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A Simple Place @ Bedok =)

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Hi Skyblue

u are so 细心 :D

Oh i am so Chinese, am i love it ;)

Thanks ah pbtgal, no choice, by nature - I am always considerate for others. ;)

Chinese is good - I love it too!!

我们都是自己人嘛!! :P


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One of the forumers asked me about my aircon installation, so I thought I might as well share on my selection process. :)

My Aircon Selection Process

Right from the beginning, I already know that I would be buying Mitsubishi Electric Inverter System 3 aircon, but just do not know where to buy – need to shop around.

My ID knew about this and offered a reliable aircon company in his contacts. I told him I need to pay by installment (no $$$ liaoz), which his contact does not have such payment scheme. Then he told me what were the expected prices (for aircon and its bracket installation) – at his own initiative when I didn't even ask – when I was doing my shopping at Gaincity (seems popular with quite good review from this forum). He told me the prices so that I could make some comparison while doing my shopping.

While I was at Gaincity (at Ang Mo Kio industrial park there), the guy who came to help me was not knowledgeable enough and left me a bad first impression. He kept on asking which type of bracket I would need, as different brackets have different purpose/orientation (at different parts of the house). I wasted quite an amount of time on this before he proceeded to his "sales" talk (upgrade piping lah, upgrade warranty lah, etc). When he said that if I took some of the upgrades, the total cost already hit over 3K, PLUS the installation can only be in end May or early June (too late), I got quite put-off and left with an excuse of the need to consult my mother.

Of course I do not need to consult my mother, I can very well make my own decision. Just that I do not need him to "sell" me the additional stuffs and the fact that he already left me a bad first impression, hence I have decided not to buy from Gaincity, despite good reviews.

By the way, before the upgrades he mentioned, the price alone was at least higher by $100 (compared to my ID's contact). So, in the end, I told my ID to get his contact to install for me (trunking done by week 5, aircon by week 8 – refer to photos), payment was made together with my final payment to my ID on the handing over day. The only thing is that I can't have the installment payment. But on the other hand, any problem with the aircon – my ID say can just call him, which to me is better still, at least is somebody I know wor.

In addition, because my ID knows the aircon guy, the installation process was done smoothly as the 2 of them just liaised among themselves and I was not involved (I no need to headache on which day should aircon guy come). Haha... :P

Additional note - edited 19 Jun 09

Aircon Trunking

I just realized today that the aircon trunking thing has been nicely covered up with some false ceiling, looks like I am still exploring my house. Haha... ;)



Study room


Edited by skyblue

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Update 6

Windows’ Roller Blinds (Blackout type)

Finally this morning at 10 30 hours, the roller blinds were installed in my study room and the guest room (thanks to mrspiglet's recommendation).

The blinds are black-out blinds as my rooms are having some West Sun (though it won’t cover the entire room), which can be glaring at times.

Here are some photos:

Study room view 1


Study room view 2


Guest room view 1


Guest room view 2



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Frustration 1

Now for some blood-boiling issues.

The thing about staying with my mother is that she totally does not care about whether the things she buy will fit into the house nicely. That's why I prefer to stay alone previously, but due to work commitment, got to sell off the place (but that is another story altogether, unless you guys wanted to hear about it) and bought this house to stay with her...

Look at the ready-made altar she bought (see photo below this paragraph), it just doesn't fit the house. But this one I knew already, so no choice just put it at one corner. Did not custom make it because I do not really know how big she wants it, where she wants it, so in the end she just buy those ready-made type.


Alright, I knew the altar is one "negative" look in the house, but I did not expect that she would buy 2 such chairs to "spoil" the look further. She wanted to let the maid (employed by my sister to look after her 3 daughters) sit on it when she is free from her duties. Good intentions, but *&^#%$^&%#@...




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Frustration 2

The reason that the common toilet did not install shower screen, was that my mother is those old, traditional type where the toilet "must be wet" (if you get what I mean). You will see pails almost everywhere, and therefore shower screen is not suitable and I did not make any cabinets under the basin as well.

Then she went to get the shower curtain that looks like this:


Ok, fine. Still looks ok, if you disregard the design of the curtain. But my blood boil further when I saw what she got her brother (my uncle) to do DIY curtain in her bedroom. She just couldn't wait for my roller blinds to be installed, so that she can see if she likes it, if she don't like, I'll make her the curtain.

I know the rod has not completely been installed properly yet, but the look of it makes me really mad. It is slanted!!!! :angry: :angry: :angry:

Curtain rod


Right view


Left view


I already spent so much money on this renovation and in the end, it was not the ID/contractor that spoils my day but my mother – such irony isn’t it?

I know she wants to save money, but I already spent this much, how much more will it cost me for another curtain in her bedroom! &^$@$^%*@#!^$

I am going out to meet my friends for dinner liaoz. So-so-so "pek-chek" now manz.... *Sigh, SIGH* :(


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hehehe...no choice when its mother....but the rod abit too off the line...

just a quick check...how much did you pay for the blind? thought of getting it for my study room....


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ohhh dear.. I can totally feel your frustration.. i guess nothing much can be done for the alter see whether u can hide away the chair. As for the shower curtain, Ikea do have some nice ones that you may get to replace. As for the curtain rod in her room erhhhh how come can slant until like that??? Is it those that are not permanently fix to the wall? There are those that are fix up by suction. If that's the case still can adjust.


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the curtain rod is the same type of pole used for toilet shower curtains right? Can be adjusted and leveled right?

really under your frustration but when it comes to our parents...we just have to respect their choices and dont boil blood over it. Since she's the one using the common loo then its important for her to get the choice of her shower curtains.


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the rattan chairs,mayb u can DIY paint one black and one white to make it look modern....but must use correct type of paint(im nt too sure)

the slanted curtain rod can easily fix lah,no worry....its those twist and extend type


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hehehe...no choice when its mother....but the rod abit too off the line...

just a quick check...how much did you pay for the blind? thought of getting it for my study room....

Hi preciousjam, yeah, no choice.

I got the blinds for both rooms at $400. FYI.

ohhh dear.. I can totally feel your frustration.. i guess nothing much can be done for the alter see whether u can hide away the chair. As for the shower curtain, Ikea do have some nice ones that you may get to replace. As for the curtain rod in her room erhhhh how come can slant until like that??? Is it those that are not permanently fix to the wall? There are those that are fix up by suction. If that's the case still can adjust.

Hi ivy, at least for the altar part, I was informed, but not the chairs.

As for shower curtains, I will leave as that since I will not be using that common toilet. The design will be up to her lor.

Since the curtain to be hung on the rod in her room, I'll just have to "shut" my eyes lor...

That is why I only do up a simple place in this flat (if you look through again, it is just plain simple).

Personally, I like those classy feel, elegant type, very nicely done up with wall features and everything in the house.

But since I know my mother would be staying with me, I just do up a simple one - which I did not expect to get a "spoil" look this fast & early lor!

Oh well, that's life yeah... :|


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the curtain rod is the same type of pole used for toilet shower curtains right? Can be adjusted and leveled right?

really under your frustration but when it comes to our parents...we just have to respect their choices and dont boil blood over it. Since she's the one using the common loo then its important for her to get the choice of her shower curtains.

Hi born_again, appreciate your concern. Yes, as mentioned above, I will leave it as that for the shower curtain, since I am not using it, like what you said. :)

The curtain rod is indeed the same, but I was annoyed that she wouldn't even consider me doing up a proper curtain (should she dislikes the idea of roller blinds) for her.

It is really "painful" to see how things turn out (even if it is not my room), when you spent big amount of $$$, to get something like "that" - if you understand what I am trying to convey on the "pain" part...

Anyway, I have to "let go" liaoz, her room mah, haha...


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the rattan chairs,mayb u can DIY paint one black and one white to make it look modern....but must use correct type of paint(im nt too sure)

the slanted curtain rod can easily fix lah,no worry....its those twist and extend type

Thanks nexus, for your suggestion. I will have to wait and see, wait until everything she has get it done in her room, then see what to be done later. ;)

I do know it could be fixed for that rod, it was just a "big surprise" when I first saw it yesterday.

I wish she could let me do a proper curtain for her, but that's my mother lor. Haha...


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Today is the official day that my phone line and Singnet Broadband would be transferred. Currently using it at my new place, and the surfing was immediately after all connection has been set up, it was a breeze!! :good:

While setting up my computer, HN called to say they are coming within the next hour (by right should be from 3pm – 8pm), which is great!!

Update 7

Panasonic Fridge & LG Washer

Both arrived at about 2pm Here are the views of the Panasonic fridge:

Front view.


Handle view.


Interior view.


Here are the views of the LG washer:

Overview of LG washer.


Buttons view.


"Next Change" :P

2 July, afternoon – Mattress & sofa from Seahorse.

July (no confirmation yet) - Office chair for study room from vhive.

Coffee table – unknown.

Edited by skyblue

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Older generation tends not to share our passion for a modern clean house. To them, perhaps as they are getting older, their needs are simple and having a house is already so much for them to be thankful.

I can understand your frustration, skyblue - especially after forking out your hard earned income to realize a comfort home and then the theme/concept spoilt by [our] parents. I always believe that our parents can be re-educated. Share with her your vision of a beautiful home - the dos and donts. Share with her that you will provide the items she wants rather than she taking the initiative to get them.

Please accept my apologies if I had gone overboard. Hopefully, things will work well - a win-win situation for you and your mum.


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dun be angry la, skyblue. old people are like tat. i will face this problem when i move in. but come to think of that, they do not care too much abt fit or not fit and so on.

no need to be too angry for them. they have their reasons and what we can do, explain to them nicely and if they do not listen, also bo-bian.


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