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Haha! Finally I'm back!! Apologies to all.. been so busy lately... got work, wedding prep, night classes, wedding photoshoot... wah lau 24 hours really not enough. In my absence I realised that this blog did indeed slowly degrade into a quotation/contact requesting page... hahaha...

Anyway #CalvinTan is on long CNY holiday with his family so also not much updates... He is only back to work to Singapore today? But confirmed back to work on 17th Feb (Monday), so i reckon updates will be more fast and furious from then on!! :)

Wanna talk about WALL PLANTERS for today... slowly cover the different unique aspects of our ideal design for our living area...

Well, CFO and I came across this planter design within the living room in the #SquareRooms magazine recently and instantly we wanted something like this in our living area as well...


We had seen some #Pinterest photos of people growing herbs in their living rooms or kitchens and actually using them for their cooking ala Jamie Oliver style! We can explore herbs like thyme, rosemary, mint etc. etc... haha... since CFO is quite a cooker, it makes practical sense as well. One thing we need to take note though, we need to read up more on which herbs actually thrive better in Singapore's equatorial climate, and also their different characteristics. (e.g. some require strong direct sunlight, others not so, some require frequent watering etc.) So as I was telling CFO, we probably can think of relocating some pots onto our solid wood bay window in the future for the plants to sun-bathe before we leave house for work in the mornings... hehe :)

Here are a couple of #Pinterest photos that we found, but not necessarily going to copy wholesale...



Anyway, of course we consulted Mr #CalvinTan... He proposed the following free-hand drawing that we quite like... Supposed to be made of light coloured nyatoh wood, with white pots... can imagine how the light-wood & white & green colours will mesh together and the feel it would create. *thumbs up!* Another sign that #CalvinTan is in sync with our design preferences. yay. hahaha... Anyway what is not shown in the free-hand drawing below is the fact that the structure is supposed to be leaning against the wall at a slight angle... and not mounted directly flat onto the wall itself..


Anyway we are still looking around for ideas.. Like I mentioned, we still can't find any similar designs to what #CalvinTan designed for us... Went to Ikea but they don't have anything along the idea of what we want... The closest they have is this rack for the balcony, which is actually quite ugly and bulky looking IMO:


Anyway gotta go, maybe will update more later tonight! see ya!

Edited by leonjennawong

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Hi, can send me your ID quotation as well? Thanks. :)

Hi Leon & Jenna,

Thanks for sharing your reno experience, its been extremely helpful. Could i also please request for the quote breakdown? It would really help me understanding the pricing structure - i'm finding it tough to find a reasonably priced quote for my own reno.

Much appreciated!

Hi... I need ur email addresses... Planning for more updates this weekend.. Stay tuned.. Haha songz


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Hi Leon & Jenna,

Thanks for sharing your reno experience, its been extremely helpful. Could i also please request for the quote breakdown? It would really help me understanding the pricing structure - i'm finding it tough to find a reasonably priced quote for my own reno.

Much appreciated!


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Hello, Can PM me your ID and reno cost for it? Thanks.

Hi, Can PM me your quotation?


Hi do let me know your email addresses... Might as well send u the entire quotation rather than just the total cost.. Will be of more help to you!


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Hi u can find #CalvinTan contacts under my signature.. As for #MayTing, her contact is 93382219.

So sorry Takaishi... Am busy nowadays! Have more updates I want to write! Soon I promise!

lol its not your fault but just wonder why u already put contacts liao still got ppl ask :S

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Hihi.. can pm me Calvin & MayTng contact please. TIA. :)

Hi u can find #CalvinTan contacts under my signature.. As for #MayTing, her contact is 93382219.

goodness this thread become a pm quotation thread

So sorry Takaishi... Am busy nowadays! Have more updates I want to write! Soon I promise!

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