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Everything posted by pinkpetter

  1. POSTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. I didn't also.. give and take a little ba. I doubt it differs a lot...
  3. ahhh ok. mm but the current condition doesn't look too bad. But since you guys have your own design... then it will definitely rack up some costs...
  4. eh eh eh eh *ear itchy again* today so busy at work no time to come in and see at all.. then see this thread FLOODED! lol nono me nothing la.. GND = girl next door ah? lol PD... I lend you tweezer... I pluck out my bf's facial hair when he oversleep.
  5. WAH looks good and I love the laminates your wife chose (tell her tell her) SUPER NICE!!! *envious* Quick give us more photos... SEeeeeEEEeee
  6. mm your kitchen glass door also has a glass in the top panel? nice! usually see hollow block on top.
  7. *whispers to pridilaw* see see you better be careful ah... Wait you suddenly see a very very tall person at the door! climb over gate and crash through your front panelled glass... then become the first to use your GUEST ROOM! haha
  8. mm? the prices are from IDs? or Contractors? Have you tried Yeak/Henry/Soon?
  9. YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY SO HAPPY and I get to meet Elder Goh for real... err how you all call Elder Goh when Uncle Soon is around ah? Come la Come la Come la.. You better rest hor... so long liao still not completely well.. Now doctors can give 7 day mc... mm No wonder ear itchy. Applicants who have been rejected need not apply again. hahahah
  10. wah seems to be progressing well. Just noticed that your balcony is rounded.. super hard to tile!!
  11. mm agree that wardrobe ending in the middle a bit weird. but that's just me. the two mirror options from you and your hubby seem good...
  12. Wah I also like that effect leh... I don't know can do without topup... *sad*
  13. mmm just fyi... Overlaying is definitely cheaper and is a viable option if the old tiles are stable and in good condition. if the old tiles were of poorer quality or not laid properly they might pop or crack, damaging the new tiles laid on top of them. Also overlaying wall tiles.. if not done properly will cause the new tiles to slip cos it's much harder for the cement mixture to stick to tiles then a rough wall.
  14. wow your plan looks good really. Since you have the design in mind.. why not look for contractors/sub-cons to do?
  15. welcome!! I think that price for a full height one is ok..
  16. LOL f4 very clever sia... mm seems like a good mop leh... Ivy quick try liao tell us!
  17. Good that uncle shuang kuai to do the thing for you. I'm glad for you. Though it might not be going as fast as we all hope (cos we want to see your house also...) but at least things will be rectified. Hope everything will be smooth from now on!!
  18. mmm Please pay your agent during 2nd appt only. Some collect earlier then start to disappear and don't care towards the 2nd. So pay later better.
  19. whahahah your girl very busy... LOL can see...
  20. WHOA... oogle oogle oogle! Nice stuff there!
  21. ya I think just tell Uncle and he will know instantly one. Better than we all think think. hehe
  22. haiz... true enough.. anything and everything can go wrong. ME TOO! for a long time now.. Will definitely be over... I think it really depends on area.. Someone received the breakdown within a week of enquiring. HAIZ. But since you've waited for 3 weeks then... shouldn't be too different from mine. SAME! When I finally got the house.. I opened the letterbox and found A LOT OF MY letters already inside... apparently there for weeks! haiz HDB ah HDB...
  23. Ya lor.. now already page 14... lol
  24. Yup i think should speak to him too.. mm jia you!