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big orange

Bedok Central

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hey orange,

clicked on the link of that ID but there isnt any contact person or number to call...

i was just wondering if they are those contractors sitting under the void deck

yoz.. try this Defong website..

those contractors sitting ard one.. claim themselves from watever ID coy are craps.. they don noe hw to design, u tell them wat u wan.. they do for u.. but if they do out another thing den u will have to suck thumb ba.. :bangwall:

i went to c their showrooms(bedok central) on Mon.. all not ideal to me.. etc.. design veri 'lao' style.. :P den somemore can quote me 20k above for simple reno.. wa kao.. NO hack wall somemore...

den one of the contractor uncle badmouth the other contractors... vying for biz.. haha.. Forget all the ID coy names liao..

but neber saw Defong ppl there.. can go and see their workmanship and etc...

Edited by yokoyoko

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So which one will be a better brand for in term of reliabiltiy and cost/energy saving ? Looking at sys 3 or 4.

Advice? :notti:

Look for COP as that seems to be the only performance efficiency [PE] parameter aircon manufacturers publish for local buyers. There are other PE parameters such as EER & SEER, which are used by EPA for evaluation but these are not released by the aircon manufacturers for local market.

Installation & workmanship are paramount: U can buy a 2nd hand aircon system and have it work with impeccable installation.

But without quality workmanship, even an igloo would melt.

I started on this renovation project just like anybody else: a total blue nOOb - know NUTS about home renovation & furnishing.

I'm still blue, still a nOOb now but armed with slightly more information I obtained from endless research, understood & internalised.

Research - that is the best advice. In this aspect, Google is your best friend online. Armed with adequate relevant information, the next step is to see, touch & feel the choices. The more time u spend on research, the less likehood u run into problems, even though it will not prevent problems.

You reap what you sow. There's no free spoon in this world.

Edited by DSA

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i went to mega discount store 2 weeks ago.. when i asked the sale guy whether to choose inverter or non-inverter, he mentioned that if u are a light user(mainly for night use - sleep) den go for the non-inverter.. cos inverter wont save much if u are onli using for the night. (i mean for those bad sale men they will psycho u to buy sys 3/4 with inverter so they can earn more comission)..

As for brand, mistubishi, daikin, panasonic and etc are about the same.. maybe if u need the most efficient, cost saving u need to buy the best model(which mean most exp).. but u must noe the objective for yourself, and if u r those calculative one.. do a yearly cal and compare with extra price u are paying.. and provided it works.. we must understand that wear and tear theory and of cos the maintenance we put in..

btw electronic stuff.. is heng suay one.. it might be problematic even if u gt the best brand n model.. water dripping and etc? who noes? ;)

I agreed with DSA, google is a veri gd and useful friend.. hehe.. but for now.. aircon is the best friend and invention.. cos it is HOT outside now? :good:

But we must oso go to the shops and stores to gain some knowledges from the sale personnels.... cos information provided by the net are veri subjective and might be outdated...


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btw electronic stuff.. is heng suay one.. it might be problematic even if u gt the best brand n model.. water dripping and etc? who noes? ;)
Things do not fail due to the lack of luck or 'unluckiness'. The logic is simple: There are reason(s) why certain entities/people work and there are reason(s) why certain entities/people fail. The issue is whether the reason(s) are known or unknown. Luck is cited when the reasons for malfunction are unknown.

Any entity that is subjected to usage will develop mechanical/electrical wear & tear over time and it's bound to fail or malfunction at some point of time - the question is when. This is the compelling reason why warranty & after-sale service is crucial. Warranty period duration is one of the factors considered, amongst other factors which varies according to the type of appliances/machineries in question, in the selection of certain appliances/machineries.

In the context of home furnishing, large ticket items such as LCD/plasma TVs, fridges, washing machine, air-conditioners, etc, comes to mind.

As for air-con, leakage that occurs not long after installation is one of the surest signs of poor installation. Leakage that occurs after lengthy usage points to the need for maintenance as the cause might be, for example, the clogging of drainage pipe.

But we must oso go to the shops and stores to gain some knowledges from the sale personnels.... cos information provided by the net are veri subjective and might be outdated...
Bear in mind the seller's objective is not congruent to that of the buyer: The seller serves to better his own self interests. But with information, the buyer can align the seller's interest to that of his/her own. This alone nails home the importance of arming yourself with adequate & relevant information: Relevant information is King; In-depth knowledge is Queen.

Any information obtained ought to be subjected to verification, regardless of source. Relying on unverified information subjects the info user to additional and unnecessary risk even when it is from a source you think is reliable.

Edited by DSA

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Luck is cited when the reasons for malfunction are unknown.

This is wat i mean in heng or suay.. like my newly bot laptop cannot last over an hour.. battery faulty.. this wat i call suay.. sorry.. i abit hokkien.. so tot u all get wat i mean.. hehe :rolleyes:

Bear in mind the seller's objective is not congruent to that of the buyer: The seller serves to better his own self interests. But with information, the buyer can align the seller's interest to that of his/her own. This alone nails home the importance of arming yourself with adequate & relevant information: Relevant information is King; In-depth knowledge is Queen.

Any information obtained ought to be subjected to verification, regardless of source. Relying on unverified information subjects the info user to additional and unnecessary risk even when it is from a source you think is reliable.

Of cos i m not telling u to believe every single words they said la.. and bear in mind too that there is good salemen ard and we can try to give a thought on their suggestions.. Information relevant knowledge and all these research are good but might not work or been carried out well in reality situation..

just like when you attend a course.. all is by right.. but in the real world some is done by left...

What i trying to say is gd to research all these things(so that they wont be able to smoke u).. but sometimes we must be flexible and accept suggestions that are given by other experience ppl..

The previous post that i put up just wan to give others options to think.. their budget, HR with the sales personnel(take their name cards and compare it with others) and i do agree that we must know the stuff(as not to be smoked by them). But when things that are not aligned with wat u going to think it would be.. compromise, flexibiity and decision are needed..

So relax man!! :yamseng: we are just trying to share onli la :P


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hee just received hdb ltr to sign lease agreement nex week (think collecting keys as well ba), soo excited :yamseng:

Edited by mocchi

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hee just received hdb ltr to sign lease agreement nex week (think collecting keys as well ba), soo excited :yamseng:

so happy for u :yamseng: r u from the balloting group?


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so happy for u :yamseng: r u from the balloting group?

yeah if u read da previous pages, i m from da balloting grp..


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yeah if u read da previous pages, i m from da balloting grp..

Hello Mocchi

Just like to find out from you what's the timeframe like between booking and signing of this agreement for you?

I need to prepare an air ticket for my wife to fly back here for the sign-off.

I was told 3 months, but tracking regularly so that it doesn't go awry


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hey, i haf rec my hLE approval ltr so wat's nex ah?

so good....mine still not yet approve.. I guess wait for collection of keys? :good:

it should be abt 7 days?

anyway can chk the status under My HDBpage you can use Singpass to access.

Edited by herbman76

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when did u select ur flat?

hi lovelee, i made my selection on da 23 apr..

Hello Mocchi

Just like to find out from you what's the timeframe like between booking and signing of this agreement for you?

I need to prepare an air ticket for my wife to fly back here for the sign-off.

I was told 3 months, but tracking regularly so that it doesn't go awry

hi lazurite, da timeframe is abt 1.5mths.. kinda fast which i din expect..

u can always go to myhdbpage to chk if your HLE has been approved..

once approve, u will receive your ltr within da nex 3-5 days..

aniwae, hope u are in time :)


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