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the husband and I went to take a look at Posh Home over the weekends and the dining tables there were amazing! Love at first sight. We talked to one of the younger guy there and was kinda skeptical initially but he wow-ed us with the layout he proposed for the masterbed room. If everything is good, we might engage them as well ^^

Yeah nice dining tables right!! heh heh.. Speaking of dining tables…. If you guys remember in Post#88, I mentioned that I asked #CalvinTan to quote for a gorgeous rectangular wooden dining table that CFO discovered from Pinterest that should give a nice splash of interesting colour hues to compliment our predominantly white living/dining area? Well, a couple of days ago #CalvinTan sent me this delicious looking picture via whatsapp...

Take a look folks and be careful not to drool on your keyboard... :dribble:hehehehehehe... (the drooling icon is super cute can. :P)



Like how awesome is the carpentry work?!?!!!! :jammin:Almost exact replica of the dining table piece that CFO and I sent to #CalvinTan! He said the colour staining has not been completed yet, but he just send me to take a look first cause he knows I will be excited. hahahaha... Even my mum thought that it looks nice! Yeah!!!

Attached below is just another picture of the actual screenshot that we sent him for his carpenter to work his magic.. for easy comparison purposes.. :P


Now that I know the level of skill of this #PoshHome carpenter is so good...(considering that he has never attempted this type of work before) Hmmm.. Makes me feel a little bit more adventurous & confident in asking for more customised wooden furniture.. No news on my request for quotation for the castor-wheel coffee table yet, but my expectation just got higher. heh heh... I'm confident they can deliver. :good:

Actually horrr...... Initially I was a bit taken aback.. I was thinking how come #CalvinTan had the dining table made so quickly lei. I didn't even ask him to go ahead wor. What if there was a miscommunication & he thought I told him to proceed...? And then will I be forced to buy the table? What if it is super expensive den how??? And somemore this kuku #CalvinTan told me it's 5k and that they made it specially for CFO & I, so I must buy it. Hahahahahaha of course he was joking la... But I really got a bit worried lei... :P

But anyway the part where they specially made it for CFO & I is partially true la. :D But i'm sure he thought it was a nice design before he took the plunge.. worse come to worse display in the showroom and wait for another scandinavian-siao would-be home-owner lor... :P

But anyway the story is, the #PoshHome carpenter said he never try making this type of table before.. So he just tried one lor.. the effect turned out to be gorgeous.. :wub: :wub: :wub:happy happy~ and i fully expect the price to be cheaper than those The Design Store by LifeStorey, or BoConcept retail stores... really rip us off man those type. sheesh. Anyway no news from the carpenter yet on the estimated cost of this colourful dining table... keep you all updated when I find out!! Cheers! :)

ANYWAY got BAD NEWS to share... :( okay la.. Not completely bad YET.. #CalvinTan was saying that the solid-wood-bench-cum-bay-window might look a bit not nice in my living area wor... Nooooo0o0o0ooooo.... Sigh. Anyway I then asked him for more ideas to try to make it work because I really want my bay window and so he searched around and found this for me:


Firstly, I want to say... looks like Mr #CalvinTan is also starting to learn how to use #Pinterest. Hahahahahaha... Anyway I digress. Back to topic, haha. Anyway this solid bench picture is already what I had in mind from Day One... However, some slight design preference on my part in that I asked him for slimmer legs; but he told me that solid wood is really heavy, so if the legs are slimmer, the bench might collapse.... And since I'm working as a safety professional... Of course I won't allow that la... Thicker legs it shall be....

Can't wait for the 3D drawing to come at end Feb!!!!!! END OF FEB PLEASE COME QUICKLY! Haha.. In the meantime, I hope the monday wasn't too brutal for anyone of you guys... Cheers! :rolleyes:

Edited by leonjennawong

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the husband and I went to take a look at Posh Home over the weekends and the dining tables there were amazing! Love at first sight. We talked to one of the younger guy there and was kinda skeptical initially but he wow-ed us with the layout he proposed for the masterbed room. If everything is good, we might engage them as well ^^

Hey pinnpinn! Good for you & hurray for Scandinavia theme!! :good: And you are also like me initially-skeptical type of person.. Hehehe :) since you mention about the young designer guy who impressed you and your hubby, I wanna share with everyone that #CalvinTan ever mentioned to my good friend, Mr Muscle, during one of their talkcock whatsapp sessions that #PoshHome is quite a new company and they only hire senior interior designers with proven track records and good portfolio.. I think even the so-called younger guys are quite senior & experienced in this field.. For example #CalvinTan looks like a youngster himself, but he already has 14 years experience liao... And also remember that I ever mentioned about this other experienced designer, called #Robin (Not #Richard as previously mentioned haha I am bad with names.. Will edit earlier posts when I have time) who impressed me with his detailed workmanship execution when I went for the One Shenton Way site visit Nice friendly guy too who definitely knows his designs & space-saving concepts.. :D Dont think I mentioned before but I still remember when I first met this #Robin, I felt a bit threatened because he got this beady eyes, though no tattoo.. But he got this look and aura... HahahaHahaha..Sorry I am a bit of a scaredy cat. :P But generally as time went along and he patiently explained and showed us the works that #PoshHome did for the home owner, then I realized that he is quite approachable one. hahahaha note to self: dont anyhow judge people by their appearance ok. Hehehe... :P

I managed to learn quite a few new things from #Robin as well.. on economic use of space & designing the house in such a way that EVEN when the owners are living in it, it still looks like a showroom.

He shared with me that many designers out there will not take your ironing board, your ventilation (always expect you to turn on air-con the whole day like hotel meh?) etc. into consideration during the designing stage. As such many times when the house is unused in the beginning, it looks very pretty but give it a few weeks, clutter starts to take over Mainly because the principle designer didnt factor in the lifestyle & habits of the home owners from the start. Anyway this #Robin seems to be even more senior than #CalvinTan I heard that #Robin only takes on decent sized jobs & his work quality is steady..

Anyway, since Im on the topic of #PoshHome designers, just want to point out something that I have already mentioned to a couple of the more friendly people whom I have been continuing to converse on the private messaging function, I think #PoshHomes method of hiring only senior designers is actually good for all renovation seekers like us.. :good: Because I think that this way you are assured of a good level of service regardless of which designer stands-in temporarily for your main designer.

(Sorry for the long post but I feel I need to advise this to new reno-seekers & renotalkers, especially so ever since my bad experience with this other ID that I mentioned in one of my first few posts. :( :( :( Somemore I paid 1k deposit liao. Now want to get back also so difficult. Sian. Really regret to the max. I told CFO that we should just treat it as paying school fees for a life lesson.. :( )

Continued; And why I say its good for renovation seekers like us, is because I actually understand and expect that at some point, the main designer you engage will delegate certain tasks to other designers /contractors. But not to people who are too junior what right? Well what happened to my wife and I, was that a less experienced designer was allocated to us suddenly out of nowhere from the 2nd meet up onwards, and I definitely didnt feel that I got my worth out of the extra $$$ that I am paying for an interior design service. He was very very very quiet throughout the whole time & just taking in what my wife and I had to say. If thats the case, I might as well go for a main contractor right Oh well.. sigh. In the end, didnt go ahead with this particular ID company disappointingly. And paid school fees for a life lesson. :~

So this is another level of quality assurance from #PoshHome that I really appreciate having. Thumbs up to them. :good:

Annndddddd aiyah okok in case I do get flamed by other renotalkers, I know that this is bad for newcomers who are looking to make a career/name for themselves in this industry. *shrug* That being said, I am sure there are young IDs out there who are good at their jobs. I just havent met them yet. =x *oops hehe* Wahahahahahaha :P

Edited by leonjennawong
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the husband and I went to take a look at Posh Home over the weekends and the dining tables there were amazing! Love at first sight. We talked to one of the younger guy there and was kinda skeptical initially but he wow-ed us with the layout he proposed for the masterbed room. If everything is good, we might engage them as well ^^

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Was at Ubi Ave 4 area today for my Fire Safety course at SCDF HQ just now at around 6pm... hahaha.. By the time I finished my blitz-dinner, it was already 6.15pm. My fire safety course starts at 6.30pm sharp. How? Aiya I was so near ma.. just go look see look see lor... heh heh :P The story of my un-curb-able enthusiasm for reno so far. hehe :P And so... bo-liao-ness & eagerness overtook me...

So I went to drop in on #PoshHome showroom for a while.. Hoping to stress #CalvinTan a bit since it's his first day back from his long CNY holiday... hahaha.. but aiyah couldn't catch him.. Talked to this other guy at #PoshHome for a short while... If i'm not wrong his name is #Richard? better double check. hahaha.. but I remember that he was the site coordinator for one of the 2 site visits that i went for.. (see Post #7 on workmanship) It was the site that truly impressed me on their workmanship... (maybe because I gradually learnt what to look out for) He strikes me as someone who is very good with his technical knowledge & seems like a people-person.. not sure if he does design, but i will suppose I will see more of him in the future & fill you guys in.. hahaha...


Okok! Exciting part! I learnt from #CalvinTan that their showroom would have samples of the finished solid-wood (see Post #7 for the pictures on the raw solid wood materials pre-treatment) delivered by today!!! So I had to quickly go and take a look with my own eyes!! EXCITED!!!:)

I tell you, the sight that greeted me.... wah. I dunno how to describe. The feeling when you see the 2+metre tall solid wood plank.. and.. you know it is the one. You Must Have One. (Dont care already must convince CFO no matter what!! :P) hahahaha i seem to be talking about my soul mate. hahaha... CFO should not read this part. *ahem* ANYWAY! HERE IT IS!!! (I think maybe.... hmm.. 2.2 metres tall?)


Yeah in case you are wondering what they door on the right is, yep they placed it next to the toilet door temporarily i think. hahaha... toilet door also so swee. cannot stand them. hahaha... next time take pictures of the toilet interior to show you all.

#Richard was nice enough to tell me that there were another 2 more samples on their 2nd floor, and I had to keep a straight face while he was talking so as not to give my excitement away. hahahaha.... They put them leaning up against the wall behind other furniture, so these are the best photos I could take without actually rearranging their showroom furniture pieces ahahahhaa.... Annndddd TADA here they are!!!The last photo is MY FAVOURITE!!! (not put up for clearance & approval by CFO yet, but ya, MY favourite!!!)

Looks like they are thinking of creating a rectangular dining table piece from this solid wood plank. the grain is super duper gorgeous lor. so pretty. really. can't stand it. hahahahhahaa... This one should be about 1.5m tall? Just for you readers to estimate because I know how photos can be deceptive when it comes to estimating the size & proportions...


Saved the BEST FOR THE LAST. In my opinion...this wooden grain is the most magical. (can't believe myself) hahahaha... I LOVE how you can see the beautiful bark of the solid wood piece at the side & that it's of this light hue... everything is just there in all its natural majestic beauty.. I mean if you take a look at the other 2 earlier photos, you can see the intact bark there at the side too, but there's just this X-factor about this particular solid wood piece. Also, the finish is superb. really give it to the guys at #PoshHome, great job on the finishing. Now I can have sweet dreams imagining my solid-wood-bay-window-cum-bench perched against my 3-quarter window in all its majesty & will have absolutely no qualms about it being one of the attraction pieces of my beloved scandinavia living area... :)

Oh for estimates sake, this piece is probably about 1.6m long I think... Agar-ration.


Oh yes, continuation on WALL PLANTERS (from Post #126):

Sorry for the abrupt change in topic, but I finally managed to dig up this picture of the side-view of the proposed wall planter rack that #CalvinTan drew up for me... shows how the planter rack will lean against my living area wall... I thought I would still post it up here anyway for better conceptualisation of the design that he proposed to us... The pots will actually hang on the horizontal nyatoh light-coloured wood rods.. makes for easy arrangement & will be convenient for us to re-locate the plants to sunny areas and back... :)


Edited by leonjennawong
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Hi Leon & Jenna,

May I have contact of your ID-Calvin as well? I am starting to look around for ID for my new home at Yishun.

It is not easy to find a responsible and committed ID.

Thanks much...


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Hey guys! Wow suddenly so many requests... So I have amended my signature so that #CalvinTan detailed contact is on my signature! Hope everyone can see it! :P

Anyway for those asking for the detailed quotation break-down, how do I send you ah? Through email is the best right?

Please PM me your email addresses if you are interested in getting my #PoshHome quotation!!!:):):)


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no offense to any readers in this thread. I believe leonjennawong should delete any forummers who are actually requesting for quotations in this topic, and to inform all to rather pm leonjennawong personally about the quotations so as it's fair to those who are actually following up with his reno.


Heh heh... I'm sure elginang doesn't mean any harm... But I do wish for my dear readers to have a good time reading my humble blog... so....



Hahahaha... Anyway to add further administrative control, I am including a small reminder in my signature.... Dear elginang, please pm me & teach me how to delete those 'request' type of posts lei... hehe... I tried to PM you but failed.. maybe your inbox is full....


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Hi Leon and Jenna,

I just got the key to my tiny BTO flat. Wonder if you can send me the PoshHome quotation please ?

My email is anniken0764@gmail.com

Thanks in advance & cheers.

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Hi Leon & Jenna,

I am starting to research on renovations on my BTO flat and I hope that I could learn some things from you :)

Will you be able to share your budget of how much you are intending to spend on the whole reno + furniture + electrical appliances?

What does your reno actually include? Does it include power points and lighting etc? Since it seems like you still have to pay additional to settle your own flooring.

Apologies for the noob qns :)

Hi don't worry it's not a noob question.. Haha.. My house Reno is between 32 to 35k.. This includes a small sample size of electrical points.. Which I intend to add more later.. So cost will go up on the part of addition of electrical points..

As for lighting and furniture, they are separate loose pieces that are not within my ID's quotation. The additional flooring is purely a luxury item that you can do away if you have alrdy opted in the hdb floor tiling.. :)

Total Reno cost might come up to 50k..still just an estimate.. Because CFO and I have not really looked at taobao.com yet... I reckon that if we did, our loose item budgeting can come down.. Haha hope I helped..

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Hi Leon & Jenna,

I am starting to research on renovations on my BTO flat and I hope that I could learn some things from you :)

Will you be able to share your budget of how much you are intending to spend on the whole reno + furniture + electrical appliances?

What does your reno actually include? Does it include power points and lighting etc? Since it seems like you still have to pay additional to settle your own flooring.

Apologies for the noob qns :)


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And so the requests continue...

For the sake of your readers who have subscribed to your blog, you may wish to set up a new email account, have it listed in your signature so that the interested forumers can request for the quotation this way, preventing the blog to be filled with such posts.

Just my two cents. ;)






I'm sorry dear subscribers, that didn't occur to me before that I was flooding you guys with my "sent!" replies on the blog... hahaha... I will just "like" those posts as an acknowledgement in the future.. or something. hahaha.. in the meantime.. GET READY FOR MONDAY PEOPLE. :help:

Edited by leonjennawong

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This thread is becoming a request and sent thread ~ heheh :notti:

Haha! Finally I'm back!! Apologies to all.. been so busy lately... got work, wedding prep, night classes, wedding photoshoot... wah lau 24 hours really not enough. In my absence I realised that this blog did indeed slowly degrade into a quotation/contact requesting page... hahaha...

And so the requests continue...

For the sake of your readers who have subscribed to your blog, you may wish to set up a new email account, have it listed in your signature so that the interested forumers can request for the quotation this way, preventing the blog to be filled with such posts.

Just my two cents. ;)

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