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Hi aubrey,

I am saying that those who accused Ah Soon supporters that they r his relatives or getting a refferal fees is not a nice thing to say. Its wrong to make this kind of accusations. D-o....... y-o-u ...... u-n-d-e-r-s-t-a-n-d....... e-n-g-l-i-s-h ?

I really find it amusing that aubrey is jumping in on this as well. Again another person that is emotional. I suggest you take five and sort out your thinking. People are here discussing on a topic. Not hijacking. Plus dont talk as if this is your playground. This forum belongs to ALL.

If you cant engage in a discussion with civility, then I suggest you take a hike. Wait. I shouldnt say that....paiseh. Now I am starting to act like you thinking this forum is mine...hahahahaha.

Sorry ah :P

Edited by ncy

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those who want to bring uncle to hdb, pls do so. we have no means to stop u. this has turned into holy crusade for unlicensed hdb contractors, there's no way else to say this.

have fun.


Edited by aubrey

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actually 4 yrs back, ah soon was dealing very closely with HDB on the rectifications works. so i guess his position then and now is the same, so I guess he shouldn't have much problems?

But, according to the HDB technical officer (who worked closely with him), their branch had stopped assigning works to him.. could be because the company close down.. not sure about now...


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You know what Ivy, people like you cant stand in a forum to engage in a civil discussion. Some of us here are just actually articulating points. If everything is fine, then its fine. If something is wrong, then its wrong. Its as simple as that because there are rules, laws and we need to live by.Thats what makes Spore a thriving country which earned great respect worldwide.

I know some that made accusations that some AH Soon supporters are relatives or getting refferal fees are really to me a blow under the belt. I disagree. Not a nice thing to say, plus no proof also.

But Ivy, just a friendly advise that your outburst above doesnt reflect too nicely on your persona. Very emotional.Just my 2 cents worth.


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i wonder why there are people who wants to 赶尽杀绝 to a man who just want to earn a living. The thing that i really can't understand is these people who wants to 赶尽杀绝 are those that never engage his service. Live and let live. If bringing down a man and breaking someone else's rice bowl is something you guys enjoy to do, I don't think anyone or anything can stop you. Go ahead if it can make u sleep better, make your life more enjoyable and provides you great pleasure.

We will definitely watch these space to see how a kind person who are willing to help his customers being brought down and probably get sued or fined because of some people who did not engage his service and thus value his behaviour and workmanship based on their speculations and assumptions.

Just a question, has uncle cheated anyone so far? If taking action against him to you is meaningful, why not also take action against those licensed one as well, whose customers get cheated by their employees running away with customers money, or terminate contracts promising to compensate bu compensation never come? These are licensed company, but HDB aren't taking action against these folks. I am really, sincerely puzzled. Enlighten me pls.

Once and for all, for those who think some of us are uncles relatives or we get referral fee, dun be chicken and hide behind smoke screen. Say it out who u think these people are. I am also keen to know who they are. So that we can warned new owners not to take the feedback of these chaps as gospel truth cos they are relatives or get referral fee.

These whole saga is really diminishing the purpose of the existence of RT. Where funny folks come in all red eye, slash out all sorts of accusation against some IDs/Contractors who gets highly discussed on. When i say accusation, it does NOT include bad reviews. It reviews to accusations like relatives and referral fees. Throw out the truth with evidence, we shall believe u and stone that relative or whoever get referral fees together with you.

I believe in Karma. you can choose not to belive nor agree with me. Having seen uncle's sincereity, I believe a good man will stand tall.


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Yowetan, thats great. I think you're knocking on the right doors to address the matter on hand.

Btw, I was just thinking aloud, if Ah Soon co name is Fu Hua Interior Design, that means he is an ID, not really a contractor. So if he gets another contractor license to do it, he is actually doing the right thing as long as that contractor he got the license from is indeed executing the work and not like sub let out again.

But then again, its just my thoughts based on the FAQ I copied from HDB earlier. Again those experts like those HDB folks will know best.

Edited by ncy

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All bros n sis

I am intending to get Ah soon, together with HDB officer to meet up. I am also intending to write to CASE and HDB to query on this Ah Soon's contractor company practise.

Watch out for here! :D


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no problem :D i usually try to look at past posts when they promote or complain about things... haha... sometimes you see them bump several threads at one time and then disappear from forum... weird people :D

yah loh.. agree there are alot of weird folks around..


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ohh really ahh? ohh sorry sorry merryman cos I only see it here, thought he/she geniunely needs some help.

tsk tsk tsk.

no problem :D i usually try to look at past posts when they promote or complain about things... haha... sometimes you see them bump several threads at one time and then disappear from forum... weird people :D


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I call it spam because the 'poor chap' only post the same thing over and over again in several posts (i was online when he/she did)... and seem to be targetting on the company...

ohh really ahh? ohh sorry sorry merryman cos I only see it here, thought he/she geniunely needs some help.

tsk tsk tsk.


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i think not intentional spam lah. the poor chap shared got cheated by a ID firm on paintworks. wants to get advice on what is his/her recourse. he/she from taiwan that's why wrote in chinese. probably post on sala thread but if anyone got any advice to share with him/her no harm helping him/her through PM.

I call it spam because the 'poor chap' only post the same thing over and over again in several posts (i was online when he/she did)... and seem to be targetting on the company...


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Can any kind soul tell me what is this all about...I cant understnd mandrin when its written...hlp hlp

some spam about some company, ignore...

i think not intentional spam lah. the poor chap shared got cheated by a ID firm on paintworks. wants to get advice on what is his/her recourse. he/she from taiwan that's why wrote in chinese. probably post on sala thread but if anyone got any advice to share with him/her no harm helping him/her through PM.


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Can any kind soul tell me what is this all about...I cant understnd mandrin when its written...hlp hlp

some spam about some company, ignore...


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我是个台湾人,因为工作的关系住在新加坡快五年 ’刚买了房子装修完,发现新加坡设计公司(装修公司)给我们"假的"油漆,


我们选了一间不便宜的设计公司"Lourve,设计师Dennis在与我们讨论油漆时我们选择了ICI "light and space"

还有"all in one"二种油漆分别涂在厨房跟所有其它的地方,总共报价1700



竟然给我们的是"Maxilite"油漆!!明明是Maxilite的油漆桶,却贴上"all in one"或者是"light and space"的油漆编号标签,

我们深感被骗!! 我与老公二个人直接找ICI总公司的人投诉,得到的回应竟然是"就算用的是maxilite的油漆,



我们不知道到底是哪里出了问题,会让ICI明明知道这种油漆公司会拿"Maxilite"的油漆假装是"all in one"....


在大律师不愿意接这种虽然是欺骗案子却是小案例,去case要等三个月之下 纵使我们握有证据及ICI的化验报告





Why this post here? Anything to do with Ah Soon?


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