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Annual House Audit - Why Or How ?

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So ziwei is not better than Bazi then.

Is there a way to interpret Bazi from some "cloud computing" url ?

I think it all depends on the skill of the master whose reading ur bazi. U can have the best techniques out there in the industry but if that master has poor interpretation skills (of the techniques that he's learnt & is using), then, it'll be lousy to get such masters to read bazi. Be it ziwei or not.

I think bk888 is refering to using the 5 elements technique to read off bazi, which my parents got mine read by TKY from wayonnet when I was still in school. Nothing impresses me about what he said, in fact, he got it all wrong. And over in Singapore, he is supposed to be one of the best in his area of work.

However, I was amazed by the high accuracy of the purple star astrology (what u referred to as ziwei dou-shu) when I consulted my taiwanese geomency master. Hence, for me, I go only for purple star astrology interpreted by this master, and nobody else becox I get nonsense from other masters who uses the same purple star astrological method. It was a far cry & a shame to whoever that created purple star astrology.

So unless you've consulted masters who are top-notch in their own techniques, then, I believe it is then that you could start doing an objective comparison of both methods.

Both masters could have studied under the same school of thoughts for geomency & have the same coach/ teacher, in which they were imparted the same knowledge & techniques but both masters who graduated would turn out differently in their bazi interpretation. Although the techniques could vary with their own inherent strengths & weaknesses, the interpreter is very important.

I used to know of this property agent guy who goes to this other astrologer (a plump chinese lady) who interprets astrology based on tarot cards. If I have not mistaken, $90 for the first 20 minutes & thereafter $50 per 15-minute block. He claimed that the accuracy of this astrologer is higher than what other masters told him. She managed to zoom in on the timing & date of a car crash he had. And this astrologer even had clients flying in from Japan to consult her in Singapore. Thereafter, this agent told us that he will only believe in tarot cards & nothing else.

Edited by edenstrauss

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In my opinion, Tongshu's method is too general.

My bro's bone weight is 2两+ . Suppose to be quite bad.

But he's a high flyer in his field and life's good to him.

Bazi is the best. A proficient Bazi Master can correctly

pinpoint events, he can also tell you specifically how and

when the event will impact you.

A Bazi Master I've consulted correctly identified an event

of mine which only family members knew. The scary part

is - he was able to zoom in to the month & time it happened

and which part of my body it has inflicted.

Did Master Zhang, or Master Chang explain to you what are:

- 十二宫

- 比劫帮身, 比劫夺财, 财多身弱, 印绶护身, 财旺生官, 官星卫财, 官变为鬼, 伤食泄秀, 偏印夺食, 伤官见官, 羊刃驾杀, 官星带刃

- 喜用神

- every 10-year periods, start from 4 yr old? 4, 14. 24, 34, 44 & 54

Edited by bepgof

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I think bk888 is refering to using the 5 elements technique to read off bazi,

Bazi = 八字= DOB= YY, MM, DD, TT . Example:

农历81年3月13日戍时 =

辛酉 壬辰 乙丑 丙戌

Bazi analysis is quite complicated, chinese language must be tokong first. Bazi also called 4 pillar( 四柱)analysis, originated from "4 pillars supporting a sky" 四柱顶天philosophy. Bazi also associate with 5 element, but not "using 5 element", read below, stem from bazi analysis;


主仁, 其性直, 其情和, 其味酸, 其色青。 木盛的人长得丰姿秀丽, 骨骼修长, 手足细腻, 口尖发美, 面色青白。 为人有博爱恻隐之心, 慈祥恺悌之意,清高慷慨, 质朴无伪。 木衰之人则个子瘦长, 头发稀少, 性格偏狭, 嫉妒不仁。木气死绝之人则眉眼不正, 项长喉结, 肌肉干燥, 为人鄙下吝啬。

火主礼, 其性急, 其情恭, 其味苦, 其色赤。 火盛之人头小脚长, 上尖下阔,浓眉小耳, 精神闪烁, 为人谦和恭敬, 纯朴急躁。 火衰之人则黄瘦尖楞, 语言妄诞, 诡诈妒毒, 做事有始无终。

主信, 其性重, 其情厚, 其味甘, 其色黄。 土盛之人圆腰廓鼻, 眉清木秀,口才声重。 为人忠孝至诚, 度量宽厚, 言必行, 行必果。 土气太过则头脑僵化,愚拙不明, 内向好静。 不及之人面色忧滞, 面扁鼻低, 为人狠毒乖戾, 不讲信用,不通情理。

主义, 其性刚, 其情烈, 其味辣, 其色白。 金盛之人骨肉相称, 面方白净,眉高眼深, 体健神清。 为人刚毅果断, 疏财仗义, 深知廉耻。 太过则有勇无谋,贪欲不仁。 不及则身材瘦小, 为人刻薄内毒, 喜淫好杀, 吝啬贪婪。

主智, 其性聪, 其情善, 其味咸, 其色黑。 水旺之人面黑有采, 语言清和,为人深思熟虑, 足智多谋, 学识过人。 太过则好说是非, 飘荡贪淫。 不及则人物短小, 性情无常, 胆小无略, 行事反覆

Zhiwei was later developed from Bazi. To make it slightly different from Bazi, it introduce some 30 "stars" which bazi does not have.

Edited by bepgof

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TKY from wayonnet when I was still in school. Nothing impresses me about what he said, in fact, he got it all wrong. And over in Singapore, he is supposed to be one of the best in his area of work.

FYI, TKY is one of the "old birds" in this trade. In term of year in this trade, he is "super-senior". Once he stands up, the rests of "fsms" have to stand behind him. OK?

TKY joins hand with LT, organising FS seminars and conference. LT is sort of like 阿姐头, don't play play hor. If were to form a FS association or something like that, I'm sure TKY will steer the board and LT will be TKY's "right hand woman".

Simply the rests are all stand alone, 自己顾自己。

Edited by bepgof

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Hi bepgof,

Thanks for enlightening us... I appeared to be so ignorant! :P In fact, I didn't realise that the purple star astrology came from the 5 elements.

My master still uses the 5 elements for reference purposes or for his own intepretation - I saw all these elements matched to my bazi written on the ziwei chart.

Wow, u're a sage or guru & very helpful to spell it out for us to read - thanks alot but still reading... don't understand many words, abit "cheem"...



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the "weight" thing - was it recently posted in Sin Min Ri Pao - an alterative to see a person's life ?

how do u calculate that ?

称骨歌 - Songs on Weighing Bones, fortune telling method by 袁天罡, 唐代著名的星象预测家 involves adding up the "astrological weight" of the YY, MM, DD, TT components and reading the total weight against a certain poem, thus revealing one's life fate. Example:

甲子年 正月 初一 子时




子时= 骨重一两六钱


Some "Songs" with respect to weight:

骨重为 27 钱。 称骨歌曰:一生作事少商量,难靠祖宗作主张,独马单枪空做去,早年晚岁总无长。

骨重为 28 钱。 称骨歌曰:一生行事似飘蓬,祖宗产业大梦中,若不过房并改姓,也当移徙二三通

骨重为 29 钱。 称骨歌曰:初年运限未曾亨,纵有功名在后成,须过四旬才可上,移居改姓始为良。

骨重为 31 钱。 称骨歌曰:忙忙碌碌苦中求,何日云开见日头,难得祖基家可立,中年衣食渐能周

骨重为 37 钱。 称骨歌曰:此命般般事不成,弟兄少力自孤成,虽然祖业须微有,来得明时去不明。

Have to ask Mr. 袁天罡 how he assigned the "weight" to the DOB. He must've spent great length of time observing stars over sky at nights thus having too many stars images in his minds over the dreams - read the songs(chararcters) carefully again.

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Hi bepgof,

Yes it's true that TKY from wayonnet is very very senior, supposed to be top-notch & both LT & him works well together because they collaborate to benefit their businesses, both ways. LT has very strong srtategic business connections at the global level. And if TKY tie in with her, he will be able to bring his global business to the next level which he has already achieved.

I met LT a few times when I was still a drab-looking & childish teenager. She has a very strong, magnetic personality when I met her in person - not to be trifled with type of person & no ordinary woman. There is something very magnetic about her where she has the ability draw people to her & it's admirable becox not everyone has this sort of personality. I liked her becox she's bold in her own manner, outspoken & is no walk-over, she knows what she wants & goes for it (my observation). Demanding sort but one who commands respect. No monkey business.

Although TKY is super duper senior, but the things that he said about me, were contradicted by my taiwanese master even though I didn't tell that taiwanese that I went to TKY before. The things that my taiwanese master told me about my bazi were not all good, there were bad stuff too. But the things that TKY read on my bazi were wrong. He left out very vital aspects about the status of my health after 30s, no mention of it.

My taiwanese master did a very thorough interpretation on that aspect... warned me, which I regretted not listening becox what he said came true. :(

And he only mentioned to my parents later on, when he saw me in person, that I had bad temper. If he were that great, why didn't he say so during the bazi consultation and have to wait until he had seen me then start saying that my temper was bad.

Anyway, let's put that TKY aside, don't waste time talking about him since he already have so many people talking about him every single day. :bow:

Regarding what u wrote in ur earlier entry on 5 elements as quoted below:

土主信, 其性重, 其情厚, 其味甘, 其色黄。 土盛之人圆腰廓鼻, 眉清木秀,口才声重。 为人忠孝至诚, 度量宽厚, 言必行, 行必果。 土气太过则头脑僵化,愚拙不明, 内向好静。 不及之人面色忧滞, 面扁鼻低, 为人狠毒乖戾, 不讲信用,不通情理。

what does "不及之人面色忧滞, 面扁鼻低, 为人狠毒乖戾, 不讲信用,不通情理"mean?

I think my command in chinese is F9 standard leh... becox I only understood abit here & there. The front portion is like a "blur" note to me... very very cheem.

By the way, what does this word "化" mean? I always see this word in articles explaining the stars in ziwei astrology.

U must be very "sian" after seeing my looooong story again :rofl:

Edited by edenstrauss

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Did Master Zhang, or Master Chang explain to you what are:

- 十二宫

- 比劫帮身, 比劫夺财, 财多身弱, 印绶护身, 财旺生官, 官星卫财, 官变为鬼, 伤食泄秀, 偏印夺食, 伤官见官, 羊刃驾杀, 官星带刃

- 喜用神

- every 10-year periods, start from 4 yr old? 4, 14. 24, 34, 44 & 54

The Bazi Master that I was talking about is called 童一飞, not Chang or Zhang. He told me my 10 yr period starts from 1 yr old.

I saw words like 伤官 ... but didn't probe. He told me consumers were only interested in what would happen to them and not interested in how he deciphered the codes, so he said he would spare me the lesson. I thought that was fair enough.


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The Bazi Master that I was talking about is called 童一飞, not Chang or Zhang. He told me my 10 yr period starts from 1 yr old.

I saw words like 伤官 ... but didn't probe. He told me consumers were only interested in what would happen to them and not interested in how he deciphered the codes, so he said he would spare me the lesson. I thought that was fair enough.

FSMs or fortune tellers are quick witted ppls, very observant, good at "observing", "listening by probing". Their answers/advises always very "generalise" = can be this or that.

When one asks further, either his face turns black, or keke, kena not heard (cpu slow, still processing), or of higher level ones, will say something listener doesn't understand yet bouncing head hard say " oh, yes, yes, I see I see, thank you very much". - They know how to "pook needle into the right vein".

Telling one's past is something, but nothing amazing. Palm/face readings able to tell one's character, educational level, ...and the palms lines and faces lines expressions are "recorder" of the past doings. These "recorders" are much more "user-friendly" - thought it provide "rough" information, as compared those DOB and songs singing which are I don't know how to put it.

Did he mention/teach you to use so called "喜用神" methods/tools to avoid something unfavourable in future - this is part of bazi analysis process.

Edited by bepgof

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what does "不及之人面色忧滞, 面扁鼻低, 为人狠毒乖戾, 不讲信用,不通情理"mean?


By the way, what does this word "化" mean? I always see this word in articles explaining the stars in ziwei astrology.

One with xxx insufficiency have face shown worry and dull. Flat face with low nose, characterised by vicious and violent behaviour, believed no creditibility, illogical human relationship management.

化= become, or transform into.头脑僵化= frozen brain = inflexibility

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wah, my daughter weight is like this

You will enjoy prosperity luck till an old age. You will have a good spouse and obedient children. Full of prosperity luck your whole life, wealth luck comes to you like water flowing gently down the stream. Place a mongoose, wealth cat or other symbols of prosperity in your house to strengthen your wealth luck.


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Hi bk888,

I just made a discovery that LT's online tool gives inaccurate weight!!

In fact, very different weights are given if manual calculation is done based on the chinese almanac.

This might also suggest why there are discrepancies in results between reality (ur brother's high-flying status in career) & his "bone weight" - LT's on-line tool has a faulty equation so calculation is wrong.

So disappointing because I'm quite a fan of LT & it's misleading for users of that on-line tool. No reliability. Maybe there is a programming glitch somewhere in her WOF.com system.

The lunar dates of birth are correctly translated in that segment but the "bone weights" do not correspond to the respective bazi, i.e they are all wrong. I've just got the time to test it out now using my own & immediate family's bazi, but all the answers turned out very different.

I'm confident on the above becox there are no discrepancies b/w my manual calculation of bone weights & reality, that's based on what I've calculated for myself, immediate family members (both mine & my hubby's siblings, their kids, grandchildren). I've done manual calculation for a total of 46 relatives. High accuracy & great consistency.

Thus far, I still haven't come across differences between bone weight & what's going on in reality with relatives (whose having bone weight calculated)... Although what's written is very brief in the chinese almanac on bone weightage, it captures the essence of what's most significant in a person's life. My friends have also marvelled at its high accuracy after they did calculations for themselves & family.


U can have people who have great wealth based on the same bone weights but one can be an ordinary citizen whereas another can be a country's president. So, I agree with you that it lacks the desired "depth" in its contents for 算命.

Just to share: I have a distant cousin whose born with cerebal palsy & her weight is (I think 4.9 or somewhere around there, must double check with chinese almanac). Under that particular bone weight, it says that the person is surrounded by servants so all he/ she does throughout her life is to direct their servants in getting things done for them. True enough, being the only child to very wealthy parents who are both successful business persons, they already have many servants in their home even before the child was born. And of course, she has so many maids around her to do her bidding.

When I was a kid, I used to admire her lifestyle in that all she needs to do is to tell the maids what she wants & they get it done for her. They have a huge swimming pool in their bungalow, cute, adorable looking puppies & chaffeured cars to ferry my cousin wherever she needs to go to. But as I got older, I no longer admire her material wealth but found her pitiful becox once her parents passed on, whose going to be the next reliable caregiver? And tonnes of assets - how is she going to manage it in her condition??

Edited by edenstrauss

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Hi kalimantan,

There's a saying by the old folks from the ancient times that unless the person doing the bazi reading for people is of higher spiritual learning, otherwise, they will bring about very bad karma for themselves.

In some cases, it will affect that person's health & lifespan becox it is believed that they disclosed the will of heaven without the ability to counter the bad karma that comes along with the disclosure.

If you want to know how to do the manual calculation, I can guide you or u get your master nong to do it becox all these geomencers will know how to read off from the chinese almanac - otherwise, they can close shop already.

But to calculate for people, I've stopped doing that for a very long time. The last time I did it was in 2002 when I first learnt how to calculate bone weight using the almanac. Practising & finding out on what's most significant in other people's life was really interesting for that inquisitive streak in me.

Then, my granny stopped me after she found out that I did it all for many of our relatives as she claimed that doing such stuff will shorten my lifespan since I'm not a professional cut out to read people's bazi or a buddha reincarnate.

Scares me alright! So better be safe than sorry since my health is quite fragile since young.

p/s: if u happen to read any chinese almanac, refrain from reading it when the sun is going down and thereafter also. Some "pang-tang" type of people will not touch it after 4pm. Don't ask me why becox I have no idea but I guessed it's becox of the talismans found inside the almanac - might "cheong" those who are really very very unlucky.

Edited by edenstrauss

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I just made a discovery that LT's online tool gives inaccurate weight!!

In fact, very different weights are given if manual calculation is done based on the chinese almanac.

This might also suggest why there are discrepancies in results between reality (ur brother's high-flying status in career) & his "bone weight" - LT's on-line tool has a faulty equation so calculation is wrong.

OMG, paiseh.

To my fellow forummers, please refrain from using the link found in my message before.

Thanks Eden for highlighting the error in computation of bone weights.


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