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Extreme Makeover @ Pandan Gardens

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Hi Mae

U've got really informative postings. Care to share your ID donny's contacts?

I've contacted some IDs/contractors and only 1 got back so far.




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Hi Mae, like to seek your advise regards fengshui. Is ok to have a red theme kitchen, with red countertop and red backsplash? Do you know? Please email me at alex.yk.see@gmail.com.TIA....


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Hi Mae, like to seek your advise regards fengshui. Is ok to have a red theme kitchen, with red countertop and red backsplash? Do you know? Please email me at alex.yk.see@gmail.com.TIA....

Hi, there

Thank you for dropping by to my reno blog.

As for the color of kitchen, in classical authentic feng shui, it does not matter what colours you used for the kitchen. However, from another school of thought, colour plays a role in balancing the 5 elements.

Let's say, if your kitchen happens to be in the NW sector, belong to Qian Qua which is Metal element, the stove itself is already not in harmony with the NW sector of the house. Therefore, placing more red colors which is Fire element, will create a havoc and fire hazards particularly stresseful if you are the male sole bread winner of the family.

Further, the location of stove in the kitchen is equally important in feng shui terms.

I therefore unable to tell you exactly if it is alright to use RED colours for your kitchen, which needs more indept understanding of layout of kitchen and stove.

Cheers, Linda aka mae29


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Hi, there

Thank you for dropping by to my reno blog.

As for the color of kitchen, in classical authentic feng shui, it does not matter what colours you used for the kitchen. However, from another school of thought, colour plays a role in balancing the 5 elements.

Let's say, if your kitchen happens to be in the NW sector, belong to Qian Qua which is Metal element, the stove itself is already not in harmony with the NW sector of the house. Therefore, placing more red colors which is Fire element, will create a havoc and fire hazards particularly stresseful if you are the male sole bread winner of the family.

Further, the location of stove in the kitchen is equally important in feng shui terms.

I therefore unable to tell you exactly if it is alright to use RED colours for your kitchen, which needs more indept understanding of layout of kitchen and stove.

Cheers, Linda aka mae29

Thanks mae for your reply...


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Quite often, people tend to have the wrong concept when what the FSM can do for them. Sharing below is an interesting article, abstracted frm Master Howard Choy's blog:

The Role and Responsibility of a Feng Shui Consultant

December 6, 2012

The role of a Feng Shui consultant, or what a Feng Shui consultant can do, is defined by what is meant by the term “Feng Shui” and “consultant”.

A consultant by definition is “a person who provides expert advice professionally” it is synonymous to being an adviser or a counsellor.

What is meant by Feng Shui was first given by Guo Pu 郭璞 in his classic the Zang Shu 葬書 and that is to “cheng sheng qi” 乘生氣 or to take advantage of the life enhancing and life nourishing qi of the environment, using “wind and water”, or the Yin and Yang forces of the land and the house as the modus of operation.

To “cheng sheng qi” is also expressed in Chinese as “qu ji bi xiong” 趨吉避凶 or “to hasten the auspicious and avoid the harmful”, that is to take advantage of what is constructive and to avoid what is desconstructive in a given situation, and this should be done on the 3 San Cai levels of Tian, Di and Ren (Heaven, Earth and Human) to be comprehensive and holistic.

In other words, the job of a Feng Shui consultant is to help his clients to take full advantage of what the natural and man-made environment can offer and avoid the pitfalls as much as possible, so his clients can be empowered physically, emotionally and spiritually, to help them to fulfil their needs.

The responsibility of a Feng Shui consultant is to assist his clients going through this Feng Shui process as an expert adviser and sometimes as a personal counsellor, in a professional manner, with honesty and sincerity (as expressed in the Chinese character “cheng” 誠).

He should establish a precise brief of what he should and can do right from the beginning and he should try his best at all times, but he is not responsible for his clients’ final decisions and actions, and this has to be made clear right from the beginning, to avoid any misunderstanding and unrealistic expectations.

Often Feng Shui don’t seem to work because the clients have unrealistic expectations of what Feng Shui can do. They think Feng Shui can do the impossible, like double or triple their income, find them a partner and make a woman fall pregnant or make them lucky and change their fate, etc. A Feng Shui consultant cannot do this directly with any styles of Feng Shui, even though he might be dishonest and tells his clients that he can do them.

What a Feng Shui consultant does is to re-order the environment in order to support and to help his clients to achieve their goals, he consults and he give expert advice, but the final outcome rests solely with the clients.

From J.C. Duffy’s Daily Blog:


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Feng Shui for 2013:

First, the negative stars:

三煞 is an inauspicious '3-Killings Star' which is in the East of the house in 2013.

If this negative star is activated, it will release some serious unfortunate series of repercussions such as robberies, loss of wealth / items, mishaps and misfortune for the ocupants and properties. (For light case, you may suddenly have problems like air-con start leaking, water pipes burst, washing machine breakdown which needs to spend money. For work, you may suddenly forgot about an important contract signing and miss the deal, etc. etc..., as well as complicated health issues and problems which may just arise suddenly.

The best is to leave the sector alone, but if it cannot be avoided, please make sure good timing is selected (day and time) before you start drilling, knocking, or renovate the place.


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Spring cleansing:

A good day to do spring cleaning today, but not for those born in the Rabbit year.

When CNY is arriving, the last thing most of us want to do is to spend one of the weekend cleaning up the place where weve been cooped up for the past one year. We will want to top our furniture with a fresh coat of varnish, remove clutters of unwanted junks- from books, essential items to clothes that we chucked inside the wardrobe, to get rid of those oversized or undersized clothes we have forgotten or do not want to wear them anymore.

That is the 'dry' cleansing.

How about the 'wet' cleansing? It is important to remove all dusts and stains. How about getting ready the basic essentials small handy cleansing equipment / tool / stuff like microfiber cloth, cotton rags, a duster with an extendable handle, scrub pads, all-surface scrubber sponges, buckets/pails, cleaning detergents / aids, etc, etc.

How about cleansing onself? A good scrub at spa, a new hairdo and of course, new clothes including your underwears!!

Happy cleansing to usher the year of Water Snake 2013!

Edited by mae29

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Feng Shui topic:

When the snake year arrives, home owners who want to commence their renovation works, please be reminded to begin knocking / hacking from the North sector of your house.


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Every year, I am a fan of Joey Yap's astrology seminar. This year, it is held next week at Singapore Expo. Friends in some other regions have attended his talk, and here are some good dates during CNY in 2013:

10 Feb 2013 12:30AM or 03:30AM

To receive the God/Star of Wealth (West)

To receive the God/Star of Nobility (Nw)

Five Ghost (East 3) This is a type of powerful wealth star. Make sure you get the E3 degree correct. Expert only please.

Good Date to start work after CNY


21 Feb 2013 06:30AM (Best) or 08:30AM (Good)

Except born in Rat year

13 Feb 2013 09:30AM

Except born in Dog year

15 Feb 2013 09:30AM

Except born in Horse year

18 Feb 2013 06:30AM

Except born in Rooster year

Edited by mae29

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Good dates for activation in 2013:

Immunity Activation (Important must activate)


27 Jan 2013 07:30AM (N2)

This activiation is to reduce the impact of negative 5 Yellow, Grand Duke, Year Breaker locations if you unknowingly or accidentally activated basically any of the bad sectors in 2013.

Wealth Activation


25 Jan 2013 12:30PM (SW3)

22 Mar 2013 07:30AM (SW3)

28 Apr 2013 01:30PM (SW3)

Relationship Activation


19 Mar 2013 07:30PM (SE)

You must sit SE and face to face talk to the person about the relationship. Recite some poetry if you like. LOL! :P

06 Apr 2013 01:30PM (N2)

This one sits at N2 and face to face talk to the person.

Nobleman Activation


17 Jan 2013 06:30AM (S2)

Academic Success Activation


28 May 2013 06:30AM (NE3)

20 July 2013 07:30AM (SE3)

Resolving Problems


(Can be health, legal or ending a relationship [no reversal once done])

16 Jan 2013 06:30AM (N2)

21 Apr 2013 11:30AM (N2)

Spiritual Development


(No direction - Look up on the sky and pray or make a wish) ;)

4 Apr 2013 03:30PM

10 May 2013 09:30AM

I like this one . Very easy to do ler... :D))

This one is a special on:

Death Door/God Activation


(If you find yourself too much in love in a not reciprocal relationship, this activation can help you make a clean cut from this relationship by using the date below. Effect will have no more feeling for that person and even forget the person name, means completely out of your life)

10 Feb 2013 12:30AM or 03:30AM (S1)

Personally, most of us wont see the need to use this date as we must learn to let go of what one has picked up along the way. Learn to pick up yourself from where you have fallen. So, if we find the learning process too painful then use this 'quick and short-cut' method to forgot the past / stop the agony / prolonging emotional suffering.


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I have rearranged the following good dates in sequence, starting from January 2013, for ease of reference:

17 Jan 2013 06:30AM (S2) – Nobleman Activation

25 Jan 2013 12:30PM (SW3) – Wealth Activation

27 Jan 2013 07:30AM (N2) – Immunity Activation (use this day to reduce the impact of negative 5 Yellow, Grand Duke, Year Breaker locations if you unknowingly or accidentally activate basically any bad sectors.)

10 Feb 2013 12:30AM or 03:30AM (S1) - Death Door / God Activation.

(If you find yourself too much in love in a not reciprocal relationship, this activation can help you make a clean cut from this relationship by using the date below. Effect will have no more feeling for that person and even forget the person name, means completely out of your life)

19 Mar 2013 07:30PM (SE) – Relationship Activation. Sit SE and face to face talk to the person about the relationship.

22 Mar 2013 07:30AM (SW3) – Wealth Activation

4 Apr 2013 03:30PM – Spiritual Development (No direction, look up the sky and pray or make a wish)

10 May 2013 09:30AM - Spiritual Development (No direction, look up the sky and pray or make a wish)

06 Apr 2013 01:30PM (N2) – Relationship Activation. Sits at N2 and face to face talk to the person.

21 Apr 2013 11:30AM (N2) – Resolving Problems ((Can be health, legal or ending a relationship [no reversal once done!!])

28 Apr 2013 01:30PM (SW3) – Wealth Activation

28 May 2013 06:30AM (NE3) – Academic Success

20 July 2013 07:30AM (SE3) - Academic Success

Dates for the second half of 2013 will usually be given later.


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Hi Mae,

Would you mind sharing with me how many metres of cables did you purchase? And the price and the name of the shop that you purchase this item?

Renovation of my EM has just started but electrical work will only come into picture after the CNY. I am thinking of purchasing a box of FO cable and let my electrician to install which I feel the cost will come down as the current quotation he gave me is $130 per point. Lastly, did you install WiFi booster? Did you have one in each room?

Thank you so much.

Edited by kooky

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Hi Mae,

Would you mind sharing with me how many metres of cables did you purchase? And the price and the name of the shop that you purchase this item?

Renovation of my EM has just started but electrical work will only come into picture after the CNY. I am thinking of purchasing a box of FO cable and let my electrician to install which I feel the cost will come down as the current quotation he gave me is $130 per point. Lastly, did you install WiFi booster? Did you have one in each room?

Thank you so much.

Hi, kooky

Many thanks for dropping by and writing to me.

The CAT6 cables are supplied by a close friend who brought a whole box over, and he took back the remaining cables. But I understand there are many brands of such cables sold at Sim Lim Square.

As for the Wifi booster, I do not install any at all. Feedback from my 'gamer' boy is that our internet speed is super fast and efficient.

Edited by mae29

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Thanks, Mae.

I read through your 55 pages of total 'face lift' of your flat and it is a job well done indeed.

There have been some hiccups in my renovation as the 1st contractor was incompetent and we have to look for another contractor. Keep fingers crossed and hopefully I can move-in to my flat in March.


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Dear Friends

Do take note of the Wealth Activation today 25 Jan 2013, at SW3 sector, time 12:30pm.

Please also take note of the next important day, which is 27 Jan 2013 07:30AM (N2) – Immunity Activation

This day is activated to reduce the impact of negative 5 Yellow, Grand Duke, Year Breaker locations if you unknowingly or accidentally activate basically any bad sectors in 2013.

On 27 Jan, 7:30am, place a big big pail of water at N2 for one month. However, take note that this day activated may cause you to become very busy, as you will be noblemen to many people coming to seek help from you. It does not matter right? Being others noblemen brings you opportunites and who knows, they may turn to become REWARD for you.

Afterall, being a USEFUL person to others, be seen as helpful, and doing good deeds to help others is a blissful act.

Edited by mae29

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