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A Corner 3-Room Flat To Call Home

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For the tiles mortar (cement paste) the correct method is to half fill of water or less ( yes or less) for a small pail ( those grey color tupe). Then scoop the cement powder bit by bit fill into the pail till u can see is like paste form. After which dont have to stir thoughly. Any tiling the wall portion got to be screed with cement paste and left it dry for bonding purpose. Hope u have done enough research before starting else tiles will pop out later on if the bonding process is not done properly!!

My 2 cents

Thanks bro. Your post came in just on time.

Started my tiling at 9 in the evening, and just completed 3 rows of mosaics.

This truly is one of the most back breaking task I have encountered so far.

See pic for a preview. Wall is only partially done. Will post final results when completed.


Mixing of the mortar was a pain without the power tool.


Preparing the mosaics..


Tomorrow will be round 2, I need sleep now.

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Power! U can be a contractor liao!!!

Really love your DIY kitchen cabinet! I think that's the last thing I will DIY! Haha..u must have lots of power tools on hand..

As for your chimney hood, I think it's more of cutting away the stainless steel sheet of your hood to align with the beam rather than the other way round. If I'm not wrong, your hood is kind of extendable one.


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Hi guys,

Most of the works have been done. I am only left with carpentry. And the mosaic project.

In fact I have already moved in for a couple of weeks. Yes, without carpentry.

I am simply put off by the high cost quoted by all contractors and carpenters, that I think to myself that there has to be a cheap yet good (yes, it's a paradox) carpentry system I can source.

Cal me a cheapo if you must, but for my tight pockets it sure provides me some relief.

Various visits to Ikea is convincing me that their kitchen solutions can work.

So I am jumping in.


Include the countertop too.

I will be using phenolic board for the countertop. It is infact the same material as a well known brand we currently see around.

I am very fortunate to have a friend in that same industry, and am able to get it cheap.

Here's a peek of the sample:


So far I have put up 2 base cabinets.

It was real fun, and rewarding.


My contractor left me the plumbing lead like this:


I just have to irrigate my way out. And the result, after hunting down the parts, and speaking with the shop owners at Kelantan Lane:


It was indeed a lot of elbow grease, throw in some blisters and an aching back. Haha.

Mounting of the kitchen sink I bought via Taobao gave me nights of planning, and lots of youtube research. I love YouTube!!

As it is an undermount sink, the precision involved was rather high.

This is what I decide on.


I tried putting my weight on it. Thank God it was steady.

I pray it remains steady after 5 years.

The mosaics will go up after the full installation of the cabinets.

Next up will be the installation of the built in oven, and even the chinmey hood.

I have been reading the installation guides, and it seems not too intimidating.

My electrician have also left me connecting parts for easy elect connections.

I do hope to be able to provide pics along the way.

This is now my full time weekend project.

I think I will take the next 3 weekends to complete everything.

Oh ya, for those of you wondering about the cost:

The cheapest kitchen carpentry quote I received was $4,400+. Total of 23 foot run. (Solid surface top, 3 drawers)

I am doing it up for less than $2,500, more if I decide on more drawers later. Current plan is with 7 drawers.

More pics over the next weekend.

Wish me luck.

WOW! Awesome!

Good luck! Looking good

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Power! U can be a contractor liao!!!

Really love your DIY kitchen cabinet! I think that's the last thing I will DIY! Haha..u must have lots of power tools on hand..

As for your chimney hood, I think it's more of cutting away the stainless steel sheet of your hood to align with the beam rather than the other way round. If I'm not wrong, your hood is kind of extendable one.

Yup thanks.

I bought the jigsaw blade to cut stainless steel. Fixing the hood should be my DIY project for the next weekend.

BTW I only have a jigsaw, a masonary drill, and a cordless drill for screw driving.

Hi Bro,

Must have save a lot from all the DIY :notti: Well done :good: Looks professional.

Thanks. Yup I saved quite a fair bit.

Hmm the cement paste is not "dry" enough should abit more :). You are the DIY king!! Congras!!

Thanks. I thought so too. I added more after taking the shot.

Haha, not the DIY king lah. It's just my passion.

Thinking back, I think I should have posted this topic in the DIY forum instead of in the t blog forum. Haha..

I have completed the last row of mosaics, and the small 2.5" overhang ledge.


The horizontal overhang was very tedious.

I am always worried gravity will overcome the adhesive strength of the mortar, so I had to push and push and push and push... And it now results in sore shoulders, aching back, and worrisome thought of it coming down out of the blue..

I should have thought ahead and got ready some wood to prop it up while it dries.. sigh..

The last row also took a long time to prepare, as the height is not level, and cuts on the entire width on the mosaics were necessary.

I have yet to do the grouting. What colour grout should I use, other than the usual white?

I am afraid the cooking will discolour the white grouts too easily..

Red? Blue? Grey?

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I think with the mosaic tiles you chose even when the white wears off it will be ok...gives it a more rustic feel.

Thanks for your advice.

I chose white grouting. I hope it does indeed gives a more rustic feel when stains appear.. haha.

The horizontal overhang one u can use a long flat plank then use long pole to hold it after tiled, oops is it too late? :-)

Haha, yes it was too late.

However, the tiles do feel solid enough after 24 hours to let my mind at ease now..

This is how the mosaic looks after grouting and polishing.


I lurve it so much. I think my kitchen looks a million dollars.. Haha.. It surely does feel so after me putting in the entire weekend in it.

It was a good thing that wifey was out shopping in Bangkok and I could concentrate fully on this project without having to provide chauffeur services.

I also did up the breakfast counter, the side cover panel, and the back cover panel, after my friend helped to deliver this 3 pieces to my doorstep. They were too big to fit in my sedan.

My son doing his work at the breakfast counter after installation.

Love it max!


I also just installed the chimney hood halfway. I will be bringing the cover panels to be cut by the professionals. I simply have no guts to cut stainless steel sheets properly, and the dust that will be created, oh man it could be catastrophic to household harmony.

This is how it looks at the moment. Wired it up already for testing already. Working perfectly.


I will post final pictures after I installed the cabinet doors and the hood panels.

Pardon the naked looks of the cabinets for the moment.

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After reading your blog, I just want to say your hands on approach is admirable and gutsy, and looks like your hard work is paying off (not to mention easier on the wallet hehe)... Best of luck to your reno and looking forward to seeing the finished products!!!


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I am now halfway through my kitchen cabinet building.

The basic structure has been up.

And I am mighty satisfied with how it turns up.

I changed the colour of the counter top to a darker colour to match my maple dining table.


Installed the faucet, stove, and oven on the same day.


Of course, to save $$, I even transported the counter top back home in my trusty Nissan.



For the backsplash, I will be installing the mosaic this weekend.

A sneek preview.


The sense of achievement is truly immense. Almost orgasmic.. Lol..

Hi Kaykay,

Your countertop seem tobe similar to kompacplus. Are you able to share your supplier and quoted per ft?

hope you can advise

thanks alot in advise and i must say you did a good DIY job!!!


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After reading your blog, I just want to say your hands on approach is admirable and gutsy, and looks like your hard work is paying off (not to mention easier on the wallet hehe)... Best of luck to your reno and looking forward to seeing the finished products!!!

Thanks. My wife thinks I am crazy tho..

Great job on the mosaic tiles :good:

Looks really great

Thanks bro

Hi Kaykay,

Your countertop seem tobe similar to kompacplus. Are you able to share your supplier and quoted per ft?

hope you can advise

thanks alot in advise and i must say you did a good DIY job!!!

I think it is similar to kompacplus. I got it from Prospec Surfaces at Penjuru.

However, I am not at liberty to share the price here as I got it at a very friendly price.

Sorry bro.

WOW, Nicely done up. I also just gotten key for my new 3rm flat, got exactly same floor plan as well. Care to share with me ur ID ctc

Hi, I did not hire any ID. I just engaged a main contractor for the major jobs.

I knew exactly what I wanted before I started, so the decision to do without one.


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