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Everything posted by Starscream

  1. My personal concept of Zen is walnut colour haha Suggest you visit Star Furniture Group - Zen Tradition for their range of products, should be able to give you a good feel of the theme.
  2. Going to get a Fujioh Hob, so which country is it made from?
  3. Our HDB officer was more polite than yours but the service is lacking nonetheless. When asked about the financial plan, the HDB officer promptly said: "you should have prepared this information yourself, you are a University graduate right?" and when asked for the effective loan rates he goes: "you can go out and collect from Info Counter and come back to me later when you ready, so I can continue with my other work". when we approach the Info Counter we were told "details on the loan? No such thing, go online." fortunately we brought out the calculator and computed the numbers on the spot. With all his sarcasm, we would do better to deal with the computer than him!
  4. LittleDevil: Agree that the pebble and tile may not match too well, maybe you can add a water feature or some attention-grabbing item to take away the comparison? Your bedroom doors are nice, perhaps it's not bright enough to show the design fully - how about painting the door frame in a contrasting colour? Anyway, glad to see your house progressing well cheers.
  5. Customer Service usually cuts two ways. In this case, is it more of the person or the company that you are dissatisfied with?
  6. Your bargaining power wanes the moment you sign on the contract, so feel free to strike out any clause you are not comfortable with, and better still if you can, include your own. Example: Say your contract gives you a paint choice of up to 4 colours. State it out to include what types of paint quality can be chosen and does the ceiling count as one colour, and whatever you can think of to protect your interests. That being said, personally I think it is still more important who you engage rather than what he/she provides in the contract.
  7. If you are going to stay long in the house and really like tiles, go for the kitchen tiles. The glass backing can be done as an afterthought as compared or when you have budget later on.
  8. Hi Froze. My understanding is that only parts for the compressor is from Japan. Assembly and the fan coil units are in Thailand, as what I was told by a salesperson.
  9. Interesting, would you like to substantiate or provide leads as to how you have derived at the conclusion that "European brands" would be more prone to breakdown?
  10. There is a type of single-framed wrought iron gate which does not allow the use of padlocks.. an example below..
  11. 1) Never found out, could ask Cellini staff if you are interested. 2) Not yet delivered. Will let you know next month if you can wait! It also features -ve ion but we didn't buy it for that function. 3) Goto the Sungei Kadut IFC Cellini, they have the Grand Castle there. No try no buy. End of day to us buying a mattress is in part science and in part an art, the specifications may be right but your body parts would feel otherwise. The process of going through Simmons, Sealy, Dunopillo followed by Cellini Nightingale was our decision process. Don't read too much into all the adverts and hear-say, go with your own desire and be content with your purchase. If you don't quite like them (Nightingale), our 2nd alternative was Sealy Jade Mattress.
  12. We bought from Cellini. Ours is the Grand Castle. Maybe you could try the common brands Simmons and Sealy and Dunopillo (all shops found at one location - Furniture Mall @ Beach Road) before you head down to Cellini and re-test them. This way you can roughly decide what you prefer.
  13. IMHO: Doing Suspended is more for the looks and good if you wall-mount your TV. As compared, being Grounded is easier on maintenance and better for sit-on TV.
  14. Both Hong Liang and Goh Ah Bee service staff were down-to-earth and friendly when we visited. Prices would be reasonable so we would recommend them based on that
  15. I know HT does. Once to lay the piping. Another visit to install the equipment.
  16. I noticed you have different coloured window grilles and a very interesting 2-door bathroom. Yeah, better to be safe and not move in any single valuables during the renovation process. The vacuum cleaner our ex-owner left for us = conveniently "removed" by the hackers.. In the same light, we are going to get the wrought iron gate supplied & installed by our main contractor and after the full handing over, we will get another party to change the main wooden door and lock. Breaking up into 2 separate process with 2 different parties will help somewhat, just in case you know..
  17. Andy: Oh dear.. that's really not good, looks like you may have to tell them where you would like to run the trunking instead.