Recently in the fashion realm, celebrities were seen flaunting specially customised items. From Kim Kardashian’s Hermes bag personalised with a special touch of bright finger-painting – to Angelina Jolie’s ‘doodle’ bridal gown embroidered with drawings.
(Source: Perez Hilton, US Magazine)
What’s new, you say? For a change, these aren’t the works of Lagerfeld or McQueen – but ‘designers’ close to their hearts – their own children! So how do you incorporate your kids’ artworks or interests in interior design instead?
#1: Doodles on the wall
(Source: iWall)
Tired of scribbles on paper scattered around the refrigerator door? A simple way to have your kids’ artwork incorporated throughout your humble abode is made easier than ever. Get customised wallpapers based on their drawings, for a life-sized ‘hall of fame’ for your children in select areas of the house!
(Source: FoodOpera)
Or you can opt to transfer your children’s drawings from paper to canvas. This doubles-up for quick wall décor. A classic way would be through canvas sketches on tracing paper with watercolours.
#2: A scribble-ready home
(Source: Houzz, Coburn Architecture)
Nothing will excite a kid more than having their own space to go wild with imagination! Invest in some chalkboard or marker-ready surfaces, to create scribble-ready wallpaper in play areas of the home for children to scribble on freely.
A little water, corn starch and food colouring goes a long way to a fun and creative activity for the family. Paint an entire wall in chalkboard paint, and with some homemade chalk pieces, your kids can now freely express their creative little minds in their room. Even a basic HDB flat can be jazzed up that easily!
#3: Little helpers in the kitchen
(Source: Houzz)
Purchase boards to be hung in the kitchen, with assorted stickers and mini print-outs of food (e.g. fruits or burgers) for kids to create a ‘Menu of the Day’ arrangement. For a more Do-It-Yourself version, repurpose cork material or plastic clipboards from your home office for the kids to further customise their own ‘What’s For Dinner?’ menu boards.
(Source: Dreamvision)
Or you could simply play around with classic food-related magnets to be placed on the refrigerator for children to pick their desired ‘Dessert of The Week’. It’s a quick and fun way to involve your children in deciding what they’d like to eat, while sprucing up the kitchen decor!
#4: Through your kids’ eyes
(Source: Derek Bruff)
Have a glimpse into your child’s world while involving them in the creative process! Get a Polaroid or film camera for your younger children, to take pictures of their favourite moments or their idea on what they find beautiful.
(Source: Design Sponge)
Then, form a ‘picture wall’ from their favourite shots to brighten up dull areas at home, or to even add a personal touch to household appliances.
#5: Customised lamp shades
(Source: At the Picket Fence)
Convert your kids’ drawings on to plastic sheet material, to create a customised lamp shade in their rooms, to make bedtime more fun. Embrace the child-like world of interior design with a blend of fabric markers, coloured tissue paper and stick-on embellishments!
And there you have it, fun ways to spruce up a home with your kids using their artworks in ways they will enjoy!
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