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I do have one at blk 25b, is a thai family but married to Spore man lah.

If you want can pm me, I will talk to her or you can call her up.

I also regret it too!

The toilet tiles is sucks!

Especially the the edges, my wife use knife to cut the silicon off as we unable to wash the dirt out.

And the kitchen tiles too.

My mum regret not overlay!

All hbd tiles are terrible.

They use very very cheap materials.

Even the common corrider tiles also terrible.

Easiler get dirty! Not standard at all!


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I think it is better to put cardboard on the floor right?

Why do double thing especially sway sway laminate spoilt and need to replace? Who bear the cost of replacing?

wah....if she say like this, better make her write it down in b/w tat they WILL change the tiles and laminate FOC for u if they even make any scratches. (based on their previous bad record) but quite norm to change 1-2 tiles after reno due to damages (which may come from moving furniture, not from reno)

never hear bout havin the cardboard will cause problem in carpentry leh....cardboard is used to walk on and to put things on top so as to protect the floor. wat has tat got to do wif the carpentry? if it gets in the way, they can jolly well juz move it aside to make space. it's not like it's glued to the floor....


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haha.. 求之不得,只是緣分還沒到 :P

haha you better enjoy ur xin hun =) martial bliss, afterall you r newly wedded!

i put up grilles, haha so dont need to dirty the house when the baby eventually come 1 day =)

happy, my house shld be ready for viewing soonish haha without furnitures that is.


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Hi Linggie...plse invite me, afterall, I just a few floor from you. Mine is 108, you are 106 right?

haha you better enjoy ur xin hun =) martial bliss, afterall you r newly wedded!

i put up grilles, haha so dont need to dirty the house when the baby eventually come 1 day =)

happy, my house shld be ready for viewing soonish haha without furnitures that is.


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wah....if she say like this, better make her write it down in b/w tat they WILL change the tiles and laminate FOC for u if they even make any scratches. (based on their previous bad record) but quite norm to change 1-2 tiles after reno due to damages (which may come from moving furniture, not from reno)

never hear bout havin the cardboard will cause problem in carpentry leh....cardboard is used to walk on and to put things on top so as to protect the floor. wat has tat got to do wif the carpentry? if it gets in the way, they can jolly well juz move it aside to make space. it's not like it's glued to the floor....

Hihi Apa,

Aiya, how to possibly get her to write it down in black & white? ;) I asked her twice abt it, and she says confirm don’t need and ask me don’t worry and I don’t dare to ask anymore liao. In case wait like last time, the carpenters do the wardrobe’s drawers’ height wrongly and keep on insisting it’s correct, and I have to keep on explaining that it’s not right, (due to ID draw wrongly, but amend by writing on the side, but the carpenter did not read it) then the ID suddenly screamed and shouted the carpenters to amend as customers like then stormed off and left the site and leave us w the carpenters there. :jail: And the carpenters gave me a black face like my fault like that. :bangwall: So how to possibly ask her to write down in b/w for things like that? Wait again she stormed off, and my hse again nobody do. :help:

Very stress, the carpenters did some carpentry half way, then stop 3 weeks and nothing is being done during these 3 weeks. Now already the lunar seven month, and yet my hse still renovating during this period. My parents quite upset that the flat still have to go through reno during this mth, and yet no choice but we cant stop reno, if not then have to wait and delay how long again? :dunno: Will be going up later to see whether any carpentry is being deliver up today? Cos they promised to do so yesterday, but failed to stick to it again. :curse: My hubby made a wasted trip over there to see. :furious:

Btw, guess what happen to the wardrobe’s drawer’s height thingy that I mentioned? Well, they gave a lot of excuses and reasons, and the end verdict is they are not going to amend it, even though it’s clear cut that it’s their mistake. :dunno: Guess, if they really change it, it’s gonna eat into their profit. :(


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I think it is better to put cardboard on the floor right?

Why do double thing especially sway sway laminate spoilt and need to replace? Who bear the cost of replacing?

Hihi Happy,

Exactly, why do double extra things? :bangwall: 1st, I’m not sure whether they will really honor it and change for me free. 2nd thing is even if they are really willing, (which I doubt so, cos toilet n foyer got tiles do wrongly, they refuse to change and say cant change already, will spoilt the tiles lah and blah blah 8| ) how abt the time needed again to rectify? :help: And wont the process might possibly create new problems? :dunno: Then the reno again drag on forever! :bow:


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Hold on the your payment, that is the only resort.

Dont pay up even your id ask for it as most of the things have not been recitified.

I am sure you have the measurement right?

Maybe you can write it down in excel or words, email 1 copy to her.

Assuming all your reno is completed, dont give the last payment, check for defect and told her you need to check before giving her the last payment.

Hope that helps.

How about your electrical? I mean you lights installation?

If you cannot find 1 or dont trust your id, I can recommend my electrician to you. Also not from my id too.

He also fixed tioletry items too.

His rate is ok and consider cheap.

Do let me know if you need any helps.



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hi purplesky

i can't believe how sucky her attitude is....n moreover she isn't even the customer! it's really a tough thing for u as the home-owner, stuck btw her n the carpenters (i tot she suppose to talk to them instead of u?). actually if it's the 7th mth, i believe still can carry on ur reno since it's not like u started it durin this mth.

agree wif happy...hold the payment. she shld rectify the defects tat arise from mistakes on their side. u should not b payin for their mistakes.


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yups i carried on with my reno even now as we r speaking...oh no..i hope ur issue can be resolved soon

sigh my bro broke my MBR key, still stuck in the lock loh, we took the lock to ask ard, most of the locksmiths has no simliar lock...anyone have the same experiencE? much appreciated!


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Hold on the your payment, that is the only resort.

Dont pay up even your id ask for it as most of the things have not been recitified.

I am sure you have the measurement right?

Maybe you can write it down in excel or words, email 1 copy to her.

Assuming all your reno is completed, dont give the last payment, check for defect and told her you need to check before giving her the last payment.

Hope that helps.

How about your electrical? I mean you lights installation?

If you cannot find 1 or dont trust your id, I can recommend my electrician to you. Also not from my id too.

He also fixed tioletry items too.

His rate is ok and consider cheap.

Do let me know if you need any helps.


Hihi Happy,

Ya, most likely I will do that for the last payment. Cos that time we made 1 payment again, then 3 weeks they nv do anything @ all. Don’t think got any point to write it down and email her to change. They won’t change one lor. Even though the measurements are written down one, they also won’t change, so don’t even say for those areas whereby I have no measurements one lor. :bangwall: Went up last thur with the ID together. She said the carpenter will be there, cos need to explain the wardrobe’s handles to me, in the end go up, the carpenter is not there. Up there, me and the ID saw my room wardrobe for the first time, I really don’t know what I should say too. Quite hard to explain, first, alightment is wrong, 2nd, study table measurements are wrong. She said she will call the carpenter up to ask abt this 2 things, but then my wardrobe’s compartments small size, cant do anything abt it, cos no measurement been given to the carpenters, they just follow the drawings to do. So not the carpenters’ fault. Then what? So is my fault lor? Is not that I don’t want the measurements last time, she did not go through my wardrobe’s compartments with me, cos she said no time, and not to worry, wont have any problems one. So now how? :dunno: The compartments are really small, despite paying for a 12ft L shaped wardrobe. The L shaped part is quite stupid, and hard to access becos the opening area is very small. And the insides drawers is :curse: ?????? Inside got 5 drawers, the size is so small, smallest is 280mm (L) x 150mm (H) X 3 drawers. Biggest is 295mm (L) x 150mm (H) X 2 drawers. This is the measurement of the drawers’ casement, not actual measurement of the drawers itself, meaning actual drawers will be much smaller cos must deduct away the drawers’ sides n bottom wood. So Small!!!! Put what???? :help:

Well, Id did try to console me by saying: Don’t worry, still can put passport mah!!! Ya right, 1 person can have how many passports??????? :furious: Then she kept repeating this wardrobe’s small measurements, cant blame the carpenter cos no measurement been given to the them, they just follow the drawings to do. So she’s trying to remind me can’t do anything to it liao. Really don’t know what I should say. Then for the 2 things that she will ‘try’ to get the carpenter to change cos got measurements given to them, she said she got no real confidence though to get them to really change it? She say will call and arrange the carpenter to come over to discuss. So I ask her when. She said most likely next week liao, cos that day already thur. Ya, we already damm urgent to finish reno and move in, still have to wait till next week then discuss. Fine, nv mind, I say ok, cos I can’t force them to come down earlier as they also have other work. So wait lor, what to do? Fri passed, she didn’t called me. Sat night, I called, nv pick up call, sms her asking so meeting when? She called back and said meeting next week lor, so I ask for the actual day, if not how she want us to go down w no actual date, so she said either mon or tue. Fine, no actual date yet. So sun, I sms her. Answer is sun, off day, so cannot call them to ask. Will let me know soon. No choice, so I say to let me know tmr asap. Mon morning still nothing. So we sms her saying since now already Monday’s morning and u still haven’t manage to fix the appt, then don’t rush for today liao. Try to fix for tue then. If not so last min then let us know the actual day and time, my hubby how to go to work? We did this is for her good, as we feel that she most likely cant manage to fix the appt for that day @ so last min, but u all know what happen? :bangwall: She again either bad mood, or gone crazy and snapped again! :bow: She sms back replying: “Wat do u mean last min? Is u hubby suddenly want meet him (carpenter) ler!” What’s the problem man? She herself told us will fix appt w carpenter and let us know the date/time to meet, so meaning we will all go up together right? Furthermore, if not since last week I ask for the date and time for what? For fun? So I sms her back this. Then she replied saying that: “I nv intend ask u go up, anyway! Is u want go! N u just told me last nite & the last min! wat u expect me to do! I just want song (meaning the carpenter) see the study n the pull out, the wardrobe nothing wrong. Wat he (meaning my hubby) expect to change. I will going to charge.” Follow by the next sms: “Halo, Me oso need to work, I m not only do u one house! Ok? “

The more I typed now, the more upset I’m getting. Neighbors, or those who are reading this message now, tell me what I should do? Is not like I ‘m doing my house reno foc by them. I’m paying them for the reno too. Why we so sway? :furious: Other people’s hse can complete in 2 months’ time. Some I even read were managed to complete in 1 month, some more it’s resale flat that needs hacking? Why my new flat need 9mths? The ID I signed up with, were even recommended by 1 of our neighbors, thus we signed him up. Though some minor problems with him, as he suddenly have to go reservice for 2 weeks, so we delayed starting reno waiting for him. Then tiles ordered already don’t know why suddenly no stocks, have to wait again. Then Chinese New Year, workers have to go back Malaysia, so have to wait for half a month again. All these times, we waited, and we 'ren' and kept quiet and did not make a big fuss, cos reno must have be happy and have good rapport with the id right? :unsure: Then wait till after the whole lunar Chinese New Year is over, the ID said he quarreled w the Boss, so he resigned. From there onwards, everything and anything that can go wrong, did indeed go wrong lor. :bow: Now I understand why older folks says, if u r unlucky, whatever u do also unlucky. Haha, I mean really is “ Sway1 Sway2 Sway3 Sway4” lor. :bow:

Up to before she sms me those things, I seriously do not hate the new lady ID. I even like her, and protected/defended her, when my hubby makes a complaint, asking me why she so slow, why she forget abt this and that again and again & etc? I just kept protecting her, told my hubby repeatlly that at least now got her doing our hse, if not then nobody do our hse again. At least she better then the 2nd and 3rd id, more easy to communicate w her and etc. :huh: At least she didn’t really mia. Even that day when she screamed and shouted and left the site, I though very upset with it, cos I was left there facing the 3 carpenters’ bad face and attitude, but still I defended her, telling my hubby that maybe she’s in a bad mood/ maybe is just PMS or she’s rushing for time. Sometimes when she’s unhappy with something and shows a bad face or bad tone, I also pretended that I don’t know and kept quiet and did not follow her patterns and do the same thing. :help: If I don’t ‘ren’, then how? Reno wanna drag how long again? :no: But then after she sms me all that since that day, I seriously don’t know how I should handle this reno thing liao. :bow: Maybe just go with the flow bah. Don’t know how much more s**t I will be facing. Really can’t bear the thought of meeting the ID and carpenter tmr afternoon. Yah, we have to wait again exactly 1 week before we get to meet them tmr. See how my reno can manage to drag so long? :jawdrop:

Sorry to all reading this, for my long post. Didn’t expect it to be so long.

Happy, I haven’t even reached my electrical/lights part yet. Will try to continue in my next post.

:help: Now I urgently need to ask all neighbors, for the sliding wardrobes, the aluminum handles, do they come in chrome (meaning shiny like stainless steel) or only in dull aluminum color? And when sliding the door closed, does the door’s aluminum handles/frame closed over the door frame, or only till the door’ frame side? :dunno: Hopefully, i will have some reaspone before i meeting them again on tmr afternoon. Thanks in advance for any info or advice. :)


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Hi Pur, I still need to slowly ready your post, but then saw your last para.

1) Mine sliding is (I think so) not chrome..kind of aluminum for all the side. Something like U shape. Also, remember when you close the sliding door, the door will hit the side wardrobe right? So you must have a soft cushion attached to the sliding door. So that when you close the door, it will not have a loud bang.

2) I dont have any handles for my wardrobe.

3) Ask your id for to do one secret compartment. Just below the drawer. At least you can hit your valuables thing. She will know.

Edited by h4happy

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Hi Pur, I still need to slowly ready your post, but then saw your last para.

1) Mine sliding is (I think so) not chrome..kind of aluminum for all the side. Something like U shape. Also, remember when you close the sliding door, the door will hit the side wardrobe right? So you must have a soft cushion attached to the sliding door. So that when you close the door, it will not have a loud bang.

2) I dont have any handles for my wardrobe.

3) Ask your id for to do one secret compartment. Just below the drawer. At least you can hit your valuables thing. She will know.

Hihi Happy,

Heehee, pai sei, my post too long. :P

Thanks for the info and tip. :) Yes, i did ask for the secret compartment, though not sure good to use or not? Cos the whole hole is not block (meaning the hole is the whole length of the wardrobe, so if anything 'rolls' or accidenly push further in, then cant retrieve it anymore. :o

Hmm, so yr door frame when slide closed, (from the front view) it's rest beside the wardrobe carcass frame or over it? (ie, when closed, from the front view, cant see the wardrobe frame at all, or will still see some part of the wardrobe frame in front?) Thanks in advance. :D


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Hi everyone

I have MIA for nearly one yr ma , busy with my wedding last yr and giving birth to my 1st baby (now busying sliming down before going back to work ) .hahah lingg you are back har .U stay in your unit already be cos few day ago I at my kitchen like saw u walking to the rubbish bin drop rubbish but dunno is it u .(look alike)


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Hi everyone

I have MIA for nearly one yr ma , busy with my wedding last yr and giving birth to my 1st baby (now busying sliming down before going back to work ) .hahah lingg you are back har .U stay in your unit already be cos few day ago I at my kitchen like saw u walking to the rubbish bin drop rubbish but dunno is it u .(look alike)


you want contact for Massage? do let me know..... my girl is 13mths+


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