HDB to let us knw when to go dwn to collect them.

Just can't wait! Have so many ideas for the plc goin thru our minds... hee hee hee...

Our frn will be doin it up for us so I guess reno may not be that pricey cos he said cost price... hope so ba *cross fingers* we wana keep it really simple and easy on the pocket... we most probably will 8| the walls ourselves..

Will put up photos as soon as we get our keys... we were told within 3-4 mths time... latest wld be Aug becos that's when our HLE expires... Anyway, we're not really in urgent need for the keys as yet... still need more funds ba... we dun wish to borrow that much... wld most probably be borrowing from his Mom. Thnking of 15-20k for reno n furniture... Possible? We're not gonna change tiles.. Painting ourselves... jus need to do up cabinets n walk in wardrobe as well as platform in balcony...

That's it for now.. shall update in time to come :P


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congrats on ur new purchase! do put up ur floorplan for sharing =)

waseh 15-20k for reno & furniture ah... mebbi a bit tight. are u doing kitchen cabinets and re-doing toilets?


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hmmm toilets we don't think so bah... maybe jus fix up cabinets or buy n do ourselves like from IKEA? hee hee...

kitchen cabinets a must... wana do suspended ones...

hmmm mus admit i am aware 10-15k quite tight but since our frn doin it and he did say cost price i do think it might be possible? eh nt sure bah... will be meeting up soon to discuss heh... if not then jus the basic stuff n maybe we wil DIY stuff... :)

am gonna attach some of my ideas... eh will look very amateurish la :P






sorry a bit messy... =X


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Good messy sketches... :dancingqueen:

Can you change the door openning to swing the other way? Else you might need to move the fridge to another location :sport-smiley-004: .

Edited by lifestyle

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*lol* was doodling last nite la... hee hee hee...

eh cn change becos i dont think there's a door there yet... Hee hee...

i think i shall leave the drawin to the experts aka my designer frn ba =x kekekek


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Hi.. one more newbie here.. :thumbs up:

I recently bought an EA at smbwang oso during the Apr bi-monthly.. but HDB said nit to wait 6mths to get the keys. Did they tell u dat oso, candyprincess?

6 mths is too long of a wait.. :jawdrop:

I just can't wait to start reno...


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ya... they said longest is 6mths .. buden my frn was saying will get earlier? where did u buy? maybe we neighbours... hee hee

but i think for us by AUg shld get keys becos our HLE expires in AUG wor... but we're actually not that kan chiong to get keys n start... hehehe....

i was suggesting to hubbs for us to look ard for furniture and talk to our ID who is my frn's hubbs... get our ideas down and maybe buy furniture 1st becos wana try to avoid getting them after July when the 7%GST sets it... 2% more is quite a lot lor... to me la.. heh.. if cn save dn save lo... anyway i heard that can order and pay 1st then ask them deliver later.. so maybe u might wana do that too... :thumbs up:


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Ya.. my fren oso told me can get earlier but nit to chase them again n again.. i bought block 339A..

our HLE oso expiring ard the same time but hdb said dunit to reapply if we dun get keys by then..

we abit kancheong bcoz our rental lease ending end Oct (for him) and end Nov (for me).. plus, our wedding is in Dec, so his family (fr overseas) will be in Sg.. so hoping hse wud be ready so dat they can stay over..

ya.. prob will try to buy some of the std items first b4 the GST hike.. oso sourcing for IDs soon.. sweat! so many things goin on this yr..


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Candyprincess.. welcome to renotalk.. glad to see more reno happening soon.. Yah.. try to identify the items that u want but must discuss with your ID to see if it goes with your overall deco..and buy before GST increase.. no difference for small amount but for big $$$..a loy of difference.. all the best and post picture for us.. :thumbs up:


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hey mystique - oh if expire its oki ah... hmmm okie lo... *lolx* eh ... frm the look of other reno blogs, their renos are usually completed within 2 -3 mths some r more some r less... so don't worry too much abt the flat... i do think latest wld be oct... =X but they wana fast earn our money so we wld get it earlier hehehehe have u planned ur wedding olredi? who's ur BS and where u holding dinner? AD photographer? for us it's either novotel clarke quay or furama riverfront... most likely one of these 2 bah... dn our BS is Santiago... but thing is we wil be holding it only next yr either in Feb or Sept... im nt sure if H** will let us submit cert that late or nt.. have to speak to my officer.. she's away on leave wil be back on Monday.. heh... if u wan cn always ask my frn's hubby to help u design... he wil be doin my plc... !!

Ben - arloe! Have seen ur blog... very nice rose tiles... i likeeee! lurving the transformation but not lurving the amt spent... *lolx* ur sofa looks comfy too~

today we r goin to Brighton to take a look at furniture as well as IKEA to look for ideas and get prices... hee hee

oh btw mystique - my blk is 357A across ur road that side... hurhur... near the canberra pri sch !!


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passing by for odie spamming!

congrats on ur nice place and have fun in ur reno~ !!

quite a tight budget but still can be done.. EA do need abit more for budget !!

best wishes


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thanks Odie... will try to see if can expand the budget ... Heh... i dont really wanna borrow from in laws becos im afraid next time blackmail.. *lolx* of cos i wldnt knw it that wld happen but if cn be prevented then good bah...

so funds wise i think we can go up to 20k... but of cos we stil have to think abt our wedding and all that next yr so still bit tight... shall have to see how things go... :( thanks for all the advice...

went to Brighton Furniture jus nw to take a look with Bi.. have olredi set our mind on one of their Sofas... Not too hard and not too soft.. the salesperson said inside has spring.. it's L shaped.. didnt take pics... Heh... Costs $968 promotion price... Said he can raise the back for us so more comfortable for our necks which I agree... The model is WS5183.

Also saw a relax chair which we wanna put in our cosy corner/balcony Bi says very comfy.. costs $499. Model WS 5099. Will put this on KIV list..

Also saw matresses... attracted to Dunlopillo Grandeur Luxury King Size Costs $3499. The bottom is individualized spring. The top 3 inches is latex which was pretty comfortable. So it's on the KIV list as well. Comes with mattress protector and 2 pillows. :P

The dining tables not many choices. Will have to check out other places.

Also went to see Taoist priest at Rangoon area for open door date. Gave us 4 dates. In sept & Oct. Hmmm jus realised that not sure if able to complete by then. Becos still nt sure when HDB gonna give us keys. *lolx* Anyway shall hafta call officer next week. Maybe wed bah becos Monday she back from leave. Don't wanna irritate her yet. *lolx* Monday BluesSss... :(


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The dining tables not many choices. Will have to check out other places.

Hihi, just pop by to look see look see. I love yr floor plan, seems like can do a lot!! And so nice to have a study room, balcony and service yard. These three are my must have when I was looking for a unit but end up getting a 5-rm without any of the above. :)

You can try IMM, they renovated, change the shops on the 3rd floor. I saw some nice dining tables the other day there. OM also has an outlet there and they have quite affordable classy funitures. Any look you are going for?

My hubby painted our very own first flat too due to budget. And we bought all our furnitures from Ikea. But after using for 6 yrs, I find its not really made to last. They are good for their accessories, utensils, decors I find but not furniture. But I still buying their laundry system la! Hehe~

Slowly gather more ideas, go flip magazines for inspirations.. :P

Edited by LinDa

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helllo LinDa~ thanks for the advice and tips.... :good: a lot of things hafta go scout myself for now becos hubbs very busy with work and he work's 6 day week... hai... so i gather al the data n tell him abt it.. he's mostly okie with everything... bottom line is as long as i'm happy... Heh and of cos try to keep within budget... :)

Can i ask for painting... is it very hiong? we are thinking of doin it ourselves buden ive read some comments that sometimes will get bubbles or not that smooth... of cos it's always best to leave to the experts but if cn save a bit we wldnt mind doin ourselves...

i bought ikea furniture for my own room few yrs back... still goin strong? but the gross thing was when i dismantled my study table to throw away, there were a lot of white ants crawling in the holes where the stands were connected to the table... :puke: another things is the pole in the cupboard for hanging clothes not very strong... bent already and dropped few times... so cant put much clothes and canoot put in the centre... mus push all to both sides... ZzzZZ anyway, moving hse soon! Muahaha .. Wanted to throw the cupboard away but too huge and heavy!:P have to hack it wan to throw... bleah.. but i think like u said accessories and utensils still okie bah... :)


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