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Everything posted by rdnest

  1. wow, ur nest is nicely done up le! when moving in? b4 CNY?
  2. me love the candle holder too oso from BKK?
  3. NICE wow ur theme is modern-retro, is it? think this bubble chair is Ex de lor But cfm chop, it is SWEE
  4. sorry to hear tt not good wif words but just hope u'd b strong as ur family will need it so much now. as for the cost of long term care, hv u enquire wif the hospital? heard tt they hv social help dept/organisation available. sometimes ppl just dun noe cos they never ask. hope it will open more option for u. take care. jia you
  5. really very very nice de lor!!! love the dry & wet kitchen! Love ur chandelier too!
  6. hehehe... parents r liddat de. as long as u r firm wif ur decision. can liao. aft all it's ur love nest mah. u both must b comfy living in it. if this dun like, that dun like, how live happily? everyday see liao oso eye sore. hahaha...
  7. thanks for much! got other color or not huh? hehe... paisay ask so many Q think me go town look look myself lah. tks tks
  8. rdnest

    Rd Nest

    it can swing 180 degree but due to the constraint of my MBR space (any further will hit my bed) we fix the swing to the angle using the ceiling stopper. so how wide or narrow e swing is really up to u. if u want it to hv >1 angle, mean u will hv a few ceiling stopper lor... hope it helps
  9. rdnest

    Rd Nest

    dun noe leh, think those models we found are meant for 27" & below, i mean those can made 2 adjustable angles. think got weaker joint if take too much wt. other simple wall brackets (like to adjust up down left right only) can take bigger LCD size. me go find the picture, then u can better understand wat i mean
  10. rdnest

    Rd Nest

    thank u thank u glad u all find it nice. it was 1st tot to mimic those adjustable wall-mount tv bracket (which is usually too risky to take a size 32" LCD.) thus, e idea somehow evolve to be liddat.
  11. rdnest

    Rd Nest

    no problem. PM u liao
  12. MIA 5 days!! sure to miss ur posts le... come back soon with more pictures, YEAH
  13. hihi... really love ur lively kitchen! possible to pm me where u get that cutey knife holder and for how much? tks tks!!
  14. rdnest

    Rd Nest

    Hi folks, just took some detailed pictures of the pivert points used for our MBR TV feature wall console.. mounting done on floor.. and mounting done on ceiling.. and a 'stopper' on ceiling to hold the console in place at preferred angle.. picture 2 show the console ABOUT to go over the stopper. when angled properly, this stopper will be hidden from view. so the console is actually 'floating', not via rollers on floor. and there is a door magnetic stopper on wall to prevent console from hitting it when closed.
  15. Congrat, Pinkpetter finally can move in le. think furnishing wif curtain/blinds will hv even different effect. shall wait for ur pictures
  16. wow, pinkpetter, U r great leh! can open consultancy shop liao wow, pinkpetter, U r great leh! can open consultancy shop liao
  18. Great location! hope to see more pictures soon
  19. wow! finally can move in soon le... U must b very very excited! must take more more pic hor
  20. spam spam ur hse reno is so nice! Love ur toilets!
  21. rdnest

    Rd Nest

    No problem, will post some pic during the installation later. the console dun move by rollers but with an internal piverting pole or something. better show pic, dun noe how to say lah
  22. wow! so many carpentry items, must hv cost alot! but the WIW is so NICE de lor
  23. rdnest

    Rd Nest

    thanks I hv PM u liao.
  24. wow, lots of boxes leh, remind me of my own... but hor me slow de lor, take > a month to unpack all