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This might not be truly minimalist to you, but you should check out the work of a Belgian architect by the name of Vincent Van Duysen. Minimalism without looking sterile; minimalism in form but not in texture.

thanks for the resource and i should be devouring it over the next few days, the name is familiar to me. I might even have collected a few ID photos where he's the genius behind. LIKE!


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Do you have Zinio app? I subscribe to various mags like Dwell, NatGeo n Cosmo using that app.

Wow, small world indeed.

Yeah, it's a constant battle with clutter for my place too. Doesn't help that I love to shop...

Well, just read about the 1st apt from Pomelo Home's fb page a few days ago. Raymond (Pomelo's boss) shares nice sites and new arrivals periodically which I keep an eye out for. Instant love... I even spent some time dissecting how the apartment was reconfigured with my colleague who is the owner of the Telok Blangah apt (the one on Qeeple) that I'd shared, hence the floor plan that I went to search for.

As for the other one... one of the very few minimalist HDB apartments I found (plus I like how the ID does the 3Ds for his projects). So far not many owners who like minimalist interiors. In fact a common comment when I show people my apartment photos is... 'where are your stuff'? Or they think I should get more furniture like a coffee table which I vehemently resist cos I love the living room space that is freed up without a coffee table.

I love the idea of courtyards... if I ever get a landed property, I'll want a courtyard too... like some of those Japanese houses I've seen... squarish white or black boxes on the outside (less windows facing neighbors = more privacy, IMO important in sardine packed Singapore), with a large central courtyard to introduce light and ventilation into the house. Unfortunately I guess I can't ever afford a bungalow to achieve my dream of building a house with a tropical (practical) living mixed with clean Japanese aesthetics... so I can only read about nice apartments and houses from a variety of magazines and online sites. Do you or your mum have green fingers?

What about your furnishings? Now is a great time to shop for furniture with lots of sales.

Yes, Raymond does give sound advice. Bought a couple of stuff there. I love the selection there!


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Do you have Zinio app? I subscribe to various mags like Dwell, NatGeo n Cosmo using that app.

Wow, small world indeed.

Yeah, it's a constant battle with clutter for my place too. Doesn't help that I love to shop...

Well, just read about the 1st apt from Pomelo Home's fb page a few days ago. Raymond (Pomelo's boss) shares nice sites and new arrivals periodically which I keep an eye out for. Instant love... I even spent some time dissecting how the apartment was reconfigured with my colleague who is the owner of the Telok Blangah apt (the one on Qeeple) that I'd shared, hence the floor plan that I went to search for.

As for the other one... one of the very few minimalist HDB apartments I found (plus I like how the ID does the 3Ds for his projects). So far not many owners who like minimalist interiors. In fact a common comment when I show people my apartment photos is... 'where are your stuff'? Or they think I should get more furniture like a coffee table which I vehemently resist cos I love the living room space that is freed up without a coffee table.

I love the idea of courtyards... if I ever get a landed property, I'll want a courtyard too... like some of those Japanese houses I've seen... squarish white or black boxes on the outside (less windows facing neighbors = more privacy, IMO important in sardine packed Singapore), with a large central courtyard to introduce light and ventilation into the house. Unfortunately I guess I can't ever afford a bungalow to achieve my dream of building a house with a tropical (practical) living mixed with clean Japanese aesthetics... so I can only read about nice apartments and houses from a variety of magazines and online sites. Do you or your mum have green fingers?

What about your furnishings? Now is a great time to shop for furniture with lots of sales.

Yes, Raymond does give sound advice. Bought a couple of stuff there. I love the selection there!


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Am happy to have gotten my table in advance. The piece shifted intact from SG to JB in 2 pieces. Don't drop your jaw as yet haha, the original table came in 2 boxes, the walnut wood top in 1 and stainless steel legs in the other. So I got the table a day earlier but my chairs from JB will be delayed till next Monday. Like I say efficiency is a big problem in MY. Anyways, assembly was DIY and was fairly easy.

Nevertheless, I have 2 chairs as you can see in the before/after pictures below. These are 2 temporary chairs courtesy from my neighbor. They're superb I have to say. Originally, was told the JB shop can only supply 4 Panton S chairs. And 2 more next year later in 2012. And I was expecting friends to come visit. So my neighbor sent me 2 chairs without even me asking. Thankfully the shop later told me they're able to fulfill the order of 6. Let's hope come Mon I can display the complete ensemble photos here, I personally can't wait to see how my choices add up for choosing to buy dining table and chairs separately.

As with the last photo no house reno/furnishing is complete without a nice glossy(ies) to accompany us on the journey.







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cheers! I can't wait too. Won't name as yet. I want to see the quality of the chairs first before I name them or maim them in next mon's follow-up post.

Great to see more pics of your abode Euphony! Can't wait to see your Panton chairs! Which shop in JB did you get them from?


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Am enjoying the holidays so don't turn up here as much as I like. Finally the 6 panton S chairs were delivered early this morning. They are in good shape although not perfect replicas. I am happy nonetheless. The addition somehow filled yet opened up the existing space. For now, the table/chair ensemble will remain as a 4 seater and until the need arises, be converted to a 6 seater. The extra 2 chairs will flank my temporary coffee table, that'll make a bold statement when the outside world peers in... before I update the area in the future to come. I am so looking forwards to 2012.





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More double volumed inspirations for the courtyard as I build up the look I want. For the panton S chairs the built quality is not perfect after using it for a few days now. the fiberglass mould is a little thinner than the original therefore the necessity for support struts. Am going to look for something to stick to the bottom of the chairs to reduce the noise when the chairs are dragged. Let's see how that works out, does any of you have any ideas where and what should I look for?

Though I paid cheaper for the chairs overall, the reduced cost does also mean it is built to a cost. Still the visual aestheticism does add that bit of appeal to a very minimalistic space.





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Am enjoying the holidays so don't turn up here as much as I like. Finally the 6 panton S chairs were delivered early this morning. They are in good shape although not perfect replicas. I am happy nonetheless. The addition somehow filled yet opened up the existing space. For now, the table/chair ensemble will remain as a 4 seater and until the need arises, be converted to a 6 seater. The extra 2 chairs will flank my temporary coffee table, that'll make a bold statement when the outside world peers in... before I update the area in the future to come. I am so looking forwards to 2012.




Very appealing. I'm curious - do you work in JB? haha


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Very appealing. I'm curious - do you work in JB? haha

thanks! well, my monies are earned in part on a digital platform so there is no 'boundary' to work actually. having said that i do sometimes have engagements in SG also in JB too in an otherwise semi-retired life. JD, how's your reno progress?


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From the pics the tiles feel a bit 'cold'. Could be cos they are reflective. Will you be having any carpets to soften the look?

And I feel the 2 non-matching doors and hinges distracts from the minimalism... do you plan to do anything about them?

No offense meant ya? :P


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From the pics the tiles feel a bit 'cold'. Could be cos they are reflective. Will you be having any carpets to soften the look?

And I feel the 2 non-matching doors and hinges distracts from the minimalism... do you plan to do anything about them?

No offense meant ya? :P

dear adidaem no offense at all. in fact, i have the exact thoughts about the doors and hinges was planning to surprise readers when I do some work to it but you beat me to it! as for the carpets, not this time especially when some reno works at the courtyard may happen soon which could be a very dusty experience.


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