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How fast does it take to heat up? Cos I was comparing Joven. Most ppl on renotalk forum commented Joven heats up v fast, plus they use 3.5KW power so heating it v fast, I notice aosmith is 2kw so I wonder if it will be slower? I asked e sales girl n she said was 5 to 10 min to heat up... Hmmm.... Btw u use e 40litre for both bathroom enough? How much they charge?


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How fast does it take to heat up? Cos I was comparing Joven. Most ppl on renotalk forum commented Joven heats up v fast, plus they use 3.5KW power so heating it v fast, I notice aosmith is 2kw so I wonder if it will be slower? I asked e sales girl n she said was 5 to 10 min to heat up... Hmmm.... Btw u use e 40litre for both bathroom enough? How much they charge?

Warm up speed wise, I tested it during the install and I find it quite fast. Didn't exactly time it, basically from the moment the installer taught me the controls on the control panel and then moving into the bathroom to check the water output i can feel it already starts to feel warm. That is probably around 5min.

I will give you a more accurate account on my next visit, in which I will time the time it takes to heat up from room temp to 50C which is my current setting.

I haven't started using it as my reno is still in progress although most of the contractors i spoke to say 40L is sufficient depending on whether you take long showers or not. The design of the storage heater also plays an important role in the selection of the heater. Such as where the heaters are placed and its heating rate effect on cool water entering the tank. There are certain instant mode as well as single, multiple user functions that alter the way the heater reacts maintains the temperature to change. I didn't go too much into detail on these i suppose the controller just reacts base on the amount of heat loss experienced and caters the heating power accordingly. I just bought it because it looks way too cool :lol::jammin:

As mentioned earlier i was charged $680, included GST and Installation. Piping material cost not included as that was covered by my reno contract.


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Here's a picture of the coolness of the control panel. this replaces the heater switch. The 2 switches above it are for bathroom lights. I had it located outside the common bathroom so anyone else does not need to come into the master bedroom to turn it on.

I had it set with 2 timers to have it temperature regulated at 50C on at 6-7am and 6-7pm daily.



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Did i complain before that the flush of HDB supplied WC is extremely bad? I probed more deeper into the mechanism and here's what i found.

A. Its a Rigel WC, you thought you got a good deal. However the mechanism inside is some chiong stuff you can find at mom and pops hardware shops. Though they mimick the Gerberit system.

B. The tank had capability of > 6L flush water storage as indicated by the engraved line and 6L marking . The float setting was at an inch below the 4L line. Guesstimate that to be 3.8L. This explains the dismal flush prowess.

C. I complained to the BSC and they say they can do nothing about it. As long as there is no leaks, they cannot do anything about it. Although their contracted plumber can do... But the plumber wants $$$. :angry2:. Seriously, I don't know what the **** BSC is here for, almost everything also either don't know or cannot do... I'll leave the complaints about the BSC in another post.

D. You cannot improve it much without part change as the overflow pipe had been craftily cut at 4L line on purpose. You can even see the saw marks on it. A molded part should have a end good finish.

So if you are a "handy-man/woman" and you had the exact/similar WC system as me or if you stay in dawson and need 3 flushes to clear your poop. Here's what you can do.

1. Turn off the supply to the WC. Full flush and remove the tank top cover. Twist and lift out the center piece (dunno what is this called, it's purpose is just to release water into the bowl. In my case, it looks just like the gerberit system, a chiong one of cos).

2. Mine had a few settings on this center piece. Without dismantling this thing to bits to understand its mechanism, i can only imagine that the setting at 1 would provide the most forceful release of water... that's what the manual said anyway :P

3. Replace the overflow pipe to a longer piece. Follow the pipe downwards and you should see a nut underneath the tank, unscrew and you can lift this out. (skip this step if yours is.. ahem...already very long :rolleyes:).

4. Adjust the float bowl upwards. There are 2 catches that you need to release.1 is red, that is for adusting the float bowl height, the other is white, that allows you adjust the whole float bowl mechanism height. Turn on the WC supply and set the height that the water shuts off around 1 inch below the top of the overflow pipe. That will get you the 6L of flushing water needed.

5. Seat back, take a poop and see it helps. :sport-smiley-004: You should feel/see a more forceful flush.

Peekture for the above instructions.


ps: I'm all for saving water, However needing to flush 2-3 times everytime would mean more water wastage is still more than what my mod improved. If I did a small business and i only wanted to flush a lower amount, say 3L, I can still adjust it that the "blue" button to have flushing when there is no solids. I believe most people don't ever touch it. Mine came preset that the pushing blue button does a so meagre release of water that its like washing hands off a tap.

Edit: retracted the part on unethical, I just read pub standard code of practice is that it is now mandatory to restrict domestic WC flush to <4.5L to meet conservancy requirements.

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Wow changbp, e water heater digital panel sure looks pretty high tech n sleek.. I'm seriously tempted to get it but my hub main concern was e warranty period for e digital.. Haiz, I alr paid for e normal 30l AOS tank for master bathroom n now have to source for instant heater for common bath. I just realised a lot of instant heaters come w e shower system n I alr bought e grohe handheld shower n mixer... Now I have to source for places that only sells instant heater without e shower system.. Real headache n more work..


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Foxygal, I timed the time it takes from 32C to 50C. It takes 20 minutes at standard setting. That is heating rate about 1 degree per min.

5-10min heating time from the salesperson is subjective depending on what temp u need for bathing. I tested the water when the tank temperature indicates 36C. That was after leaving it Switched off for a day or 2. It is sufficiently warm(quite hot actually...) for me to bath in.


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Designed a simple outdoor bench with bottom to put slippers/shoes. Also a small table to put handphone or whatever.


Why the narrow left side?... Narrow side is for my kid to wear shoes, and the deeper side is the for me to wear shoes... :lol:

Actually, The bench is placed right outside my main door corridor with the water riser on its left. Its to clear the riser door and make it easier for PUB inspector to read the water meters. Peekture below shows the riser door open. In normal scenarios it is closed.



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The DIY tools... borrowed from a friend. Table/circular saw, jigsaw, drill.

Only the small toolbox at the bottom left belongs to me.


Made a workstation with Aluminium profile and Plywood for my DIY activities in the service yard. Actually this workstation was designed to be my washing machine pedestal but i have not braced it yet(short of 2 alu pieces to support the legs) and my washing machine has not arrived yet.



After playing around with ply for the washing machine pedastal, edges are hard to work with, difficult to sand and need to do edging strips. I think I should go with timber for my little outdoor bench. Need to come up with list to buy timber...


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the cut edges split easily , difficult to sand, so have to glue in PVC edging strips and trim off excess edges. troublesome. I chose plywood as I needed the durability/strength of multiply to hold the vibrating washing machine, else would have gone with timber.

I bought from a shop at jurong east avenue 1 opposite the swimming pool. Not Cheap but the boss can cut to size for you.

I will have a couple of DIY to do next, make outdoor bench, some shelves to house shoes in the electrical circuit breaker area, and a behind the sofa countertop and a large mirror for the entryway. All going to use timber. As I'm going to use standard sizes like 1x4s 1x2s I'm going to try buy from chip lee timber


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The DIY tools... borrowed from a friend. Table/circular saw, jigsaw, drill.

Only the small toolbox at the bottom left belongs to me.


Made a workstation with Aluminium profile and Plywood for my DIY activities in the service yard. Actually this workstation was designed to be my washing machine pedestal but i have not braced it yet(short of 2 alu pieces to support the legs) and my washing machine has not arrived yet.



After playing around with ply for the washing machine pedastal, edges are hard to work with, difficult to sand and need to do edging strips. I think I should go with timber for my little outdoor bench. Need to come up with list to buy timber...

hi where did you get the aluminium profile ?


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hi where did you get the aluminium profile ?

Hello Lazarus,

There are many places where you can get alu profiles, I got it from Prestech at the Frontier building in Ubi as they are more service oriented and able to explain to you what you need and can recommend and prepare full sets of matching gussets, bolts for you base on how you wish to connect it and can help you drill holes and tap the ends.


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Completed Master Bathroom. :good:

Though it looks pretty bare now as I have limited accessories installed. I intend to use mostly suction cup stuff to hold(not purchased yet). Trying to minimize the drilling.

Full sized pics taken with Iphone here.


The following are some resized pics.

Dry area - Vanity cabinet.




Wet Area

med_gallery_71361_9_1227.jpg med_gallery_71361_9_69083.jpg

Thinking area... with phone holder.


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Completed Common Bathroom. This has an opposing color as my living room.

Again, this is quite bare, bought some toiletries from Amazon but not arrived yet.

Full sized pictures here. https://www.flickr.com/photos/139714232@N05/albums/72157663383477189

This is a pretty small bathroom with combined wet and dry area.


Using iphone Pano Mode for a wider view, which makes the picture looks a bit distorted.



Business zone




This mirror is a bit small. Just ordered a replacement oval shaped one from Tmall. Hopefully this is more suited for that space.


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Completed Master Bed Room Wardrobe.


Its an L Shape in with EDL laminates. In 2 Tone, with the closet access area with pearl white gloss look and bed facing side a wooden look since I don't wish to see my reflection when i wake up.

I had a recess cut out at the rear of the cabinet so that i can place/charge my phone, alarm clock, keys etc... I wanted more recesses actually to put magazines or display some stuff, but commanding officer wanted more closet space so end up with only 1. The recess location was chosen specifically for lazy access. ie. when I can reach into the access when lying on the bed. So that i can hit the alarm clock snooze button with just an arm movement :D

View from Passageway



View from Bathroom



The Innards.


Top drawer is for watches. (picture was taken before the cupboard was completed so see exposed plywood sides and hole at the right side).

Originally wanted to put a tempered glass on top . But then again I wear I don't have Rolex to display. Only have cheap Casios so no point displaying them. The glass will end up be covered by full of the makeup stuff and my CO's junk anyway...



See the hole above the drawer, it is half depth, the other half on the other side is the bedside recess. It has a thick upper area to hide the wires and LED driver.



My clothes was assigned to this tiny space... :dunno: , the rest belongs to the CO.



The dead space caused by the aircon trunking was converted into a small slotted hole at the top and a pull out. I intend to stick stealthy clear or white hooks to the pullout and use it to hang scarfs, belts, freshly ironed clothes for events,or whatever thin stuff. For the slotted hole at the top, can only think of 1 thing to put there. Its for something that cost 2 arms and 3 legs but used only once and kept in closet for the next 20 years... "The Wedding Photo album". :P . So if its put in here i assume we will be reminded of it enough to fully make use of it to bring it out to show guests. :lol:



The BedSide view. As mentioned earlier, as i could not add more recess to display stuff, it looks kind of plain, I will add some poster frames later.

  The recess, with a power point and recessed lighting.


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