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Everything posted by bepgof

  1. I 100% guaranteed you no FSMs can meet your Basic requirements: They have no time machine. They have no crystal balls They are not magicians They are not God who perform miracle But.... They have a pair of x-ray eyes to read yr mind.
  2. Residential class doesn't dictate human behavioural good or bad. Anyway, good ppls go to heaven and the bad ones go to ****, this one never goes wrong.
  3. 1. Forget everything and don't sign anything, just return the 1k. Take it or leave it. 2. Switch on recorder in front of agent, get whatever he says and get whatever doc you have, get his ID, lodge a complaint to CEA. Get his license revoked! Why still 'play' hide & seek with him?
  4. http://www.mas.gov.sg/~/media/resource/news_room/press_releases/2014/MAS%20Unsecured%20Credit%20Rules%20Fact%20Sheet.pdf If you want to have more credit cards now, do so before too late.
  5. http://www.srx.com.sg/sell 'X-value' online foc, valuation result within seconds.......chun
  6. To me, buyer is a 'cannon' king on reno deposit. Who would place a cash deposit to a reno co, not mentioning details of reno items, When he ONLY signed the OTP stage in a HDB resale mkt? Money has future value, delay in payment towards consumed products/services/solutions w/o incur interest is the best cash flow management of course also w/o putting stakeholders relationship into the equation.
  7. Siao ppls reversed decisions. When Bishan was unwanted, gov moved some good schools there, now like hot cake. Don't be surprised gov move hospitals/temples....to near mrt stations - strategise bringing hot property to just right price. This invisible hand has the power!
  8. Redeem (refinance) yr home equity loan against other asset as collerateral first then ownership of home can be exchanged hand. Pte home exchange hand procedure completion, earlier take 12weeks, non-liquid.
  9. In my perspective, all 'Chinese' fsms MUST know/understand/apply the 'elementary level' subjects of FS, like 阴阳,四象,八卦, 五行, 天干地支, lunisolar calender(Chinese's calender system), northern hemisphere star constellations (三垣二十八宿), of course inclusive the 'cultural aspects' of the Chinese race - history, socio-ecological, religion, language, philosophy,老子,孔子,墨子...... In Bazi, ZWDS and some other divination methodologies, DOB means a 'snapshot' of particular positions of celestial bodies (everything 'freeze'), and this relative positions of NORTHERN HEMISPHERE ONLY celestial bodies influence this 'baby''s there-after life. Buts...... - Why only Northern hemisphere stars only? Knowledge know-how constraint of Southern hemisphere star constellation 'during that time' of bazi/zwds methodology invention? - What if the baby born in Southern hemisphere? The 'N' stars apply to the 'opposite' of the sphere? He who knows nothing 'doubts' nothing. To know, needs equip which takes time. To doubt which needs critical mind. No equip=no knowledge=no doubts No doubts = 'take' and apply.... Of course I know 'something' about the 3 walls and the dragon, tiger, bird and turtle/snake. You need to read, understand, digest, apply critical against main stream..... https://www.dropbox.com/s/uueoz4m7lm50jdh/calendar-talk-handout.pdf?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/0q7rdf1282qvziq/Chinese%20calendar.ppt?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/sh/biidzwlpnl8492z/AABXLahoIKFZ7UNFFihnS2Wla?dl=0
  10. All stakeholders need oxygen to breath - this goes without saying. To win a game, 1st criteria is to understand the rules of the game! The knowledge, skills and experience come 2nd. ONLY AFTER 1ST APPOINTMENT THEN TRANSACTION NO U-TURN. Don't sign anything now! Don't process anything! Get agent's ID, WRITE him/her AND to the CEA, telling you have no intention to sell and willing to refund $1k...everything in black & white. No more no less. Stop agent from 1st appointment application, if any.
  11. Intend-to-rent-out become conned-to-sell? Demand from yr parents to present those docs therat mentioned. Where got so easy to sell this day....
  12. Fundamentally, Bazi & ZWDS are ancient Chinese 'divination' methods that deploy the concept of 'astrology'. All divination means, strictly speaking, are non-FS related. He who read 三垣,二十八宿 start constellation in details (sometime they are referred as northern hemisphere stars), will realize that the is a 'palace' (where an emperor stays) encompassed by the 三垣 (should be interpreted as '3 long and curves walls"), AND the 三垣 are further encompassed by another 4 groups of heavenly celestial bodies - each group of celestial bodies when linked up formed the famous - 左青龙,右白虎,前朱雀,后玄武. EACH of the 4 groups, further subdivided into 7 groups, so total forms 7x 4 = 二十八宿 北斗七星 are some of the SEVEN stars that form the 紫微垣. The 北斗七星, when linked up, shape like a 'smoke pipe' - but ancient chinese said it shaped like a 'cart'- and the emperor takes this 'carts' to travel around! (The position of the cart's handle will change at different seasons!) if the observer is stationed from a fixed point (latitude 22 deg N and above then can see from naked eye, sorry can't see from Singapore!). So, ZWDS 'makes use' of those stars in the 紫微垣 'to interpret' one's destiny, in short. This version of divination strongly believed that 'whatever shown in sky is a reflection on earth!'. Clever? These 'stars' have many different versions of 'man-created stories'. The sky(to be specific, ZWDS interpret ONLY 紫微垣, no more no less - not interested in the remaining 2垣 and 28宿. The 紫微垣 is like a TV set with 'past, present, future' selection channels! You are one of the many actors in this 'wall'. Your DOB could be read as an emperor, a General, a commoner..... 'See' the 'picture' of this ZWDS methology 'clearer' now? https://www.dropbox.com/s/rzn4n8t4wf97ss0/%E6%98%9F%E5%AE%98%E5%9B%BE-1.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/pmpenbevdlh0qtc/%E6%98%9F%E5%AE%98%E5%9B%BE.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/1axb1g371g8shoa/%E4%BA%8C%E5%8D%81%E5%85%AB%E5%AE%BF.png?dl=0 What written are the 'backbones' of ZWDS. If one says ZWDS very chun, then ask him what are the names of 北斗七星, what 星 he 'belongs to'. If he can't tell, you can forget what he says - he says something he doesn't know.
  13. Both Bazi & ZWDS(紫微斗数) use the same 'input parameters' - DOB, with same numerical system( 10 heavenly stem & 12 earthy branch) - So, whatever starts/charts/tables/grids/palaces construction philosophy, under these 2 models, are subjected to 60-sexagenary cycle year table - meaning all up to 60 years, then reset and start all over again.... This is fundamental, this is 'kitchen' - what & where food are cooked, but most people prefer to look at 'restuarant' for decision making! Why don't you ready ancient chinese's start constellation concept? Very simply, consists only 3 enclosures and 28 mansions (三垣二十八宿). You will soon realise that 紫微斗数 use only STARs in one of the Three Enclosures (紫微垣,太微垣,天市垣) - 紫微垣 ! The 3 enclosures are used to protect the king's palace. 紫微垣 is the one closes to the palace!. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Purple_Forbidden_enclosure In this model, our DOB were calculated such that we become one of these stars in the 紫微垣 ONLY, not other 2 enclosures nor the 28 mansions involved! Why like that? Go and asked 呂純陽, 陳希夷 who lived during Song Dynasty and 羅洪先 who lived during Ming Dynasty.
  14. Was explaining the 'kua number' is merely a mathematical game or child play for killing boring time but not for decision making as to residential directions. There are simply too many numerical systems in this world, anyway, all created by human. The 10 heaven stem (10 unique chinese character) and 12 earthy branch(12 unique chinese characters) were 2 unique Chinese numerical systems first ORIGINALLY invented and adopted in the Lunar Calendar(by right should be named solar-lunar calendar, because it tracks the Sun and Moon movements together with respect to Earth's) architecture construction. The combination of both system make possible 60 sets. The 60 sets are incorporate into the year, month, day and hour structure in the so called 'Bazi' system. That is why i often said, bazi can calculate up to 60 years(一甲子) ONLY then it 'repeat' from 'beginning'. What happen if one lives more than 60 year old? - based on this premise one can 'imagine' the 'credibility' of bazi system.! Gregorian year also called 'christian year' - since birth of Jesus Christ....... why like that? Read history please. What's the implication of 'Kua' calculation method following Gregorian year? What has the chinese house directions to do with the ang moh year? What constitutes a house direction?? specifically in today's residential building technologies. FSMs must crack their heads defining 'idiot-proof' theories/explanations for convincing clients, else digging their own graves.
  15. bepgof


    Am sure she'll melt yr metal, boil the water till empty and burn the earth to chao da.
  16. Door for human entry/exit. Color to please the eye/mind for intended activities to be done in a coordinated harmonised way. If the toilet door/color serve these functions effectively and efficiently, then yr query answered. Toilet flooring white??
  17. A technical competency issue of each TC/HDB. Noise/vibration absorbers at motors/pipes/valves do help reduce noise, but $$$$
  18. 2 gang metal clay Great Hardware Engineering Pte Ltd 50 Tuas Avenue 11 #03-40 Tuas Lot greathardware2013@gmail.com Jeslin Tan
  19. All learning, to each his own, take them as if hobbies. Taichi the best i supposed Or be a WHITE Ninja
  20. Bazi definitely more than 5 elements. Bazi is a plate of 'rojak'- made up of models & theories of yin yang, 5 element, 12 earth/10 heaven branches, NESW, northern star constellation (why no southern stars?), birth-death grids, poor-wealth concept, 3 generations relationship(why just 3,not 2 or 4? )......60 lunar year in one cycle, 2hr interval..... Draw a timeline of 60 years, break the years into 2 hrs blocks.....each block consist of one 'fixed' destiny.... 60yr x12 mnth x30 day x 12 hr = appro 259,200 possible 'destinies'. Actually, just need a computer programme, key in DOB, the comprehensive destiny can be printed out within seconds! Is it that simple? Don't learn, you'll land in no where, as hobby otherwise.
  21. With OMO, not easy to hold trunking, nail, hammer.....at one time. What i did, put thin double side tape on trunking......one hand hold nail, another with hammer. Make sure steel nail, not iron nail. Application on concrete wall, i meant
  22. MCST spells clearly it is only MC's responsibility deal with COMMON property. In this case, MC is out of the picture and 2 of you must 'fight'. She needs to 'proof' the source of her problem comes from your mishandling of the 'shared property'. This never be a easy case for her to win - she needs building expert and law expert. Let her barks and take legal action if you're certain that her claimed issues not caused by you. If I 'face the music' everyday and certain that the source of problem comes from uncooperative neighbour, I would take him/her on through legal means.
  23. Believed you know the THEORY of correlationship (cause & effect) between Demand, Supply, price and substitution, in a efficient market, as well as in an 'artificial' market. In an efficient market, if a product/service is really 'good' - of real value - to the public at large, for example the 'white crystal ball' - its price would have shot up and run 'out of stock' within a short period of time - and eventually vanished!. This matches the Chinese saying 物以稀为贵. If the Bazi analysis is so good (so can strike big in life), then everybody would have 'chiong' and practiced it! Reality? Days ago, the TPV founder sued the Deutsche bank in Singapore over some $30M loss, and a FSM involved..... Out of course a bit here: Years ago I was discussing with a professor that why the interest rate (an indicator for return, as well as for cost of borrowing, a risk indicator as well as a return indicator) is low while the macro environment is highly volatile (high risk). It is against the 'high risk high gain' synopsis. You know what he has concluded about the markets?
  24. Payment terms and Delivery terms (incoterms) come hand in hand, they also associate with warranty terms. These 2 terms can be viewed from seller & buyer perspectives. Payment terms: - as simply as COD - like those transactions in hawker centers here. - xx% downpayment, remaining payment at goods/service delivery. - 30/60/90/120 days credit terms. - LC, very common dealing with Bangladesh and India - their financial systems very 'enclosed'. $ exchange hands via both banks when goods/service exchange hand in countries. 'Irrevocable LC at sight' is a very common term here. - TT (Telegraphic Transfer) - a form of advance payment - 'Top up' card payment - advance payment. - Liability damage ......
  25. We consume $ to get assets for Investment, right? Question is WHAT are the Expected Returns for the assets to be acquired? Will the assets invite more Costs,in the coming future, by maintaining them? The assumed Expected Returns meet/align with the Needs? And for how long the Returns to last? Liquidity. How easy to 'dispose' the assets getting back the principal,if any? I agree with Harry Markowitz portfolio theory that ALL tangible assets on this planet bear RISKs. We bear/absorb Risks for the Expected Returns. This action, as simple as, we defer our consumption by lending $ (say $200) to the bank to earn the interest (say 1% pa) for the $2 over a period of 12 month. Putting money in safe definitely a bad investment decision. And, at times, make WRONG decisions to absorb risks (opportunity cost,miss the opportunity) by making decisions for deferring consumption (say buying a property)..... Only the angmoh witches believe the power of crystal balls for reading the yet to happen. If this ball can really read....then, believe me, it would have been 'out of stock' long long long time ago. Chinese fsm use something like bazi to see the future. But why bazi still can't strike BIG and 'out of stock' long long long ago? Do you practice 大楷?(Chinese calligraphy)For competition? Which paper & ink are good? Your fsm is a baba?Eurasian?