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Everything posted by Angel81

  1. Oooo! Super cute little Hiro! All white some more
  2. Very nice! Especially with the before pics, can see all the improvements that you have added.
  3. Wah seh! Still got one more package! Hehe.. Tink next time ur sure need more space for her collection! hehe.. Haha, Japan has lots of interesting stuff. So far only heard of pple gg BKK to buy househole stuff. Cool.. next time we go Japan I'll know what I can get!
  4. Wao! U have tiles in ur MBR? hehe.. so interesting! At first I thought it was wallpaper, but wonder why got those grout lines, so took a closer look. hehe.. Hee... so when are the furniture coming? Can't wait to see the pics with the furnishing. Sure very nice!
  5. I tink it will be very nice! And some more it wun dirty as easily as white floor tiles.
  6. Congrates on ur new place! Keep the pictures coming for us to
  7. Wao! Ur house got lots of cute stuff! I like the duckie "kiaps". So cute. hehe.. Ur wife muz really love pigs, even one of the chopping board is a piggie. hehe.. btw, how come ur need so many chopping boards? I like the orange chopping board, but it's rather expensive right? I saw it was selling at $45.
  8. Oh my! Another house using Lollipop! Love this colour! It really turns out very nice. hehe, good choice I like the champagne one as well.
  9. Aiyo!! Hide such a nice design? That ID ---> So in the end, did you design anything at that wall? Can't wait to see the pics! hehe..
  10. S$40???? Mai Dan Liao!!!! (Wait no longer!) Go for it! Oooo... I love those kind of crystal spiral lights! If can find cheaper ones, must buy! Hehe.. Will make a very nice feature somewhere in the house. Hehe...
  11. Hi! Congrates on your new place! I like the bathroom too. Nice!
  12. Wah... with all the ideas u have for ur new house, I'm sure it'll turn out to be very cool! Can't wait to see the pictures.
  13. Spam chop and congrates on ur new place! That's a very nice 3D drawing. Where's ur new home?
  14. Oooo! Congrates on ur new home and looking forward to your pics!
  15. The light looked rather common until the light is switched on. And then it's very nice!! Go for it!
  16. Congrates on moving in to ur new place! Hope to see more pics after u have settled down. Please check ur PM!
  17. Arh... No wonder why the floor plan stated "Future Room"... I was like ... Hehe... Seems like a challenge, but I tink it should be very interesting to play with the odd shaped corner. Can make lots of interesting nooks for relaxing! Enjoy ur reno!
  18. Congrates on ur moving in! How's everything so far? Sure got lots of cleaning to do. Hehe.. settle down fast and show us ur pretty place!
  19. Wah! Gota wait for quite awhile for more pics leh. Hehe.. Hope that everyting will be smooth smooth, so that ur wife wun get headache having to solve the pblms all by herself.
  20. Wao! All those works within 15k? Not bad. Hehe! All the best to ur reno!
  21. Nice toilet tiles and mosaic! Good choices!
  22. Hehe.. get those tiny sinks that can put in the corner one loh. I saw before got those triangular sinks that can fit into a tiny corner and wun take up too much space. Looks cute as well. hehe
  23. Huh? Toilet no sink, how to wash hands etc? Hehehe..
  24. Good to read that ur problems have been solved. Enjoy ur new home!