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Why Fish Tank Cant Be Placed In Bedroom

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what is the rational behind this theory? anyone care to share?

If the tank is small, may spill over.

If the aquarium too big, gonna b a hassle to change water.


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what is the rational behind this theory? anyone care to share?

For hygiene pupose, if fish tank not kept in tip top cleanliness, harbors bacterias and sometimes fishes died, smells.......


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I cannot recall the reason but the advice is cannot put fish tank in the bedroom. U can try to google up some explanation.

Take a look at this link on fish tanks in bedrooms:


It says the following:

Water in the form of an aquarium or a fish tank is not good to be placed in a bedroom. This is because fishes swimming in the fish tank do generate yang Qi and again as the bedroom is a place of rest (yin) it is not ideal to have a fish tank in the room. Even symbolic paintings such as a scenery of sea waves, or water `hitting' against coastal rocks are best left out in the bedroom.

But without any reference to fengshui, the water generating from the filter is noisy enough to keep light sleepers, like myself, awake tonight. The next day, I'll fall sick so to me, it's bad fengshui.

My bedroom should be soothing & have a calming effect for my mind to rest.

However, there are people who breeds animals, including fishes, who sleeps with them in the same bedroom. I used to know of this wierdo who knocks down his MBR & common room just to rear dogs... and he slept & eat with them in the same room. Can imagine how unhygenic it was! Even his sibling couldn't stand it.

Say, is there a special reason for you to want to install the fishtank in the bedroom?


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Fishes sleep with eyes open big big like peeping tom, want them to see you making love? Watch out, they will copy the patterns. :P

what is the rational behind this theory? anyone care to share?
Edited by bepgof

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Fishes sleep with eyes open big big like peeping tom, want them to see you making love? Watch out, they will copy the patterns. :P

Bro, serious or not?


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eyes big big, maybe not sleeping looking......copying..., fish tank is pretty noisy not good for sleeping, water in the wrong location might generate 'lan tau hua',


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Just trying to give a scientific, logical yet hahaha "rational" mah, anyway, it is true that most fishes have no eyelids and eyes open big big 24 hr a day, and they are sensitive to seasons change(temperature, light, atmospheric pressure changes). No one can stop TS from keeping fishes within bedroom. But definitely not monkey: monkeys see monkeys do.

Bro, serious or not?
Edited by bepgof

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I got no choice need to put my TV & computer in the bedroom leh... how huh?

I'm thinking about asking my tailor to make a extra large "shower-cap" cover, to pull over my LCD TV (on the wall) before I sleep at night. Aiya, duno how leh... headache :unsure:


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Most of the household has tv in the bedroom. Just cover it with a cloth when not in used.

You know, those invisible electro-static...harmful to our sleep at night.


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Wear lead-cloth and lead-helmet at all time, anyway, too much lead in blood spoils brain. Sigh, 一物克一物。

Most of the household has tv in the bedroom. Just cover it with a cloth when not in used.

You know, those invisible electro-static...harmful to our sleep at night.

Edited by godloveyou

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It is not a problem if you are keeping a few fishes in a small container or tank.

It is not about where you put the small fish tank; it is the size that matters. If you are considering of placing a huge 2 feet by 2 feet fish tank in your bedroom, then all the above comments provided here including feng shui effect have to be taken into consideration.


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Most of the household has tv in the bedroom. Just cover it with a cloth when not in used.

You know, those invisible electro-static...harmful to our sleep at night.

Oh ok, I think I can sleep without staring at a gaping hole :P


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