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Executive Living - Sofa

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sorry im not an expert in first place. and honestly i don`t want to concern what you have next because you guys keep following footstep in getting in design.

But im really curious how are you going to cover up so much of things you have said in this forum trying to get more people into your store. Sooner or later the bubble gonna burst. Im really curious how are you going to sweep your own mess.

the things you have promise is definately cost more than what you are selling in store. Example the 7 seater you always advertise on paper at $3988.00 ? using full top grain leather from italy ??

You always mention that your sales person will always tell customers what they get , and always mention about your customers is smart enough to know who to believe, but i dare to say there are many of them who really purchase from your store don`t really know what they get when deliver.

Even things happen, you will just say sorry for this and that and try to cover things up. Below is another example:

Hi El,

I have heed your advice and bought my EL half leather sofa. But when i go home and read the invoice, it states top grain Leatherette. When i google leatherette, the answers said it means artificial leather. Can you please clear my doubts?

1. Artificial leather - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


- Block all en.wikipedia.org results

Jump to Leatherette‎: Leatherette is a form of artificial leather, usually made by covering a fabric base with plastic.

If i remember correctly you did mention that its the staff who wrote wrongly and have reprimanded him for that. But if you ask any sales person in leather sofa trade, is it possible to happen it in the first place ?? the answer is NO !! The most common one at least for him to put in is 100% cowhide leather. short and simple .. For this im not going to carry on ,very sure more of this case going to come and simply ~sorry~ cover up all. we leave it for consumer to judge.


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ivank is very lucky, he paid for artificial leather and when he found out about it, he gets a replacement sofa in real leather for the price of artificial leather. :P


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Ok i saw some nice sofas from executive living. So what should i look out for when i buy from them to be put into the order form?

You only need them to write down "FULL Top Grain Cowhide Leather" on the Order Form and Invoice. If you want to be more specific, you can request them to write down "FULL Top Grain Cowhide Leather from Tuscany, Italy". Ask them to give you a free leather swatch that is of the exact quality and colour that you want to be used on your leather sofa. Get them to stamp their company chop on a sticker and initial next to the company stamp which can then be pasted onto the leather swatch as proof that the leather swatch came from them. Of course, if you can, do take a clear photo of the leather sofa if it is being displayed in the showroom. Make sure you take a close up photo of the furniture tag/label which will show the Model Number. If you do all these steps, you have basically done whatever you can to protect yourself with regards to the documentation and makes filing a successful claim all the more easier in case anything goes wrong later. :thumbs up:


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ivank is very lucky, he paid for artificial leather and when he found out about it, he gets a replacement sofa in real leather for the price of artificial leather. :P

I have not received my sofa yet. Alot of delays from my ID, due to year-end...


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I have not received my sofa yet. Alot of delays from my ID, due to year-end...

You are not alone. One of the forum members here also had to postphone his sofa delivery from Castella because his renovation contractor delayed the home renovation works for nearly 2 months.


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Received my sofa last Sat. But the length is 0.2m more than what I wanted. It maybe a small difference but it makes my living room small. Also why is the model from Zolano? What is the leather material used? Sales Order No: 20570.


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What happen to our dear friend from EL?

I think he will only reply when he has the matter sorted out first. No point for EL to post a reply unless they are able to provide an explanation and solution.


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Received my sofa last Sat. But the length is 0.2m more than what I wanted. It maybe a small difference but it makes my living room small. Also why is the model from Zolano? What is the leather material used? Sales Order No: 20570.

I suggest the buyer give a telephone call to EL to sort things out.

Nowadays, when we work, we write email to colleagues who are sitting besides us. I always told my team - print out the email , walk over to colleagues and talk things out.

Waiting for a reply from EL in forum - may not be their priority as festival are near which EL are busy or staffs from EL goes on long leave.


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Wanted to buy from EL initially.

But in the end with all the bickering from this thread, just decided to pay more and buy from Castilla instead.

Sometimes pay more but buy from bigger company gives a peace of mind.


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Wanted to buy from EL initially.

But in the end with all the bickering from this thread, just decided to pay more and buy from Castilla instead.

Sometimes pay more but buy from bigger company gives a peace of mind.

Castilla around since 1993, EL came into being only last year. Goodwill and reputation takes years to build up.


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ivank is very lucky, he paid for artificial leather and when he found out about it, he gets a replacement sofa in real leather for the price of artificial leather. :P

Hi Dave

We do not sell or deliver faux leather or synthetice leather.


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You only need them to write down "FULL Top Grain Cowhide Leather" on the Order Form and Invoice. If you want to be more specific, you can request them to write down "FULL Top Grain Cowhide Leather from Tuscany, Italy". Ask them to give you a free leather swatch that is of the exact quality and colour that you want to be used on your leather sofa. Get them to stamp their company chop on a sticker and initial next to the company stamp which can then be pasted onto the leather swatch as proof that the leather swatch came from them. Of course, if you can, do take a clear photo of the leather sofa if it is being displayed in the showroom. Make sure you take a close up photo of the furniture tag/label which will show the Model Number. If you do all these steps, you have basically done whatever you can to protect yourself with regards to the documentation and makes filing a successful claim all the more easier in case anything goes wrong later. :thumbs up:

Hi Dave

We can write or put whatever things we want and not get into trouble. However we do not want to do that. In business it is the trust and faith that counts. You can always doubt and when in doubt do not buy. If you thing our products are value for money then go for it. Did I make myself clear?


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