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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/28/2014 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Hi, do you mean this? http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?id=8615299891 Actually i got this seller link from one forummer and i think he has installed without any issue. Happy shopping.
  2. 1 point
    This is the ventilation window I am talking about.
  3. 1 point
    So excited.. I got my 3D design from my ID already. Simple & delicate. Love the ceiling cuz it's not L box. My integrated bedside table is also cool. I find my kitchen too white. So will be changing the countertop to black quartz. My hood is chimney style so I wont be covering up my hood with cabinets. BANKAI! The walls are actually dark greyish colour instead of black. (I checked with him) Here are my 3D pictures: Living Room Living Room (facing dining area) Master Bedroom Kitchen
  4. 1 point
    hi, can quote me for panasonic and starmex system 4 pls. cheers
  5. 1 point
    I feel you should get solar film if your house is East West facing. Best to go with reputable company like 3M and etc.
  6. 1 point
    Hmm.. he mentioned to me that bases are inclusive in the haulage. installation of bathroom accessories & plumbing works also inclusive.
  7. 1 point
    Blogging from my mobile while on a gym cycling machine now... Haha don't judge. I need to keep moving my left knee on low resistance motion to regain my range of motion since my ACL reconstruction surgery 2 months ago... So might as well save time and blog as well.. Anyway here goes.... Quotation - what can I say... I cannot be any less direct when I say that #CalvinTan is the CHEAPEST of all the IDs that I compared with.. (see above post for comparison with other IDs that I met) I honestly think that I am doing quite a lot of works.. And my quotation came up to 35.5k only.. And it would've only amounted to 29k if not for my solid wooden bench and the ceiling feature that I'm planning to do to spice up my Scandinavian theme! (provided my fiance approves.. Heh Heh... Anyway "fiance" shall be referred herein and after as "CFO" - Chief Finance Officer) Another ID quoted so much for quartz kitchen counter top.. For #CalvinTan, it was just a small fraction more expensive than solid surface top.. So obviously we are going for quartz! Happy happy.. I hope #CalvinTan doesn't take this as a cue to increase his price, but honestly, my experience with other IDs is that my fiance and I were trying so hard to remove items from our quotation to fit into our reno budget... AND NOW, #CalvinTan quotation is so unexpectedly cheap that we are planning to add even more aesthetic items into our quotation!! (such as: - quartz top for master bathroom sink - overlay master toilet Wall tiles - ceiling feature white beams - solid wood bench with woody grains.. Yum yum.. - white wall tiles with grey grouting overlay for exposed kitchen walls - full kitchen carpentry! - Complete false ceiling coverage for living and dining area - wooden trimmings for my hdb window frames to cover the ugly aluminium white.. - Even a nice glass door for my kitchen with modified handle to wooden type to spice up Scandinavian theme...) And yes, my quotation is alrdy inclusive of a sample size of electrical points (totalling about 1.3k).. Which usually other IDs don't even include into their quotation. So actually, my quotation (when comparing with other IDs) is only 27.7k!! Also, no GST! Can you believe it! NO FREAKINGGGGGG GST! Hahahahahahaahahaha I really feel like my friend and I unearthed a gem.. I would be happy to share his contact and my quotation.. Just reply here and I will get to you as soon as I can.. Good things must share. Hahaha.. More posts coming up about his designs, personality & my other concerns!! Cheers people
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