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Money $$$ Not $$$ Enough Blog

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go measure how BIG you want your calligraphy to be - then take the measurements and go to chinatown.

first junction after you walk out from the chinatown mrt exit - there is a china ah pek doing calligraphy, go into the shop(own by locals) and ask them how much. (shop selling lots of funny funny antiques.)

hello mace,

okie, thanks i will go and find. but i need him to write 100 times leh.. keke... how old is this ah pek?? later write until hand shake. :dancingqueen:

anyways, if too ex, i will not get someone to write this out for me specially, juz find one that they sell outside (but so far never see nice ones). it is juz for a "yi(4) si(4)" to place this on a particular wall... as advised by my fsm. :D


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hello mace,

okie, thanks i will go and find. but i need him to write 100 times leh.. keke... how old is this ah pek?? later write until hand shake. !!

anyways, if too ex, i will not get someone to write this out for me specially, juz find one that they sell outside (but so far never see nice ones). it is juz for a "yi(4) si(4)" to place this on a particular wall... as advised by my fsm. :)

frankly, i have yet to see one( bai fu tu ).

2 mths back i enquired the price to write a Dui Lian - total 7 x 2 = 14 characters on 2 separate sheets of xuan paper roughly 1 metre tall. the boss quoted me $55 nia. boss very friendly though.

it's just opposite the kopitiam - cant remember the shop's name.


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frankly, i have yet to see one( bai fu tu ).

2 mths back i enquired the price to write a Dui Lian - total 7 x 2 = 14 characters on 2 separate sheets of xuan paper roughly 1 metre tall. the boss quoted me $55 nia. boss very friendly though.

it's just opposite the kopitiam - cant remember the shop's name.

*gasp* if u paid $55 for 14 characters, meaning roughly $4 per character, i may have to pay almost $400 for mine? moreover, i think since there are 100 characters and have to write really quite small, its even more difficult. i think i better find a mass produced one :sport-smiley-004: cannot afford to blow $400 on this thingy. lol.. even if can afford, i doubt i would want to. keke..


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*gasp* if u paid $55 for 14 characters, meaning roughly $4 per character, i may have to pay almost $400 for mine? moreover, i think since there are 100 characters and have to write really quite small, its even more difficult. i think i better find a mass produced one :P cannot afford to blow $400 on this thingy. lol.. even if can afford, i doubt i would want to. keke..

no harm checking out.


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think mace didi one more expensive coz he wanted xuan paper wor

if use normal paper will be much cheaper

not to mention the size of the paper - 1m tall

if you go for those 'regular' sized normal paper, think it'll be much cheaper :P


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think mace didi one more expensive coz he wanted xuan paper wor

if use normal paper will be much cheaper

not to mention the size of the paper - 1m tall

if you go for those 'regular' sized normal paper, think it'll be much cheaper !!

think xuan is the very basic....unless phoenix wanna provide foolscrap paper to the ah peh. :lol:


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hehehe last time my place always got pple write those CNY things, they use those red-dyed paper

that's what i call basic !!

those uncles write 'jia shu' for pple somemore

but now with the upgrading going on, all no more liao :lol:


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hehehe last time my place always got pple write those CNY things, they use those red-dyed paper

that's what i call basic :lol:

those uncles write 'jia shu' for pple somemore

but now with the upgrading going on, all no more liao :sport-smiley-004:

yaya..last time your place many many such "stalls", 1 table and 1 chair thats all.

best part is - the senders(sg) get the ah pehs to write the letter and send to china, but when reach china - the relatives will bring the letter to YET another ah peh(sometimes villager head) to translate. !!


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A Merry Christmas to all who read this post :notti:

MERRY Merry Christmas to everyone here too!:sport-smiley-003:8|

(haiz... but my this yr christmas really not that merry.. stressful christmas more like it! due to the whole reno planning thing. :dancingqueen:)


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MERRY Merry Christmas to everyone here too!;):(

(haiz... but my this yr christmas really not that merry.. stressful christmas more like it! due to the whole reno planning thing. :P)

aiya...time will past and soon you will be enjoying your newly renovated house.


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Dragon Ball Urn - 龙珠缸


相传在清朝道光四年,直隶豫鲁遭受了百年不遇的大早。那真是河溪断流,田畴龟裂:赤野干里,饿殍万家:舌急的奏折如雪片般地飞到了朝廷。道光里帝诏见文武面官进行"廷议",众臣一致恭请呈上天驾亲临大坛祈雨。有位掌管天文历法的饮天监正极力推荐白云观的张太乙真人,说其"深恬玄机,必有良策"。道光皇帝也是急病乱投医,立即令张太乙进宫"觐见 "


《赤松子》文曰 '进飞得地,云地聚会,君臣燕善,举动有制'。微臣夜观大象,当在七七四十九天之日午时三刻,正值天地九龙风云际会。呈上可令景德镇御窑厂烧制九口五龙瓷缸,贮五湖四海之水。圣躬祈祷,届时缸水能溅珠花,缸触能生龙呤,里大必降甘霖,大功定告成功"。里帝听了,立马急发八百里明诏,令御窑厂限期制缸进御。



Black Vase with gold dragon artworks.



Round porcelian Vase with half matted/half gloss.



all from 景德镇


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Went to watch AVP2 on eve.....haiz waste time, lousy sequel with NO storyline no plot no nothing, just shoot, rip human/aliens apart...bla bla bla...a total disappointment. :P


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hahaha, this remind me of another money saving tips

only watch action movies in the cinema, the rest can buy dvd and watch at home

to save more money, get like-minded pple and share the dvds :P:)

i only catch action movies in the cinema, or when i want to have the 'watch-movie' feel

other times, i'll just buy dvds to watch

but don't buy pirated hor, the quality is not worth the money paid !! :(:)


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