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1 Dog, 9 Cats & 2 Human Pets

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yah now i'm haven't find job yet already so tired, i wonder how can i manage once i start work!! so now i really PeiFU those homemaker, it's not an easy job loh

haha not only MIL loh, my hubby whole family anti-pets 1 ok. They always quarrel with him over this, but i dun care, my parents nv say anything y they bother. hmm if i really happen to b pregnant, i'll let hubby handle all the litter stuff, cos toxoplasmosis is the only concern. Other than that i don't think it's an issue, except my asthma la.

Yr MIL giving u probs har?

Guest room no toilet, but we actually asked my ID to do up a drainage pipe to link to our MBR toilet. When we wash up the area and bath them inside the room the water can go directly out. i try to take some pic to show. i tried all types but until today still can't find 1 i like, now back to sand.. but still searching for the perfect litter

U got net up yr windows? they also got a room by themselves ah? keke how old r they now?

my mil tat side also anti cats.. in fact anti animals.. esp my mil very scared of cats..so till now they only visit my house once.. :P ya e house chore very tired esp when u want keep their fur away so that u don get asthma.. i also trying my best so that in future my kids wont have asthma.. but i belief tat as long as we keep clean, ours kids wont had prob.. ya esp the litter thing.. i also tell mu hubby he need to learn but till now he haven.. :<

wow too bad i cant.. cos next to my room will be my kids room soon follow by their room..

u want to try litter star.. its beads.. and it remove smell of the urine and their poo poo.. it dry them so that they are not so smelly.. the only cons is its pain if u step on the beads.. but tat will depend on ur threshold of pain.. to me i treat it as massage stones lo.. if it a try its abt $8 per bag.. i change every 3 days like that to 4 days depend.. as i had 4 using the same litter tray.. i don used sand cos sands hard to removed.. beads easy to pick up. usu a few will fall out of the litter pan due to their paws trap the beads.. but it will slightly dry their paws as the beads are silicon. last time i used 2 bags for bigger litter tray n change abt 1 wk once..

according to recommendation is 1 bag for 1 month for 1 cat.

i didnt net it, but i use top hungs to allow air into e room and i only let them out of their cage when i'm around but a few hrs only.. they are 3 7 yrs old and mama 8 yrs old.. u can see my t-blog below to see them n their room n cage


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summer then we same fate la.. in laws all anti animals 1 hahaha.. to them pets are so dirty, makes us sick haha.. nowadays whenever they bring up the topic we just try to 'siam' and change topic keke

so you are the only one taking care of all your cats needs? think next time u preggie and still cleaning their litter, just make sure u clean yr hands thoroughly lor, shd b ok one. so far i'm quite lucky la.. hubby doing most of the dirty work like clearing litter.. if i go into the room i must wear mask leh, no kidding.. sad at times cos they want to get close to me and vice versa but our time together is quite short.. then everytime hug/play with them liao must quickly use the rolller remove the fur before i wash them haha

can give me the link to yr t-blog? wanna c yr cats :)

i dun like sand also, terrible, but silicon crystals doesn't work for my cats also leh..


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actually toxoplasmosis is quite rare in singapore

because we are so particular about hygiene

the only way you can get it is by ingesting an infected cat's faeces

but who so gross will not wash hands after cleaning litter pan

another precaution you can take is use those disposable chopsticks to pick up the ****

lagi won't touch the faeces :deal:


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hi frosty

can give me your curtain makers contact?

i think for that price, is quite reasonable lor.

tks :)

*pls sms to me cos i might not be able to log on here later*



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summer then we same fate la.. in laws all anti animals 1 hahaha.. to them pets are so dirty, makes us sick haha.. nowadays whenever they bring up the topic we just try to 'siam' and change topic keke

so you are the only one taking care of all your cats needs? think next time u preggie and still cleaning their litter, just make sure u clean yr hands thoroughly lor, shd b ok one. so far i'm quite lucky la.. hubby doing most of the dirty work like clearing litter.. if i go into the room i must wear mask leh, no kidding.. sad at times cos they want to get close to me and vice versa but our time together is quite short.. then everytime hug/play with them liao must quickly use the rolller remove the fur before i wash them haha

can give me the link to yr t-blog? wanna c yr cats :)

i dun like sand also, terrible, but silicon crystals doesn't work for my cats also leh..

you can try here..


i used those transparent small plastic to pick up e stool.. i found it better than using to scope..

for litter, i tried pine wood but the powderly make e floor very dirty..

i also try clay but before the clay type become solid.. already part of them on the floor.. so silicon give the less dirt on the floor..

me too not spending much time for them due to housework n my hubby nose prob.. not asthma but blockage.. i used to sleep with them now cannot.. esp my poor didi that passed away recently.. he used to sleep with me.. but when i shifted to my new place, i cant let him sleep with me.. i guess he was upset too..but i did secretly let him on the bed a few times for a very short while.. i noe he miss my smell.. but during his sickness, he had been urinating in a irregular place.. tat's y i cant let him too long on the bed.. my hubby sure very mad if he does tat.. he is like ur one cat always not urine at the right place.. now i don hav such prob cos the remaining are trained to used litter only and if i haven put any litter for them, they hold until i give them the litter.. but they scratch everywhere..

i'm eager to see ur 9 cats n a dog together.. :notti::notti::notti:


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i finally hv a chance to go to frosty's hse,...and i must say it's really NICE!!!!!!!!!!!

her cats are all sooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!


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i finally hv a chance to go to frosty's hse,...and i must say it's really NICE!!!!!!!!!!!

her cats are all sooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!

ahhh i also want :dribble: :dribble:


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how do you keep your cats safe from jumping out of windows? I am looking for aluminium or stainless steel insect screen with aluminium frame, which looks nicer and can keep my cats safe but cannot find. Most companies only sell magnetic insect screen or fibreglass which are not strong enough. I prefer insect screens than grills as they do not obstruct my view. thanks!


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