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Everything posted by pinkpetter

  1. hahah confirm Jason la.. the back so familiar!!! WELCOME HOMEMASTER!
  2. whoa Your wood looks so good! And I really love that bright green!!
  3. heh the one quite handsome right? hahaha my dad not there to QC for freddy leh. But seriously speaking la.. Liew is good. He's responsible la. If you tell him anything wrong or not good he will change. But I'm not as lucky as F4... Mr Liew's workers for me.. are two small sized china workers... They came and put up the thing.. and when my dad asked to put the altar in a certain way they give a lot of excuses say this and that... then when Liew appeared, they did what my dad said. So I think anything wrong you just point out to Liew he will correct it. Check all the doors and hinges properly.. possible.. my kitchen cabinets, shoe cabinet and altar up in one afternoon... fabrication at factory took 3 days..
  4. ... mm the things you do are the expensive ones... plastering/windows/ rewiring... mm renovate kitchen and toilet means you hacking up all the tiles and re-tile? very difficult to be within $13k ba.
  5. eh? you start liao means found someone liao... they dun have lobang for windows? you have to source for yourself?
  6. ... the base can be covered by the same laminate you use for your cabinets. I've seen it being done before. Uncle will advise you best if you tell him you want cabinet like mrspiglet ba
  7. eh? no no I pluck my bf's. Like F4 I thread also. faster and cleaner..
  8. You'll never know until you try man... PD?
  9. eh if uncle say he help you box up and it's FOC then it's the box up by false ceiling thing.. like mine. cos it's ... most cost friendly... cos that's what he said and did for me also. You confirm with him ba.
  10. ya... boxup is not his job... Box up will look like my box on the right hand side to cover the sewer pipe.. if you want cabinet to cover.. will look like mrspiglet's one.. mm *looking for pic* **Edit** Mrspiglet's You see the far end on the left of the picture got one full height one? That one can open on... inside is the pipe, covered by wood and white PVC laminate.. then got some shallow shelves... This one is done by carpenter. Then got door to open and close one with matching laminate with rest of the cabinet. Mine dun have. Mine no door.
  11. Ah? no no... if it's box up it's not the carpenter's job.. is the guy who does the cornices and false ceiling... If you want to build a cabinet to cover the pipe then the carpenter do... so ah... Freddy you must decide if you want to have a box-up with wall like material (like plaster) or you want to make a cabinet to hide it...
  12. Wah I refresh only I see another 4 posts.. you all very fast leh
  13. here here Deepwhite http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?sh...c=17794&hl= Ami (who had a bad first contractor and got Henry to help) http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?sh...c=18505&hl= Wakzool also used Impress21 but dunno if it's Henry. Think there are a few from longer ago... before i was here... and i think I saw one in SGbrides. haha
  14. ya la.. he all Ah - something... only Bo Geh a bit different. LOL he special.
  15. why don't you ask.. then can slowly choose ma..
  16. Henryer dun sound nice... think... have to be Henner.
  17. ya lor.. bachelor's pad with a kitchen like that.... ultimate chill-out place... lol
  18. LOL must let people be aware ma... the Ah Di Tiler is the one we suppose to liaise with if we go Sinlek choose tiles ma.. Then the other AH Di..... Yes I think it's Mr Liew batch of people.. the people who did my house. His name is not Ah Di but Uncle calls him Ah Di... (for brother maybe? cos he's younger?) Then the last Ah Di is the one with the flashy specs.
  19. hehe Simon.. actually think your house is the third house I've read about done by Henry. Since there is a trend of good reviews.. then he must really be something right? always good to have a nice pool of good contractors who are reasonable to choose from. Good luck Jamie...
  20. I very confused with this Ah Di thing. One of the Ah Di is the tiler. One belongs to Mr Liew (or Mr Liu) and one is the the one with the white specs?
  21. haha I love the bottom most orange one. I saw these before... expensive right?
  22. mmm I think the shelf thing is ok? Cos it's still not as wide as the table right? So won't be dangerous for you. Can store more things if it protrudes out ma.. Ya mine also bellus... we don't cook much and my dad liked the white so I din bother to ask. you ask ask see?
  23. Wah the tv console and the wall really very nice!!!!