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i wonder why there are people who wants to 赶尽杀绝 to a man who just want to earn a living. The thing that i really can't understand is these people who wants to 赶尽杀绝 are those that never engage his service. Live and let live. If bringing down a man and breaking someone else's rice bowl is something you guys enjoy to do, I don't think anyone or anything can stop you. Go ahead if it can make u sleep better, make your life more enjoyable and provides you great pleasure.

We will definitely watch these space to see how a kind person who are willing to help his customers being brought down and probably get sued or fined because of some people who did not engage his service and thus value his behaviour and workmanship based on their speculations and assumptions.

Just a question, has uncle cheated anyone so far? If taking action against him to you is meaningful, why not also take action against those licensed one as well, whose customers get cheated by their employees running away with customers money, or terminate contracts promising to compensate bu compensation never come? These are licensed company, but HDB aren't taking action against these folks. I am really, sincerely puzzled. Enlighten me pls.

Once and for all, for those who think some of us are uncles relatives or we get referral fee, dun be chicken and hide behind smoke screen. Say it out who u think these people are. I am also keen to know who they are. So that we can warned new owners not to take the feedback of these chaps as gospel truth cos they are relatives or get referral fee.

These whole saga is really diminishing the purpose of the existence of RT. Where funny folks come in all red eye, slash out all sorts of accusation against some IDs/Contractors who gets highly discussed on. When i say accusation, it does NOT include bad reviews. It reviews to accusations like relatives and referral fees. Throw out the truth with evidence, we shall believe u and stone that relative or whoever get referral fees together with you.

I believe in Karma. you can choose not to belive nor agree with me. Having seen uncle's sincereity, I believe a good man will stand tall.


I stand by what u say and fully agree on what u mentioned. Who ever want to do what, please go ahead. Karma.Karma. Case closed.


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Eh, I thought Aubrey say this is mindless? But she is still talking about it, ok-lah Aubrey. Just for you in conjunction with GSS, I respond this so called mindless talk with you hahahahaha.

Actually, dont need to state the obvious. If anyone edits, including myself, it be recorded on RT. So no one, can fool anyone here when it comes to editing.

I am not too pleased you make accusation which I should reproduced without your permission......hahahaha

u edit your post, god knows what part of your post have been deleted so as to make mine look totally superfluous, not to mention accusing.

That remark carry serious implication that you implied I twisted some facts on my posting to sabo you. I think thats not a nice thing to say. I edited the post as I mentioned in my last post because I went to do some research and decided to share with all, and edited my post to incl my latest findings.

If you think editing post is not a good tool to use here, then I suggest you dont use it as well and you can write to suggest to the moderator or webmaster to remove this edit function from RT.

And whats wrong with yowetan wanting to seek clarification from HDB? He as citizen and as a taxpayer is entitled for information and clarification.


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actually there is 2 groups of people here

1) Keen supporter of ah soon as he has a good working relationship with them

2) Not sure of Ah soon services but harmlessly wanted to make sure everything is in the right place (legally) for the benefit of future forumers who is considering to take up ah soon service... eg..ncy

so i believe we all can handle this issue objectively...


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ncy, i already bold the text for u. u said i accused u of editing the post, so did u or did u not? that is the question, the ball, the whatever u wanna call it. i ran out of euhemisms.

i am not here to pick a fight with u. and before facts are confirmed, here we have yowetan all raring to go to HDB for this. once again, no comments on his actions.

and no im not couped up. i am looking forward to lunch now. tata! :)

merryman, u really live up to your name. i like! very merry.


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Yes today start Round 3 because want to coincide with North Korea missile drills mah......hahahahaha


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Hi Guys and Gals,

There is no need to debate or argue over something which has any conclusion. Relax.... :paint:

Let's my letter to HDB and my appointment with Uncle Soon's be a conclusive and informative one. We will then evaluate if there is any miscommunication. I am just worried if those friendly forumers will be responsible for their own mistakes/defects if they hire non-license contractors.


Let me get to this case I will check with HDB on Uncle Soon, and I will fix an appointment with Uncle Soon together with HDB then. Of coz, please dun tip Uncle Soon's my action for it will influence the outcome of the findings. :P

Meanwhile, let's us have an open mind and see how the situation develops. End of the day, I just hope everyone have a happy renovation with a reliable and quality contractor. I havent renovate mine, but I definitely trying Uncle Soon's. I am very fair and I will consider his offering together with the HDB authority. ;)

peace no war. :horse:


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wah, round 3 start le never say?

why choose today to start? Yesterday was so slow and boring...

whoever wants to take action because it is a matter of right and wrong, go ahead lar, we can't stop anyone from reporting someone... reminds me of 'just follow law' movie leh... wait for the traffic light till it becomes red even when there is no cars?! for one, the licence thing seems like how the money flew in the money no enough... is it really helpful to clients like you and me?! as we have seen, not really...

and I'm saying all these not even knowing the facts... cuz I don't know if he is an "ID" or "contractor"... I don't see the need of reporting him thatz all... wait later they say painting house also need licence how? then i cant paint my own house le?!

but really, whatz the point of arguing?! i've also seen ncy posted helpful comments around the forum, so did aubrey... just let things cool like yesterday, whoever wants to do what, go ahead lar, your wish lor... of course his ex-clients and current clients may not feel good after they were helped by him lar, natural... no need to continue to add oil to flames lar...


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Errrr.....aubrey....sorry I catch no ball let alone be on the ball....hahahahha

Some people had been talking about Ah Soon being not a licensed contractor. I went to do some investigation few hrs ago and read up on HDB posting which I pasted here yesterday and come to a conclusion that the worries of some are unfounded. Because an ID dont need a license. Ah Soon is from Fu Hua Interior Design. From my layman understanding la, ID dont need license.

Anyway, Aubrey thanks for removing the post of which you accused me of something I didnt say. Saw you removed the post at 12.20pm. Again if you're stressed out, just go out and have a fresh air rather than all coup up in a confined space.


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issue here is where u edited your post, ncy, pls stay on the ball will u? (from previous post by you..)

anyway, i really dont see the point of going on with u endlessly, mindlessly.

yes a forum is for open discussion, and the issue with uncle and his permit is really his problem not mine. so whatever the actions yowetan wants to take against him, its really not within my means to control nor do i see a point to comment on his actions.


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Yes precisely, whats the issue here? Ah Soon is not really a contractor like everyone has been saying. He is in fact an ID. So if he is an ID, he is doing the right thing by getting a licensed contractor to do his jobs.

If Ah Soon is a contractor, then cannot la, must have HDB license. SO if he is ID, then there is actually no reason for him to apply a HDB license.

Hey Aubrey, wake up will you? People talk on facts. People present facts. Just like above is a fact. Whats wrong with you, Aubrey? Are you okay? Need to see a doctor?


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oh im sorry, must have been blind...

Yowetan, thats great. I think you're knocking on the right doors to address the matter on hand.

Btw, I was just thinking aloud, if Ah Soon co name is Fu Hua Interior Design, that means he is an ID, not really a contractor. So if he gets another contractor license to do it, he is actually doing the right thing as long as that contractor he got the license from is indeed executing the work and not like sub let out again.

But then again, its just my thoughts based on the FAQ I copied from HDB earlier. Again those experts like those HDB folks will know best.

This post has been edited by ncy: Today, 11:36 AM


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Hi Aubrey,

Wow now accuse me of editing my posts....hahahaha. Aubrey, if I made a mistake, I will apologise. Just like my outburst the other day which I apologised. But how low can you go, right? A person like you, accusing me now of editing my post to change some facts? Never apologising to me is one thing, accusing me now of something I didnt do?

Whats wrong with you aubrey? If you're stressed out, dont take it out on others, ok?


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dont worry about it. its true i cant stand the way u are forcing your opinion on me. i speak for myself alone. hence from here on, if i do post in this thread, i would do well to ignore u. and u edit your post, god knows what part of your post have been deleted so as to make mine look totally superfluous, not to mention accusing.


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