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This is getting madness!!! We juz rec a call fm Ah soon sub con carpenter say if we dun pay him for his carpentry works he gonna tear down all the carpentry works... But we already paid uncle liao, can't b double pay him.... Pls anyone able to contact Uncle soon pls let me know...:bangwall::curse:

Edited by PiggyBear

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erm, just want to check, does ah soon even give any contract signed by both parties in the first place? if not its hard to go to small claims...unless is by verbal contract?

Edited by momo13

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Hope this may useful for some Ah Soon homeowners.... (info fm small claims court singapore)

The Small Claims Tribunals are part of the Subordinate Courts of Singapore. The Tribunals were established on the 1st of February 1985, to provide a quick and inexpensive forum for the resolution of small claims between consumers and suppliers.

Jurisdiction of the Small Claims Tribunals

The Tribunals have jurisdiction to hear claims not exceeding $10,000, where the claims relate to disputes arising from:

1. a contract for the sale of goods; or

2. a contract for the provision of services; or

3. tortious damage to property (but not including damage arising in connection with motor vehicle accidents)

4. Any contract relating to a lease of residential premises not exceeding 2 years

Where the Claimant and the Respondant consent in writing, the jurisdiction can be raised to $20,000. (Memorandum of Consent)

All claims must be lodged or filed at the Small Claims Tribunals within one year from the date on which the cause of action accrued.


1. The Small Claims Tribunals Act (SCTA) only allows the Tribunals to hear a limited selection of cases. As such, the Tribunals must discontinue claims that it has no power to hear (i.e. claims that do not fall within the jurisdiction of the Tribunals). 2.The Tribunals may discontinue your claim at the following stages: (a)Consultation Stage (by a Registrar). The SCTA allows you to appeal against a Registrar's decision to discontinue your claim. The appeal will be heard before a Referee.(b)Hearing Stage (by a Referee). Unfortunately, the SCTA does not allow any appeals against a Referee's decision to discontinue your claim. 3.The Tribunals looks mainly at the following factors when deciding whether to discontinue a claim. (a)The nature of the dispute. Claims that do not fall within legal categories specified in the SCTA will be discontinued. (b)The monetary value of your claim. If your claim involves the cancellation of a contract (i.e. to rescind or terminate a contract), then the contract value will be taken. If your claim does not depend on cancelling any contract, then the Tribunals will consider the actual amount claimed: see Mohammed Akhtar v Schneider [1997] 1 SLR 150. 4.Do not worry if your claim is discontinued. It does not mean that you have 'lost' your case. The decision to discontinue is never based on how strong or weak your claim is. In most cases, you can still sue your opponent in the civil courts. Please consult a lawyer for more advice on what claims can be brought before the civil courts.

Bringing A Claim in the Tribunals

The procedure for bringing a claim in the Tribunals is very simple.

Lawyers are not permitted to represent any of the parties in proceedings before the Tribunals. Unless the Tribunals decide that a claim is either vexatious or frivolous, costs are not awarded to the winning party.

To lodge or file a claim at the Tribunals, a party is required to pay a lodgment fee. The applicable lodgment fees are as follows:

Consumer $10 not exceeding $5,000. $20 exceeding $5,000 but not exceeding $10,000. 1% of claim amount exceeding $10,000 but not exceeding $20,000.

Non Consumer $50 not exceeding $5,000. $100 exceeding $5,000 but not exceeding $10,000. 3% of claim amount exceeding $10,000 but not exceeding $20,000.

Attending the Consultation / Mediation

After a claim is lodged or filed, the Tribunals will fix the claim for a Consultation / Mediation before the Registrar. The Tribunals will generally fix the Consultation / Mediation within 10 to 14 days from the date of lodging or filing of the claim. If a claim is not settled at the Consultation before the Registrar, it will generally be fixed for hearing within 7 days from the date of Consultation. For a tourist claim or an urgent claim, the Tribunals can fix both the Consultation / Mediation and the Hearing within 24 hours of the lodging or filing of the claim.

The Tribunals employ mediation extensively in their proceedings. At the Consultation before the Registrar, the Registrar will mediate the claim, to assist parties in resolving the dispute. If the claim is fixed for Hearing before the Referee, the Referee will also explore the possibility of settlement, before adjudicating the claim.

Edited by PiggyBear

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Aiyo...u keep sneezing cos u having flu la...:P

Aiyo, so much drama happening when i was away for my 2 weeks reservist.....:)

Totally agree with what Ivy has mentioned. He is already not perfect during my time(when i have dateline from 2 month to 4 month. N to be fair, i allow some dragging in between as i told him that mine was not in a rush). Previous owner like us has given ample warning to all these delay and NJD(no job done) in the process.

I think it all a decision that we made in life. Same like how i shared with PD(wifey)...i will not blame Ah Soon not cos that he is my idol or what...but rather i blame myself for making the decision to chhose him. There no free lunch in this world. All of us know that the air milage is part of his package deal. However, looking at the situation now, his respond time and work in progress is really uncalled for.

Of course, i made my decision to choose him base on the same reason as his rate is more competitve from the ID/Contractors which i have screened through. Too bad, i am poor......begger cant choose do we?(at least for my case)....so given what available and what i can afford...it a decision that all of us choose to make and live on.

In actual fact, i have to apologise to some PM which i have never answered during my reno time for Ah Soon contact as i choose not to give out due to all the delay and milage...it something no one can ever understand best unless u engage him.

I am not sure if there anything which anyone of us can help. I guess most importantly is to stay united, create a network among the existing group, kept each other in loop what happening and track his movement (like how we did previously)...n help each other to chase for those outstanding items.

There something which i know i surely and happy to benefit from this long and stressful renovation.....is that i gain alot of friends, like Ivy(of cos...who else rite..:P), F4, MM, Kopi, PJ ,Stormcontrol, Guy77 n the list goes on....it something to me that the $$ cant buy ..:)

So to all existing house owner under Ah Soon, Just hang on and set up a threshold which u can accept and work on it.My blessing and heart goes to u guys....u always have our support.

My 2 cts worth.

That my 2 cents worth.

hi pinkpetter... actually i don't get why people keep bringing up ah soon's ex-customers on and off when there were warnings already... of course as what seashell mentioned elsewhere about money issue, i'm not sure if even RT folks were the ones who knew it or it could very well be his other customers... let's not speculate unless the sub-cons will come out and identify specific customers...

don't let it get to you :D i know your life is busy :D

Hi MM. :) Thanks. I know also. I can imagine how frustrated the people are so I don't blame them. But feel very sad for everyone. How Uncle got himself into this fix no one really knows. haiz. It's like what BD says.. I guess I'm just lucky then.

I just hope everyone gets some sort of a good ending.


Meanwhile.. looks like i have to look for someone to do my recess.. Jaskel?

Edited by pinkpetter

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omg. I just read snippets of what has been happening.. never come in to RT for very long.

Uncle still hasn't started on my recess (since dunno when) but I don't have time to chase him also.. so leaving it as it is for the moment..

hi pinkpetter... actually i don't get why people keep bringing up ah soon's ex-customers on and off when there were warnings already... of course as what seashell mentioned elsewhere about money issue, i'm not sure if even RT folks were the ones who knew it or it could very well be his other customers... let's not speculate unless the sub-cons will come out and identify specific customers...

don't let it get to you :D i know your life is busy :D


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They did mentioned the goods and bads, the bads made me decided not to choose him then, so forget about pushing the blame or issue to them... back then, they faced delays but not as bad as now... so they did mentioned what was to be expected but of course no one knows that it will turn worse, probably due to increase in the customers database after more sign him for his lower cost... where are they now? finished reno and possibly moved on, that's what many people here does... i'll be moving on myself once i get a mod to help me with what i pmed them...

omg. I just read snippets of what has been happening.. never come in to RT for very long.

Uncle still hasn't started on my recess (since dunno when) but I don't have time to chase him also.. so leaving it as it is for the moment..


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To all victims, this is what I would do.

(Cannot do small claims if amt >10k) Dunno can class action suit.

Get a lawyer to write his company a letter to reserve all rights to claim him

Give him a short notice to respond, such as 3 or 7 days.

If no response, Get the remaining work done.

Keep all invoices and receipts.

Get lawyer to claim him the difference that he owe you.

And let the law takes its course... Your lawyer will advise you your next step.

If he is sole proprietor can go after his personal assets.

If company can garnishee his bank or WSS

It would take money to engage a lawyer and you might not get much back in the end. at least you put pressure on him or just feel better by winding his company up.

hope this helps.

Actually I wonder why for so long, no legal actions have been taken or at least a police report have been lodged against him.

Reasons are:

1) His existing cust are already v kind to him by giving him $ in advance and waiting for him for so long!

2) By taking actions, he will realise that they meant business. Don't think that by not running away, they can do nothing against him!!

3) Once a formal report are lodged, he will be submitted for police Interrogation and if he doesn't want to go for jail. He will have to finish the work left undone.

Who is he going to bluff if he say he don't have the the $$ to complete the work considering that he have a bustling business in the past. Worst case, he can sell off his flat or his business to repay the owners.

The homeowners have the right to know the fact and also where ur hardearned $$ goes to instead of being taken for a ride.

Give him a deadline to response. If he still refused to repent, it's time to take legal actions rather than to spend so much time to wait..

Once the festive season is here, it's harder to seek for contractors and also will be more ex as well.


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thanks jaskel

those i can diy, i m glad i can do it myself

those i need people to do, is the biggest problem. i do not have the $$$$$

in the midst of waiting for my reno, my rental for housing, my warehouse rental for ex-houses stuff, all amounting to almost $5K and still on-going...

the last bit of money i have, i spend it on the windows n grilles in view of safety of my 2 young children


i don't even have $ to buy the remaining furnitures liao..

:( :( :(:( :( :(:( :( :(:( :( :(:( :( :(

Sorry to hear about that. Have you consider to take a reno loan instead of waiting for Ah Soon? For sure he is not returning seeing on the fact that he owe so much $$.

Instead of spending on rental and warehouse rental, why not find a solution to solve the current problem?

It's better to get it done before CNY, it will be more expensive and their schedule will be tighter during the festive season.

Edited by SeRSeR

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To all victims, this is what I would do.

(Cannot do small claims if amt >10k) Dunno can class action suit.

Get a lawyer to write his company a letter to reserve all rights to claim him

Give him a short notice to respond, such as 3 or 7 days.

If no response, Get the remaining work done.

Keep all invoices and receipts.

Get lawyer to claim him the difference that he owe you.

And let the law takes its course... Your lawyer will advise you your next step.

If he is sole proprietor can go after his personal assets.

If company can garnishee his bank or WSS

It would take money to engage a lawyer and you might not get much back in the end. at least you put pressure on him or just feel better by winding his company up.

hope this helps.


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i totally agree with u..but i still hve to consider those who may still need him to do or complete certain job... if i report now, i may even put more houseowners for greater loss!

Hi seashell,

I read your posts in the other section of the forum; you mentioned there are existing ex-Uncle Soon's customer who were/are aware of Uncle Soon's financial health status dated in May?

Is that a hearsay, rumor or speculation? Please be careful with your choice of words/statement. Just a reminder, no pun intented.


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thanks jaskel

those i can diy, i m glad i can do it myself

those i need people to do, is the biggest problem. i do not have the $$$

in the midst of waiting for my reno, my rental for housing, my warehouse rental for ex-houses stuff, all amounting to almost $5K and still on-going...

the last bit of money i have, i spend it on the windows n grilles in view of safety of my 2 young children


i don't even have $ to buy the remaining furnitures liao..


There even more reason to get it done fast so that you won't need to pay so much for the rental... Tiler and electrician I can get it done up your place first, then u can start to move in liao.


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I think stop being lenient to him and just go to the media/police to report. At this rate, don't think he plans to complete any of the projects anytime soon. He is testing your limit, to see how far he can delay and what you all can do to him...

i totally agree with u..but i still hve to consider those who may still need him to do or complete certain job... if i report now, i may even put more houseowners for greater loss!


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thanks jaskel

those i can diy, i m glad i can do it myself

those i need people to do, is the biggest problem. i do not have the $$$$$

in the midst of waiting for my reno, my rental for housing, my warehouse rental for ex-houses stuff, all amounting to almost $5K and still on-going...

the last bit of money i have, i spend it on the windows n grilles in view of safety of my 2 young children


i don't even have $ to buy the remaining furnitures liao..

:( :( :(:( :( :(:( :( :(:( :( :(:( :( :(


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1) my kitchen wall tiles is not yet completed,

Just need a tiler to complete the jobs

2) my common toilet wall n floor tiles are terribly stained and those cost $8psf... Hafary says, no way to remove stains!!

The tiles kanna by acid? Do u still have extra tiles?

3) my electricity not completed,

Small issues, a electrician can complete all the works.

4) ceiling work still got many many holes not rectified,

Can use cornice powder or wall putty to patch up the holes.

5) box up all peeling off duno why... ?

Box up for the toilet piping is it?

6) painting not done WELL,

Anymore spare paint left?

7) plastering for newly built up walls not done well all CRACKS IS SHOWING ALREADY

Can use plastering powder to mend it, then use paint sealer to do 1 coating before apply 2 paint coats, this will solve the problem.

8) the lights installed on the Lboxes, some were not straight and cannot be removed as the ceiling will drop anytime...

Why ceiling will drop? Is a false ceiling is it?

9) my plumbing works halfway done only!!

What left to be done?

10) all my carpentry works done (in factory) but carpenter will not install for me because ah soon never pay him!!!!

This you may need to pay carpentry to ask them to fix it up for you so u can move in.

11) tiles grouting not done well and alot of them already drop off when i sweep the floor!!!!!

They had done acid wash for u already?When tiler come, he can patch it up for you.

6 months of renovation and all these still not done... !! !!!!!! i havent move in and yet all the cracks n etc all come out already!!!!!!

**i paid windows, grilles, shower screen, bi-fold doors MYSELF so no PROBLEM


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I think stop being lenient to him and just go to the media/police to report. At this rate, don't think he plans to complete any of the projects anytime soon. He is testing your limit, to see how far he can delay and what you all can do to him...


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