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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/22/2014 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Anyone have contact to reliable aircon serviceman? I used to give ah boon from star cool but I guess he's really too busy... I wait for his reply till my neck became giraffe.. Guess it's time to switch... Thanks for help.
  2. 1 point
    Like every reno blog tradition, here is our floorplan. As soon as we got our keys, we search for ID/Contractors. We understand some of them the price difference is not that much so we decide to search for whoever is able to meet our requirements and most importantly our budget. Here are the list that we approach not that many as some but still just as tiring 1. D'trenzo - we went to talk to this young chap and I believe he is too new in the industry a lot of things he is unsure of. And because we did quite a bit of research on materials, it seemed that we know more than him. Furtheremore, he didnt come back to us with a quotation so OUT. 2. Omus Living - we heard quite a lot of good things online about this company. We too are impressed with the way the company works and the ideas that was bounced off and he is very attentive to our needs. However it is over and beyond our budget. so OUT. (if you do have the $$$ try this company) 3. Classic & ideas - we heard many good feedback about the company & this particular ID. Sadly, our first meeting he only set aside 1 hour and the rest of the time we were talking to his assistant. Well his assistant is a nice chap and understand what we want. However when its time to give us the quotation they keep delaying and keep telling us tomorrow the next day and so on but well tomorrow never comes do they? so OUT. 4. UBS - recommended by our friend. He is super friendly and he is willing to explain everything in detail to us even though we repeat a few times the same issues (he super patient). we can a bit long-winded. His quotation also come within a week and also within our budget. (Pending) 5. North west interior - recommended by a friend. He is a friendly guy who listen to us and understand our requirements. Within less than a week we received our quote with detailed drawing. Impressive. He also quote within our budget. (Pending).
  3. 1 point
    Hi All, I understand that lot of friend here order things from taobao, I am here to give all of you a service on all taobao order from purchase to shipping to your door step I am able to help through with a small fees. Interested please msg or PM me. Thanks.
  4. 1 point
    http://www.macbuildingproducts.com/product_info.php?cPath=25_749_497&products_id=20366 http://www.macbuildingproducts.com/product_info.php?cPath=25_496&products_id=20350 How to I wire this switch with this below plug
  5. 1 point
    where can i buy Acrylic Fiberglass Reinforced Panel / Acrylic Lighting Panels (prismatic white) in Singapore size 48"x96". How much will it cost? looking a thin board sheet or Polyethylene-Plastic-Sheet can roll. how much http://www.dama.com.sg/ selling? photo taken from ebay.com
  6. 1 point
    I am using homogenous tiles and the grouts and tiles are very dirty. I have preactically used alot of stuff to clean it and it still remains dirty, how can i clean them. Thanks
  7. 1 point
    My mum just got a resale 4 room hdb, looking for direct tiler to do hacking, tiling & wet works. Could some good soul recommend me a good tiler that they have used before? Details - Hacking off living/dining, kitchen, 2 toilets wall and floor tiles - Lay Homogenous floor tles for living/dining, kitchen & 2 toilets - Labour to install toilet bowls & accessories etc. - Dismantle & dispose all existing cabinets in kitchen and 2 toilets
  8. 1 point
    Living Room Cabinets with TV Console and Altar up. Pardon the dark pictures for the place has no lighting now. The laminates has a texture feel to it with grain lines running top down. Anyway, these pictures are not doing them any justice.
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    Has anyone bought any doors and stuff from http://www.doctordoors.com.sg/ ? Are they cheap and good? Do they provide installation? I am so amazed by their website! So many of the doors to choose from! My ID just called and say both of my bedroom doors and the common toilet door exceeded the standard dimension of 3ft x 7ft by a couple of inches. So have to do a custom made door. Additional costs of course! Anyone has this type of issue before? He said it's because the flats now have bigger doors, esp for my area, for the old folks and provides easier access for those with mobility concerns. Is this true?? Sian now i have to source for my own door and hopefully they will turn out cheaper.
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    To those people who ask for my ID contact & people who are interested but yet to ask, Let me explain more on ID #6. His company is a newly set-up business (less than 1 year). He does not advertise on any platform other than through word of mouth. He does not have any FB page or website for his company. I asked him why not set up a FB page so that ppl who are interested can be able to see his work. But he didnt want to have one. Why? Reason: Based on what I understand from him is that FB will indeed bring in businesses. But he dont want to have alot of business in expense of quality. He put in alot of effort in each of his clients. And he does not like to rush on his work. My project can be completed in 6 weeks but he plans another additional 2 weeks (total 8 weeks) to check and make sure that everything is alright before handover keys to me. He told me that he visits project site almost everyday on weekdays. After 2 weeks of contact with him, he is a total workaholic. I always have alot of questions. I whatapps him like whenever I can(between 8am to 12mn), when i have questions. He can reply very fast. The longest wait for his reply is less than 2 hours. Planned to view my 3D on 20 April & if no changes to 3D, he wants to start work on 28 April. I really hope that he can fulfil what he had promised. It is still too early to judge. Let my reno journey prove everything. Actually quite pai seh, and i didnt tell him that I got post t-blog here.. XD
  13. 1 point
    Dining Area Our Ideas 4 seater tempered glass dining table (good if extendable) Simple & classic hanging light Ideas found from websites & iPhone apps
  14. 1 point
    Hi KittyJems, May I have the painter's contact pls. Thanks v much.
  15. 1 point
    Ya lah, so many of these men cannot find a suitable "reading chair" so what to do? Got to go into details loh.
  16. 1 point
    Hi Isiah, I find your quotation is very reasonable. Pls pm the contacts to me too. Thanks a lot!
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