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Everything posted by Angel81

  1. Ooo icic. That means will have more time for u to select ur ID and also confirm your designs and purchases. Hehe.. cool! Ya loh, savings --- >
  2. aiyo.. like that the agt is not veli truthful leh. At least that's over and ur 2nd appt next mth! So exciting. Will u be starting ur reno straight after getting ur keys?
  3. Spam chop! Congrates on ur new home! Very nice 3D designs. Love the kitchen. How come such a big switch from North to East?
  4. Morning! I tink it's the same as chronograph's. Hehe! That's so cool! hehehe... Tink I read that u gg to exercise OTP soon rite? We exercised liao, but haven give the agt all the documents yet. Hehe.. hopefully Monday nite can give him and he'll register for us on Tue. Scarly we have the same 1st appt date!
  5. 2nd to spam chop! hehe! congrates on ur new home! wao! $130k, good deal! Hope to see more pics
  6. Hee tks for the welcome and for adding me! hehe.. yeah finally become a EM owner liao. Still abit cant believe it though. May need awhile to sink in. hehe... That's the ting leh, I duno loh. From what I read here, that area dun have citygas. Even chronograph said dun have liao. But the seller said that if i wan city gas I can ask pple to install and connect the pipes. Then my hb said tat he heard tat got govt pple approach the owners to see if they wana convert to citygas anot. Duno wat is true now, so beta ask first loh. Hehe, okok. Been super long time since I've used LPG, hehe.. hope tat everyting will go well if I reali have no choice. Hahaha!! So u were downstairs to watch the show! We were there until the ge tai ended, viewing the house and then signing the OTP. Rather loud from high up leh.
  7. Haha! U mean the HK house? He dun wana sell in the end woh. hehe... I wanted to pay ard tat amt for 322A that time. But in the end owners decided not to sell oso. So wat to do, no luck to become ur neighbour and increase JE EM owners. haha.. Ya man, juz nex blk to chronograph. hehe.. Love the park downstairs, and nearby got dimsum! Yumz! Yupz, very near. So nex time wana see future kids or doggies still can drop by! Chk with u all ah, the seller said that if wana have SP gas, can get them to install the pipes. Really true ah? Although it's cheaper to use the LPG gas tanks, I kinda prefer using SP gas leh. Safe space and hate running out of gas in the middle of cooking. I rem chrono said tat that area dun have gas pipes woh.
  8. Tks Virgo! Hehe, ya loh. Finally found it, finally bot it. Now is the wait. haha... So happy.
  9. Hehe! Tks tks chronograph! L12. $420, inclusive of 35K cov
  10. Hehe! Agree with all the rest that Mock Up 1 is nicer! hehe.. But if can use own pics even better. More meaningful.
  11. Dear All, It's with great pleasure that I would like to announce that I have signed and exercised OTP for an EM last nite! Hello88, please add me to JW! Thanks! Looking forward to getting lots of advices from u guys about purchasing and renovating.
  12. Cool! Will u be buying basins and WCs? Or r u gg to use the existing ones?
  13. Hehe.. nath.adrie's layout is the best! Love the recess. Chronograph, I tried sending u a PM. But tink ur mailbox is full.
  14. on the kitchen wall tiles and table top. Very cool!
  15. Heheh.. well ur hb is right to sae dun waste money. hehe.. I tink next time mine will have to stop me from changing everything in our place!
  16. Wah.. So fast ur kitchen looks like a home liao! hehehe.. Ya, saw before EMs with showers in common toilet directly in front of the door. Ur layout very good!
  17. Oooo icic. hehe show us the amended 3Ds when it's completed for us to
  18. Congrates on ur new home and enjoy ur renos. Looking forward to more pics!
  19. Haha! Common bathroom will be used by ur guests woh! Should make it nice nice also for ur guests to enjoy when they come. Detergent etc can always store in a cupboard in kitchen along with other detergents/cleaners woh
  20. Congrates on ur new home! Redhill is really very accessible to everywhere else. hehehe.. so cool! Nice 3D drawings, I like the glass door in ur kitchen! Hopefully u will be keeping that.
  21. Hehe.. good luck on ur reno and congrates! Show us ur layout and pics k?
  22. Tink what u can do is to make ur shower area slightly lower than the dry area. I read it somewhere in the forum that some1 did that. Can't rem who le, paiseh. Tot of asking u to make a curb, but that will mean that ur door has to be higher than the curb in order to slide. U gota see whh idea suits u bah. The curb will be fine if u have a curb at the toilet entrance. Entrance curb slightly higher than shower area curb. Then wun have a slit btw curb and door, and door can slide above the shower area curb. Hehe, for mi, I tink I'll go with the lower shower area.
  23. Frosted glass sliding door? Can slide left, into the shower area. Then ur shower screen get those half screen that'll be place next to the shower head. Duno if u know what i mean. heheh