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The Long Awaited Nest

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today i asked the painter (he was here alone for the final coat) to paint my pipes again. he made a few calls and told me tat 'Boss (Jason) say paint pipes have to charge xtra' and kept complaining tat he couldnt even finish the rest of the painting today but i saw him on the phone every 20 mins or so..... towards the end of the day, there's still a lot to touch up to do but we jus let him go cos i cant be bothered to tok to him le and before he left, he actually ask me to buy a brush and paint the pipes myself....

so i am wondering.... i actually requested my pipes to be in granite, same as my living hall. can use the leftover paint right? or do Uncle mean tat the pipes can only be painted in white? tats y i hv to be charged xtra?

hai~ these few days hv been bad lor. workers spitting in my newly installed kitchen sink, electricians breaking my lights, @$%^ painter who used my MBR toilet to wash his paint bucket and dun even bother to clean up, my sink was GREEN and floor was PINK when he left.... :curse::(

that sounds bad... poor thing. Uncle told me painting of pipes all included leh. but didn't specify the colour though


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yes i agree! Jason luvs to make his own decision! tats y there's so much rectification on my carpentry. he didnt even checked the size and kind of laminate i wan for my dresser and the next min it was already fixed on my wall......


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mmm I really haven't met the Malay and the Malaysian one... mm

I agree on the last sentence. haha :P:rolleyes: Prefer Uncle Soon so much more! haha


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yes i agree! Jason luvs to make his own decision! tats y there's so much rectification on my carpentry. he didnt even checked the size and kind of laminate i wan for my dresser and the next min it was already fixed on my wall......

huh?? didn't ask u what laminate you need?? means he decide for you the laminate?


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as seen on the pics, Jason chose the same laminate as my MBR feature wall, mixture of black n white. my initial idea was jus purely white, but it kinda looks ok to me so i actually accepted the color but NOT the measurements. but now i decided to let him know if i wanna change after my bed is in, see if my bed can help to cover up the 'bulkiness' lor.

pls let jason show u his drawings n measurements and let him inform u when the carpentry starts lor. for my case, he didn't.

even during plumbing, painting and re-wiring.... we were not informed at all. when we ask, he told us the wrong days lor. i waited the whole day for the electricians to come and then was told have change day le.


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seems like we really need to kep a close watch on the reno movement and progress. Hopefully they (including Jason) has the same mentality as uncle...must do the work well...


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yes i agree! Jason luvs to make his own decision! tats y there's so much rectification on my carpentry. he didnt even checked the size and kind of laminate i wan for my dresser and the next min it was already fixed on my wall......

Aiyo... my hub still ask me if i wanna get them to do my dresser table since i cannot find one that i like n fits the sizing n budget that i have. Like tt i must make sure i design everything properly then ask them to do.

Its quite common that the days of the workers coming in are chged. i wasnt told of when the electrician is coming, or when the plumber is installing my toilet stuff. Thkfully hub make lots of effort to go back home almost every lunch time, n managed to bump into the plumber. Plumber almost installed the wrong basin for my MBR n common toilet, n heng hub was there to stop him. If they had told us earlier, we would place the correct basin into the respective toilets to minimise any mistake. when we ask him who gave the instructions to install this way, he say "jason say this one nicer so install in MBR". But Jason didnt even asked us!!

Maybe i'm more petty to such details, hence Hub is still very ok with jason whereas i'll choose Uncle soon over him. :)


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I did has some small run-in with jason also....one time i asked him to come over my place to tell him what to rectify and he went on & on & on & on (like durcell rabbit commerical) abt how things shd be..then i just walked away from him....hahaa...but we did bury the hatchet and keep things on 'professional' terms... ;)


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seems like we really need to kep a close watch on the reno movement and progress. Hopefully they (including Jason) has the same mentality as uncle...must do the work well...

keep one and another updated on the reno. mine will only start on 11 May.


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I did has some small run-in with jason also....one time i asked him to come over my place to tell him what to rectify and he went on & on & on & on (like durcell rabbit commerical) abt how things shd be..then i just walked away from him....hahaa...but we did bury the hatchet and keep things on 'professional' terms... ;)

hahaha! i like the durcell rabbit description! I think sometimes he really goes on n on non-stop. I merely just call n ask him if he's coming over n the conversation went on for 8mins with him doing all the talking, n there i have my curtains guy waiting patiently for me to hang up the phone. I wished Ah soon can afford to talk to me for a minute more rather.


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