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Mansionette Owner

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Question: Is it possible to ask the seller to rebuild the store room cos they hacked it away?

But now that we already confirmed the purchase, still possible? :unsure:

By the way, anyone changed their staircase railing before? How much does it cost, roughly?

Thanks in advance! :D


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Agree it's a bit steep but we like the unit and its only 5 mins walk to MRT so we went ahead! :)

We were also thinking if changing the railings will affect the flooring....

Now that you mentioned most likely will need to hack the flooring :jawdrop: Expensive!

Wah asking for 40K cash? I would think that seller is not very sincere :unsure:

We manage to get it at valuation -- 470K :)

Wooot... opp MRT.. hahaha that 555.. i dink nid walk 15mins ahh ...

no wonder oni 360..

me "got eyes no tarzan.. "

Opp MRT de $$ better in event.. IF u wanna rent it out...

ur balcony is the one next to the living room de right ?

or is it at the end of the living room de?


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Question: Is it possible to ask the seller to rebuild the store room cos they hacked it away?

But now that we already confirmed the purchase, still possible? :unsure:

By the way, anyone changed their staircase railing before? How much does it cost, roughly?

Thanks in advance! :D

If your seller obtained permit(approved by HDB) to hack the store room then you will have to accept as it.

Railing is going to cost you, most material use are WI(2.8k), stainless steel(>4k) and concrete wall(no idea). I did not changed mine, just paint over with WI paint, looked as new. But if you have the budget, go for stainless steel.

Agree it's a bit steep but we like the unit and its only 5 mins walk to MRT so we went ahead! :)

We were also thinking if changing the railings will affect the flooring....

Now that you mentioned most likely will need to hack the flooring :jawdrop: Expensive!

Wah asking for 40K cash? I would think that seller is not very sincere :unsure:

We manage to get it at valuation -- 470K :)

At the time when Hiera viewed the EM probably 6 months ago, it was val at 360k + cov 40k = 400k, the only difference is your don't get to fork out cash, everything take loan. 400k could be the price the seller needed to break even. At time like this, some units are selling below val, the seller would be very happy to sell at 470k.

Edited by chronograph

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Chrono, I din its the difference in Location bah?

i tried walking from my hubby's camp to the mrt.. nid about 15mins...

hers is opp mrt.. so .. nearer.. cost more lor...

BTW.. when u coming up to see the change in the house from the day u last saw it?

Hahha.. we gave it a darnn good scrub.. the flooring from black (at least, brown), turn light blue....


btw wanna ask u.. that day when u saw my unit.. were u inform that another unit along the same level was on sale as welll ?


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Chrono, I din its the difference in Location bah?

i tried walking from my hubby's camp to the mrt.. nid about 15mins...

hers is opp mrt.. so .. nearer.. cost more lor...

BTW.. when u coming up to see the change in the house from the day u last saw it?

Hahha.. we gave it a darnn good scrub.. the flooring from black (at least, brown), turn light blue....


btw wanna ask u.. that day when u saw my unit.. were u inform that another unit along the same level was on sale as welll ?

Yes, i'm aware that it is near MRT, most probably up by 10 to 20%. It has been a while when u lasted viewed the 555 val must have went up for both. The thing is why the 40k is to break even. Just like your EM, when i last viewed it, it was val at 375k + cov 50k = 425k, and few months later you bought it at 425k? That's the price the seller needed to break even lor.

I gave your unit a pass cos the amount of cash involved is just too much, 50k + 18.75k(bank loan so 5%) = 68.75k cash, not forgetting agent fee and reno $$, est about 120k.

U inviting me to your place? :notti:

Yes, there were a couple of units on sales on the same floor. I viewed them all. I have made offered with 360k val + cov 43k for the corridoor unit as it was well reno and maintained, marble/granite flooring and parquet. Basically move in. But the seller wanted 450k.... so i passed. :(

Is the unit still on sales?

Edited by chronograph

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Yes, i'm aware that it is near MRT, most probably up by 10 to 20%. It has been a while when u lasted viewed the 555 val must have went up for both. The thing is why the 40k is to break even. Just like your EM, when i last viewed it, it was val at 375k + cov 50k = 425k, and few months later you bought it at 425k? That's the price the seller needed to break even lor.

I gave your unit a pass cos the amount of cash involved is just too much, 50k + 18.75k(bank loan so 5%) = 68.75k cash, not forgetting agent fee and reno $$, est about 120k.

U inviting me to your place? :notti:

Yes, there were a couple of units on sales on the same floor. I viewed them all. I have made offered with 360k val + cov 43k for the corridoor unit as it was well reno and maintained, marble/granite flooring and parquet. Basically move in. But the seller wanted 450k.... so i passed. :(

Is the unit still on sales?

That Unit has a val of 400k.. and wanted 25k cash... But that time when i viewed it.. the owner wanted some 'undertable' ... so we din buy lor...

its sold le.. at 400kval + 20kcash... but its left empty... the owner is looking for quotes.. I asked her in.. but she din come in lehh...

still waiting for her

When I bought my unit... the Val shot up to 425k.. he already gotten what he wanted le...

Paid him 425k + 10k ...

He dao zhuan 10k bahhh

the diff in val is too big ...

but its good for us younger couple for cash in hand is very important =(

10k compared to 40k.. *sweat*

Now i m still saving for reno...

Haha... Actually my unit.. looks very different from the time of viewing and handing over..

I m still very satisfied with my extensive floor scrubbing.. HahaMy floor is Light blue instead of ermm.. brown..


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Wooot... opp MRT.. hahaha that 555.. i dink nid walk 15mins ahh ...

no wonder oni 360..

me "got eyes no tarzan.. "

Opp MRT de $$ better in event.. IF u wanna rent it out...

ur balcony is the one next to the living room de right ?

or is it at the end of the living room de?

Haha but we are going to stay there for long. Not intending to rent out :)

Yap, balcony is kind of next to the living room. When u step inside the house, cannot see the balcony directly. :D

If your seller obtained permit(approved by HDB) to hack the store room then you will have to accept as it.

Railing is going to cost you, most material use are WI(2.8k), stainless steel(>4k) and concrete wall(no idea). I did not changed mine, just paint over with WI paint, looked as new. But if you have the budget, go for stainless steel.

At the time when Hiera viewed the EM probably 6 months ago, it was val at 360k + cov 40k = 400k, the only difference is your don't get to fork out cash, everything take loan. 400k could be the price the seller needed to break even. At time like this, some units are selling below val, the seller would be very happy to sell at 470k.

Wah the railing alone is soooooo expensive! Got to really consider about it first.... Hmmm...

U came across any EM selling below valuation??

I went to view many many units but none was below valuation. At least at valuation. We did try below valuation actually. One agent told us EM stopped production so less likely to sell below valuation. And my agent said that my unit is very near MRT, so there is demand, so even more unlikely. :(


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Haha but we are going to stay there for long. Not intending to rent out :)

Yap, balcony is kind of next to the living room. When u step inside the house, cannot see the balcony directly. :D

Wah the railing alone is soooooo expensive! Got to really consider about it first.... Hmmm...

U came across any EM selling below valuation??

I went to view many many units but none was below valuation. At least at valuation. We did try below valuation actually. One agent told us EM stopped production so less likely to sell below valuation. And my agent said that my unit is very near MRT, so there is demand, so even more unlikely. :(

Hmmm.. There is a unit i called an enquire b4 which agree to sell a little below val..but the thing is:

val = 400k

report selling at 360k

they wan under table of 30k

so complicated...actually.. EM rather hard to sell away... as compared to other types


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That Unit has a val of 400k.. and wanted 25k cash... But that time when i viewed it.. the owner wanted some 'undertable' ... so we din buy lor...

its sold le.. at 400kval + 20kcash... but its left empty... the owner is looking for quotes.. I asked her in.. but she din come in lehh...

still waiting for her

Oh, the val went up 40k over 6 months, fare enough. At that time, they wanted 90k cov, how to buy? If it is 400k val, i will be torn apart from BB or my current EM, to choose move in cond but no view and no wind or to choose high floor with view and windy? Ha... never mind, already bought my.

But i must said the buyer is really lucky. Frankly i like the reno so much that i offered straight 40k before the val is out. Too bad it is not fated to be mine.

When I bought my unit... the Val shot up to 425k.. he already gotten what he wanted le...

Paid him 425k + 10k ...

He dao zhuan 10k bahhh

the diff in val is too big ...

but its good for us younger couple for cash in hand is very important =(

10k compared to 40k.. *sweat*

Now i m still saving for reno...

Haha... Actually my unit.. looks very different from the time of viewing and handing over..

I m still very satisfied with my extensive floor scrubbing.. HahaMy floor is Light blue instead of ermm.. brown..

Yes, better save now, sorry to say that your EM is not maintained by the ex-owner and also alot of things need to go...... est your reno cost easily 50k.

Haha but we are going to stay there for long. Not intending to rent out :)

Yap, balcony is kind of next to the living room. When u step inside the house, cannot see the balcony directly. :D

Wah the railing alone is soooooo expensive! Got to really consider about it first.... Hmmm...

U came across any EM selling below valuation??

I went to view many many units but none was below valuation. At least at valuation. We did try below valuation actually. One agent told us EM stopped production so less likely to sell below valuation. And my agent said that my unit is very near MRT, so there is demand, so even more unlikely. :(

At the time i'm hunting no.


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That time when I was searching for EMs, I saw those EMs opp Yew Tee mrt ard 500k plus. Almost the same as bt batok opp west mall or toh guan there. Super x. So 470 val is quite alright liao. :)

Hiera.. Wah!! From brown tiles can change to light blue after scrubbing???? :bow:


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That time when I was searching for EMs, I saw those EMs opp Yew Tee mrt ard 500k plus. Almost the same as bt batok opp west mall or toh guan there. Super x. So 470 val is quite alright liao. :)

Hiera.. Wah!! From brown tiles can change to light blue after scrubbing???? :bow:

The EM opp West Mall (blk 12X) is about 600k..

500k de is at block 14X de...


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Hiera, your EM level 2 is parquet?

I remember ceramic tiles on level one, should be blue based but covered with dirts making it like brownish blue.

The EM opp West Mall (blk 12X) is about 600k..

500k de is at block 14X de...

Yes, somewhere around that price. When i was looking, 12x val was between 420k to 470k. I saw one at 120, 14th val 465k, seller asking for nothing less than 550k. It is designer reno. Wonder if it has been sold.


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Hiera, your EM level 2 is parquet?

I remember ceramic tiles on level one, should be blue based but covered with dirts making it like brownish blue.

Yes, somewhere around that price. When i was looking, 12x val was between 420k to 470k. I saw one at 120, 14th val 465k, seller asking for nothing less than 550k. It is designer reno. Wonder if it has been sold.

Hiera... take some pics and post ur bluish tiles up. Should be quite interesting on how intensive the scrubbing can get!!


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Hi anthylau,

Is that a qns for me? :P Not too sure cuz it's in a quote, or if it's sth I wrote or... *scratch head* :P

If it's for me.. Hee.. My house still renovating! But almost done liao bah. Handover is end of next week! :dancingqueen: Can chk out my reno by clicking on my signature. :)

Yeah Angel, its for you ...

Hmm the pictures didnt seems to load , probably my connection is slow, will try again later to see your house pix man ... :P


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Yeah Angel, its for you ...

Hmm the pictures didnt seems to load , probably my connection is slow, will try again later to see your house pix man ... :P

Hee... So how's ur new place? I'm very excited now, cuz it's just 7 days to handover and 10 days till moving day! :P


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