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hi ponytail!thanks so much for introducing me edmund!hes been wonderful so far:) i think having 3d is wonderful. i chose a laminate that i thought may fit the theme, but when edmund show me the 3d, i realised it was so dizzy looking

Hi Hi, you're welcome. We're all here to share good stuff. :)

The credit should go to you & your hubby.

Since collecting your keys last July, you've been real hardworking, doing a lot of leg works, burning weekends, banging walls, so at last your hard work really paid off.

I'm so glad you find Edmund wonderful to work with. :P


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Hi Hi, you're welcome. We're all here to share good stuff. :)

The credit should go to you & your hubby.

Since collecting your keys last July, you've been real hardworking, doing a lot of leg works, burning weekends, banging walls, so at last your hard work really paid off.

I'm so glad you find Edmund wonderful to work with. :P

haha..have to thank you still:) very glad to find a contractor with passion for design!! he surprised us by portfolio too:) Hope all be fine.

Today really sian..friend told me my start reno date is a 'broken month'...Thats so sad ! i did my fengshui audit and followed the date. Yet when my friend showed me tong shu and fengshui books, its really true that my date is bad for reno! Gosh....


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mmm I think fengshui should be customised for different people. it shouldn't be a one size fit all thing. If you believe in fengshui then we all have different characters so have to have things custom fitting us. Books are all general things ba. If you believe in your FSM then don't worry.


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Sales talk, price war blar...was we encountered in AB, GC, BT.

Every competitor seems to have each other's details & price, E.g GC has BT piping & use that as comparison. AB has GC copper and showed us, and hinted that GC could have changed the label. AB even have the invoice of GC and made us read the terms & conditions of GC, which does have much hidden clause.


Thanks for sharing, never thought that buying aircon need so much knowledge. :unsure:


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haha..have to thank you still:) very glad to find a contractor with passion for design!! he surprised us by portfolio too:) Hope all be fine.

Today really sian..friend told me my start reno date is a 'broken month'...Thats so sad ! i did my fengshui audit and followed the date. Yet when my friend showed me tong shu and fengshui books, its really true that my date is bad for reno! Gosh....

If you're into fengshui, then maybe you want to postphone your reno to next month, since you've already waited for so long , what is another month then. :)


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If you're into fengshui, then maybe you want to postphone your reno to next month, since you've already waited for so long , what is another month then. :)

yesh..we managed to get the fsm to recalculate. HAIZ..he didnt even ask for our bazi again..just randomly say 2 dates...

we are not very pantan kind..but since paid n c for peace of mind, didnt expect such tings to happen.

we ask y he gave us this date when its a broken day. He said..'aiyoz.where u heard one..', den say 'aiyaz after 1pm+ den not broken le..'..

y didnt he tell us that in the fast place!?! he didnt even tell us there is a thing call auspicious hr when we did our audit previously.......


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yesh..we managed to get the fsm to recalculate. HAIZ..he didnt even ask for our bazi again..just randomly say 2 dates...

we are not very pantan kind..but since paid n c for peace of mind, didnt expect such tings to happen.

we ask y he gave us this date when its a broken day. He said..'aiyoz.where u heard one..', den say 'aiyaz after 1pm+ den not broken le..'..

y didnt he tell us that in the fast place!?! he didnt even tell us there is a thing call auspicious hr when we did our audit previously.......

wah sae what kind of FSM is he???

Bo sim!!!


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yesh..we managed to get the fsm to recalculate. HAIZ..he didnt even ask for our bazi again..just randomly say 2 dates...

we are not very pantan kind..but since paid n c for peace of mind, didnt expect such tings to happen.

we ask y he gave us this date when its a broken day. He said..'aiyoz.where u heard one..', den say 'aiyaz after 1pm+ den not broken le..'..

y didnt he tell us that in the fast place!?! he didnt even tell us there is a thing call auspicious hr when we did our audit previously.......

Pet is right that FS advice in a way is unique for each person due to the bazi. Our FSM took our whole family Bazi to calculate the recommended reno date. He also use our Bazi to advise us which area is suitable for what, e.g he choose rooms for boys base on their bazi, the direction of their bedhead, the area best for them to study etc.

FSM advice to us is the importance of the day supersedes the importance of the hour, with regards to us asking him what time should we "dong tu".


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will postpone the reno by 1 wk, for piece of mind:)

my contractor says, perhaps is a blessing in disguise, we got more time for everything. I guess its true. We've been so stressed up. Theres so many things to do, to buy, to think.

Update on my pinky kitchen:

my contractor wasnt satisfied with the last choice of pink & white tiles, as it really wasnt pink enough or white enough.. SO he said he will find time to go defu lane and comb the place. But he added a veryvery cute comment "i think it is harder than buying grasshoper concert tickets"..hhehehehehehe

So i waited for a day, and the very next day, he send me a mail with the pictures..


1 & 2 are the tiles we chose last week. The cream colored 'white' tile and very light pink 'pink' tiles

3 & 4 are the tiles he found in defu lane

its definately more pink! and veryvery qiao...this was the kind of pink i tot i wanted for kitchen floor, coz its more retro..

Table top

thinking of using this white table top->


he did one in grey table top too.


Pink kitchenware


Gosh...i am so excited over the pink kitchenware!!! i almost wanted to buy them back...until i remember.. "GREAT SINGAPORE SALE" is coming....

i must be patient...


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wow congrats!! tiles 3 n 4 matches ur concept better!! i personally prefer the grey table top! so nice!

pls pls post the actual pics when completed!


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wow congrats!! tiles 3 n 4 matches ur concept better!! i personally prefer the grey table top! so nice!

pls pls post the actual pics when completed!

thanks ashes!

I must start a voting..hehe..i cant decide between white or grey....


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Both courts & harvey norman are having sale in east side today & tml:)

those who need electricals can go have a look!


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I prefer White.... matches better with the pink... and I find white not too difficult to maintain coz you can see the stains clearly...

Where are the pink kitchenware from?? super nice... I love love love love pink but other than a few pink photoframes, i don't

have many pink items in my house...


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