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Zodiac Predictions In The Year Of Rabbit

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Look like no one is either interested in this thread, or don't know what/how to response to it. Let me KPO a bit here to share and break the "coding" of chinese animal prediction. This is a question relate to : WHAT's the prediction based upon?Hope after reading this you have some basic understanding of how the predictions are derived at.

The 12 earthy branche’s 刑、沖、会、合、害 make many possible combinations. These are the fundamental “ingredients” which make up of 運, however, these combinations are complex and therefore “bazi analysis” easy-to-learn, but difficult-to-master. Different formation/combination will end up having different interpretation by different interpreter. There are no absolute good or bad.

十二地支中 have 刑、沖、会、合、害.

地支6 ”冲”: ”冲” meaning: oppposing, different opinios, quarrels. Coming year will be Roost ”冲” with Rabbit.







地支三合: combination of 3 animals which form a “formation” total 4 formations.

1.申子辰合水局: 生在申,旺在子,庫在辰

2.巳酉丑合金局: 生在巳,旺在酉,庫在丑

3.寅午戌合火局: 生在寅,旺在午,庫在戌

4.亥卯未合木局: 生在亥,旺在卯,庫在未

地支三会:3 animals meeting with “directions” & 5 elements”.





地支六合: 有計劃能力,合得來,會有收成,守成,同心協力,好溝通







地支六害: Referring to分離(指人的生離死別),變卦,聚少離多,同床異夢,要收成時,會收不到。

1.子未害: 個性極端,容易犯小人,易換工作。貌合神離,無話可說,會要求對方。(最嚴重的害,又稱天地害,南北害)。羊鼠相逢一旦休

2.丑午害: 耐性差,容易生氣,貌合神離。從來白馬怕青牛。

3.寅巳害: 是非多,無恩情(人情),易犯小人,冷眼旁觀的態度,屬驛馬害,辯才無礙。如果離婚,也可能同住一屋簷下。蛇逢猛虎如刀截.

4.申亥害: 是非多,無恩情,易犯小人。(比喻相見不如懷念,相見就吵,不見又懷念)屬驛馬害。豬見猴猿似箭投。

5.卯辰害: 本身要注意,易遭周邊親人相害,殺傷力很大,好朋友扯後腿,兄弟無緣,手足無助,要他好,反而害他,愈親近的人,反駁力越大。玉兔見龍雲裡去。

6.酉戌害: 與卯辰害相似,容易被近親戲弄。(雞犬不寧,哭笑不得,離婚率高)金雞遇犬淚雙流。

地支之刑 地支彼此之間或與流年地支產生刑剋,主傷害、意外之事,共分四種狀況



















4-1 辰刑辰: 固執,有原則,不喜歡別人左右他,喜歡獨立,作老大,懷才不遇,做事有頭無尾。鬱卒型

4-2 午刑午: 好勝心強,不喜歡別人用話刺激他。個性極端,沒耐性,健忘。屬「馬」者,喜歡別人拍他馬屁,所以要說好聽的話,要好好溝通

4-3 酉刑酉: 講義氣,較雞婆,遇到懶散的人或不講義氣(不講理)的人,他會生氣,所以乾脆不說。太過熱情,變成憂鬱

4-4 亥刑亥: 聰明,智慧,明理。有事不說,鬱卒型。易有自殺傾向

Some solutions for: 六沖













Edited by bepgof

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Hi bepgof, please excuse me. I've already read until my eyes blur. So you mean when the animal zodiac born person falls under one of the 'chiong' or whatever bad catergory will always encounter what you described?


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Generally believed that the "descriptions" were observations recorded by ancient scholars.( zi ping summarized many versions together and form a 渊海子平全书) Believe or not is a "to each his own" issue. http://www.zxtang.com/book/yhzp/

Frankly I'm amaze by the wisdow of ancient chinese for combination of 12 earthy & 10 heavenly branches in making a sexagenary cycle of 60 years. If you go into details of chinese calender (actually is a combination of solar & lunar)structures, will be lagi wonder the bueaty of the ancient wisdow. It tells the relationship between sun, earth & moon.

The chinese zodiac of 12 animals, is believed (no proof)has something to do with the orbit of Jupiter. Jupiter takes 12 years(earth's time) to make one round the sun. So each year represented by one animal. The western (babylon)'s zodia has something to do with orbit of earth. Earth takes 12 months orbiting the sun one round. So each month is represented by group of stars(goddess). 12 months=12 groups.

You can read about the ancient chinese stories on Jupiter, then you will understand why animal "choing" with animal in the "opposite"(imagine jupiter orbit is a round & 12 animals, each spaced at 360/12 = 30 degrees)

Mention Venus(金星=太白星)here. Now (january)at Singapore about 2am, it starts rise from EAST horizon , when at 4-5am, it will be at about 30 degree(on top of your head = 90 degress). Very bright, besides moon, it is th brightest planet to earth, can even cast shadow on earth, don't miss this chance to watch "star". Don't say I never tell you.

Hi bepgof, please excuse me. I've already read until my eyes blur. So you mean when the animal zodiac born person falls under one of the 'chiong' or whatever bad catergory will always encounter what you described?
Edited by bepgof

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do you all believed those prediction in shopping mall? but an interesting thing to note is that, you can easily find out the person age from which banner they are seeing. haha


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Not recommended to believe too much because it "pollutes" the mind to a certain extent with unwholesome thoughts.

Many humans who believe too much in these animal zodiac predictions couldn't get past letting their imagination run wild. And before they realise, they've got quite insane already...


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do you all believed those prediction in shopping mall? but an interesting thing to note is that, you can easily find out the person age from which banner they are seeing. haha

Not a good gauge. KPO like me will read the zodiac signs of my whole family.


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Not a good gauge. KPO like me will read the zodiac signs of my whole family.

"read" only? Got "believe" then transform into action?

Edited by godloveyou

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"read" only? Got "believe" then transform into action?

I have short term memory.

Hope to take action but forgot when's good for me.

So I just read for the fun of it.

There's a giant cylindrical panel at Parkway Parade

with the predictions for all zodiac signs for Yr 2011.


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i usually just see if i have to avoid red/white occasions that year. easiest to put into practice. everything else are too troublesome and easily forgotten


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