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Wow, you made the right choice with the old home, from some comments here, I guess there are many who dont understand the landed property market, not long ago, myself included.

In 2007, I too saw a very bad condition house like yours, seller asking one million, I viewed the house and was very angry with the agent and seller asking such "high" price for a piece of junk, the owners did not even bother to paint the walls etc. etc. So stupid me did not buy the house. Later someone finally did buy the house, and with some clever ID and reno work, I think costing no more then $200k, the house was transformed into a dream home.......can you imagine how I kicked myself in the nether regions? Now I smarter, but the buying opportunity still has not presented itself.

Just some tips for buying landed homes, after observing the well heeled, try to go for as run down as possible, 30 to 40 year old "junk", this helps keep price lower, try to get single story corner terrace, no point buying two storey or more, if the intention is for total makeover, again to keep price low, of course unless no choice, like you really like the place. Yapyap you have made an excellent choice with your purchase, you have a bought corner terrace, which for all intents and purposes, is like semi detached, without paying the extra premium. Even if you don't have money to to total A&A now, you can simply do simple reno to make the house livable until you have the funds for total makeover, or pass down to next generation to do the A&A.

As for my location, I am living in a condo at the Tanah Mera estate, good living but now beginning to feel too cramped LOL, still looking around, wish I could buy landed and rebuild.


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well.. i will go and pick "junk" and re-do but advice against single storey. Reason is you may have to re do the house foundation if your intend is to build up to 2 or more levels. So, be careful with your choice. Foundation cost a bomb...

One thing i learnt is that you need to do alot of homework about the area you are buying, how high and how wide you can build.. It helps you plan so that you can maximise your buildin area.. these are not off the shelves information.... you will need very good advice from your panel of experts...

as i discovered, even moving sewerage is not a simple nor cheap task..

there are mistakes i made that i hope others will not follow...


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heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy I have always dream about a baby grand in our place too but since it's not possible (logistically and financially)...I guessed I have to settle with my old digi piano. What's your damage? Actually with your space, you can buy a grand mah...why baby grand?


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well.. i will go and pick "junk" and re-do but advice against single storey. Reason is you may have to re do the house foundation if your intend is to build up to 2 or more levels. So, be careful with your choice. Foundation cost a bomb...

One thing i learnt is that you need to do alot of homework about the area you are buying, how high and how wide you can build.. It helps you plan so that you can maximise your buildin area.. these are not off the shelves information.... you will need very good advice from your panel of experts...

as i discovered, even moving sewerage is not a simple nor cheap task..

there are mistakes i made that i hope others will not follow...

True about the foundation costs, but come to Tanah Merah estate and see, almost all of the more recently sold single storey units are turned to massive three storey, attic / basement homes :) BTW was discussing about reno and I just heard from my dad that if you tear down your old landed home you must build with basement as part of the Home Shelter requirements? Am not familiar with new requirements as my parent's home is 90's era landed property, so I can only envision tear down and rebuild in 2030s but collecting info and learning now LOL.


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WAHH very nice... simple. Just for curiosity sake.. ard lucky heights there?

Not really... but not too far away.. :dancingqueen:

True about the foundation costs, but come to Tanah Merah estate and see, almost all of the more recently sold single storey units are turned to massive three storey, attic / basement homes :) BTW was discussing about reno and I just heard from my dad that if you tear down your old landed home you must build with basement as part of the Home Shelter requirements? Am not familiar with new requirements as my parent's home is 90's era landed property, so I can only envision tear down and rebuild in 2030s but collecting info and learning now LOL.

according to my knowledge, the rule keeps changing, so you cannot keep your info for so long... haha.

i didn't have to do home shelter for mine according to my architect.. but we did had a discussion around whether it is needed or not needed, etc...

anyway, with prices coming down recently.. maybe you would want to consider again???? :notti::notti:

heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy I have always dream about a baby grand in our place too but since it's not possible (logistically and financially)...I guessed I have to settle with my old digi piano. What's your damage? Actually with your space, you can buy a grand mah...why baby grand?

PM-ed you the cost of the baby grand..

Well..i told my wtb jokingly that she is going to have to earn back the cost by giving piano lessons!! :P

and i will make the banner to hang around the neighborhood and distribute the flyers...

Baby Grand is just nice la.. Grand is abit too big.. picture is deceiving! space is not so big... :sport-smiley-018:

Edited by yapyap

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Well..i told my wtb jokingly that she is going to have to earn back the cost by giving piano lessons!! :P

and i will make the banner to hang around the neighborhood and distribute the flyers...

Baby Grand is just nice la.. Grand is abit too big.. picture is deceiving! space is not so big... :sport-smiley-018:

if your wtb giving piano lesson i confirm sign up

just to have the chance to :dribble: :dribble: :dribble: at your home


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if your wtb giving piano lesson i confirm sign up

just to have the chance to :dribble: :dribble: :dribble: at your home

she is very fierce...! i :bow: to her day and night..


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yapyap, your designs is really very *wow* *wow* & *wow*

the house looks so futuristic! i tink the PE and architect costs, should not be cheap rite, for landed. becoz last time i worked in an architect firm, my boss used to earn so much just for the design, outlook and reno of the place..... :good::)


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ya.. they are all laffing to the bank.. while i slog day and night!

Anyway.. some of our purchases after searching for a long time..

Bontempi - Barone Table

The top is white glass in very dense white pokka dot print and the leg in white too


Kartell - Hi Cut Chair x 2

We chose the orange top to give a little colour to otherwise a very white house..


It took us about 3 months to nail down our dining table and chairs..

As part of the contract, our ID was supposed to search and recommend furnitures to us. After some recommendation from them, we decided to do our own search because their taste is totally way over our budget for simple stuff..


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ur 3d drgs r really v nice...

r the kartell chairs tat u bought on sales?? cos i received their 'on sales' email last wk lor...

normally id wil recommend those nice & branded stuff but then most of the time it cnnt fit into our budget. so we juz hv 2 look around 4 other alternatives....


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Our Neighbours...

One day when we visited our place when it was still early days during the reno, our neighbour pop out and say hi.. very nice man look to be in his late 50s... he started greeting us and tell us many stories about the neighbourhood.. after awhile, he started telling us the dos and donts to stay there..

Both myself and wtb listen intensely like a young couple (not so young la) receiving words of wisdom..

He went on and on about which neighbours are not in good terms with who and who.. and why we shouldnt park at certain part of the road, blah blah.. gosh.. so many rules to follow?? in my mind i was thinking why so many things to say one... neighbour help each other can liao mah.. anyway that was the first meeting..

after that everytime i go there, he will serve us drinks... he even went to our half baked house and give us a few pointers here and there.. I was really trying to be polite as the reno really inconvenients him quite abit, his being the adjacent house and some adjacent walls are affected..

Anyway, the relationship was really on a very amicable basis. Me and WTB were still thinking what a nice neighbourhood...........Until one day, he was very upset when he saw us.. after realising that we are shifting the entrance of our house.. he says we disturbed the peace of how cars are parked now.. as mine is a corner unit and at the end of the road, many household parks their car right infront of my unit.. anyway. tough to explain but our change in entrance did cause abit of changed in the norm..

me and wtb was like oh.. "did we created some animosity before we even move in... " and the truth fact is "YES" we did..

Recently, my contractor and PE was telling me that the authorities started asking alot of questions on our project.. and it was not common that they asked all these questions as those are not the norm.. we were even asked to cut out a piece of our structure for testing!!! My contractor and PE says, someone must have complained to the authority and they have no choice but to take action.. what the ****... all finger points to my immediate neighbour.. he is obviously still very upset with the gate changed!!!! He says now all the cars have to use his gate as the turning point rather than mine!!! :furious:

Anyway, for CNY, I sent them a hamper just to try to make peace..

i dont know what else i can do to such a bossy neighbour.. everything i did was with proper authorization....

forgive my rattling.. but what to do?? :dunno:

what a great start to our new life... :curse:


ur 3d drgs r really v nice...

r the kartell chairs tat u bought on sales?? cos i received their 'on sales' email last wk lor...

normally id wil recommend those nice & branded stuff but then most of the time it cnnt fit into our budget. so we juz hv 2 look around 4 other alternatives....

hmz.. not on sales, we bot them at GWC few months ago.. got sales ar.......... ????????? where? what products? I need a few more chairs..

Edited by yapyap

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