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Toa Payoh Blk 79 Kakis

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Hey Meowie,

Tks for telling me abt tis earlier, and Good of u 2share w others here, bravo!

BTW, I find it most unbecoming whn u said u only know 1 day b4hand of power shutdown for our blk & ur last min scambling for a fridge!

I, wud hv experienced da same had I moved in or, be really uncomfortable if I were visitin my unit 2pack/clean thgs w/out any fan.

Hi Alister,

Meeting - besides showing our concerns, oso info gathering/update by authorities.. do lemme know if u can attend, k? : )

Ur remark goes 2prove thieves not only strike@ lower flrs lyk Meowie's & mine but oso high flrs too (i seem 2rem u stay real high flr, rite?)so, residents beware, ok?

->I orig intended 2put some sandals os but now, w Alister's reminder & my personal experience w stolen doorbell (all my neighs' too), I may hv 2reconsider, sigh!

I would love to but can't commit now as I have to follow my 2 kids timetable. They are priority. I will sms one of you on the actual date itself. :dunno:


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Heard from the grapevine that the TC/RC has taken notice of our concerns. They are aware of the on-going nuisance and will be coming up with some measures to hopefully resolve the situation on the Sky Garden. :thumbs up:

Let's hope for some good news in the coming weeks. :good:

I'll rest my case for the time being.

- i olso heard, i olso heard. :yeah:

Hi all

Just had a quick chat with the RC chairman this afternoon. He is aware of our concerns and is addressing them. Pls give them time to work out a solution. As it involves many parties, they definitely need some time to study.

If I am installing CCTV at the garden, I will require at least 3 month duration - invite tender, figure out best location to mount the cameras, decide who's responsible to monitor it 24 x 7. If crime is spotted, what is the procedure to follow etc.

Even asking the painters to paint over those "wordings" on the wall, they need to get approval for the budget to spend and getting the contractors to find a time to come down etc.

So pls tone down those bashing as they are volunteers just out to help us residents. Like I said earlier, one of the renotalk member is also a RC member. In a way, we should appreciate their effort as they hold full time jobs as well.

I suggest we still go ahead with the planned meeting with the police to highlight our concerns.

For those who don't know me, I am not a govt spy or supporter; just happen that I try to put myself in their shoes.

I have talked to Meepok and he agrees with me on certain points so let's make peace currently.

Side issue - I also have my wife and my sandals missing when I put it out at the open shoe rack outside my hse; so I just keep it in hse now as my floor receives many "visitors" at night. And alot of couples carrying out their courtship at the staircase.

- but i suspect u r 007.

- but i m 777. :bleah:

- i understand how 'they' work, dats y in my earlier post, i simplifed in my own words e whole process frm complain... -> evaluation... so dat those who do not know wil get 2 noe.

- btw, although i'm 777, i'm not gahment agent olso. :ph34r:

- if got chance, i olso wan 2b gahment agent. :jammin:

- i belief many of e neighbours understand e whole 'process'.

- e forum is here, so at least there is a avenue 2 'voice out' their concern & unhappiness.

- sometimes e words used might b kinda 'powderful' but their aim is 2 speed up e whole process.

- lethal or not lethal arrow? Up 2 individual liao, i can only post wat i noe.

- if not wait kana 'mark', no 'gahment bonus'. :~

- cant deny, i had seen improvements in 79 day after day. Actions r being taken by whichever 'party' involved in their scope of work.

- i'v seen 'men in blue' patroling e sky garden, 'TC cleaners' sweeping e staircases, clearing e reno debris, washing e floor, painting external facade of e wall etc etc...

- jus dat its either e effort is stil not sufficient enough or e pace is kinda slow 2 wait. :P

My conclusion:

- give e benefit of doubt 2 e relevant parties dat 'they' r doing their job, b it paid or unpaid job.

- give e benefit of privilege 2 e forumers, dat 'they' r voicing out their concern & unhappiness, b it 'powderful' or 'not powderful' words.

'We dun live in a world of reality,

We live in a world of perceptions'


Hi Alister,

Meeting - besides showing our concerns, oso info gathering/update by authorities.. do lemme know if u can attend, k? : )

Congratz Meowie & Jacky for being celebs!

Now tt attention is drawn to the plight of our blk residents, let me know if u think there's still a need 2meet w NPP &/ TC on any new, further or oustanding issues & feedback. :dunno: If no nid, I will inform RC chair, ok?

- Proposed Meeting w NPP, 2b arranged by TPCZone2 RC

- Time: 3pm, Sat 6 Sept* OR, Sat 13 Sept*. Pls indicate if u wish to hv dialogue w NPP* and/or Town Council*

- Agenda:

i) burglaries, suspicious characters@ fire escape stairs (info & preventive measures, advice)

ii) recommendations on unbecoming conduct of students/punks loiterin@SkyGdn..(graffiti, litterin, intimacy..)

iii) dangerous acts eg. sittin on railing, ball flyin over railing onto passersby/ vehicles below, water bombs...)

iv) any other (residents'/NPP/TC*) observations & comments

1. Hana79 - Blk C. NPP & TC. 6 Sep (13 Sep ok but earlier better)

2. Meepok & Babymaro2003 - Blk E. Sat 3pm

3. Khim & missy - Blk D. Sun 5pm

4. Stay79 & hubby - Blk E. Sat 3pm

5. Dracula & Wife - Blk E. NPP & TC. 6 Sep (my agenda will be mainly i & ii)

6. Meowie49 - Blk C. 6 Sep

- i wld suggest 2 pin up dis Meeting Proposal til end of Aug08.

- s reported & told, actions r being taken, measures r oleady in store, its a matter of time 'things' wil take place & cum in2 view..

- let forumers decide 2 attend anot. If interested, can update e name list then.

- by 31Aug08 2359hrs, see wats e nos. of interested forumers.

- if e nos. can form a football team, confirm with RC Chairm, ON.

- if e nos. canot start a game of mahjong, cancel with RC Chairm, OFF.

- at least there is ample time 4 both sides 2 take necessary actions.



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- Proposed Meeting w NPP, 2b arranged by TPCZone2 RC

- Time: 3pm, Sat 6 Sept* OR, Sat 13 Sept*. Pls indicate if u wish to hv dialogue w NPP* and/or Town Council*

- Agenda:

i) burglaries, suspicious characters@ fire escape stairs (info & preventive measures, advice)

ii) recommendations on unbecoming conduct of students/punks loiterin@SkyGdn..(graffiti, litterin, intimacy..)

iii) dangerous acts eg. sittin on railing, ball flyin over railing onto passersby/ vehicles below, water bombs...)

iv) any other (residents'/NPP/TC*) observations & comments

1. Hana79 - Blk C. NPP & TC. 6 Sep (13 Sep ok but earlier better)

2. Meepok & Babymaro2003 - Blk E. Sat 3pm

3. Khim & missy - Blk D. Sun 5pm

4. Stay79 & hubby - Blk E. Sat 3pm 13 Sep 3pm

5. Dracula & Wife - Blk E. NPP & TC. 6 Sep (my agenda will be mainly i & ii)

6. Meowie49 - Blk C. 6 Sep


Agree with Jacky777 that we should see the response for the meeting attendance by end Aug. Cos by the number we are having now (6 household over 1158 units) it's just 0.5%!!


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Agree with Jacky777 that we should see the response for the meeting attendance by end Aug. Cos by the number we are having now (6 household over 1158 units) it's just 0.5%!!

Hopefully more ppl will step up and join us (that is if they are interested to) in the talk with the authorities. It still seems that the mentality of watever happens be it at 12th storey garden, 8th storey MSCP garden, break-ins, murder.... as long as it does not happen at their level.... dun care lah. So frankly, why should we either? Wasting time and effort?

I guess we got much better stuff to do then bother about the sky garden ah.... be it suicide, vandalism, robbery, murder, etc.... just dun visit that area and you are 50% safe from these stuffs from happening to you. If things start to drop from the sky and hits you, then i guess you must be that unlucky 0.1%. Must go buy 4D ah.

Good Luck!

I rest my case too.... will wait till the cow comes home....moooo..... :notti:



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Hi, sidetracking here. I'm looking for a 50% discount (off breakfast and hi-tea dim sum menu) coupon from Mouth Restaurant that is found inside your OCBC credit card July statement. If you have this coupon and have no use for it, can give it to me? Will give a small token of appreciation - a $10 robinson vouchers (valid till dec 09) :) Need it by tomorrow (saturday 23/8/08). Please PM me if you have it. Thanks a lot!


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Hi, sidetracking here. I'm looking for a 50% discount (off breakfast and hi-tea dim sum menu) coupon from Mouth Restaurant that is found inside your OCBC credit card July statement. If you have this coupon and have no use for it, can give it to me? Will give a small token of appreciation - a $10 robinson vouchers (valid till dec 09) :) Need it by tomorrow (saturday 23/8/08). Please PM me if you have it. Thanks a lot!

I might have, but will have to check when I reach home this evening. Will pm you to let you know.


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I might have, but will have to check when I reach home this evening. Will pm you to let you know.

Thanks, Alister. Hope to hear from u :)


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Hi, sidetracking here. I'm looking for a 50% discount (off breakfast and hi-tea dim sum menu) coupon from Mouth Restaurant that is found inside your OCBC credit card July statement. If you have this coupon and have no use for it, can give it to me? Will give a small token of appreciation - a $10 robinson vouchers (valid till dec 09) :) Need it by tomorrow (saturday 23/8/08). Please PM me if you have it. Thanks a lot!

Thanks for the PMs, got the coupon already. Thanks again!


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Anyone find that after we boiled the water, it has a strong "medicine" taste?

It tastes ok when we drink from the tap though.

- e probm lies in e kettle or thermal flusk or e appliance u uses 2 boil e water.

- e metal of it, is somehow made of a 'inferior quality', after heating, wil produce dat kind of 'smelly metal' smell.

- try using another old 1 or get a new different 1, u wil taste e difference.

- but remember, Its Hot After Boiling, b it kettle or water.


Edited by jaCKY777

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- e probm lies in e kettle or thermal flusk or e appliance u uses 2 boil e water.

- e metal of it, is somehow made of a 'inferior quality', after heating, wil produce dat kind of 'smelly metal' smell.

- try using another old 1 or get a new different 1, u wil taste e difference.

- but remember, Its Hot After Boiling, b it kettle or water.


I also use my new boiling thermal kettle to boil

the same taste


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Saw this signage at TPY Blk 148


- is e signage 4 real or e camera 4 real?

- shd take pix of e cctv camera instead of e signage. :P

- somewhere in our blks, there is an area under camera surveillance olso. :notti:

- beli few ppl noe abt dis. i shall not say where it is. :ph34r:

- definitely its not at e sky garden, s of now. :bleah:

- even our Foodpark olso hav cctv cameras. :jawdrop:

I also use my new boiling thermal kettle to boil

the same taste

- then i dunoe liao.


Edited by jaCKY777

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- las time sombody mentioned abt installing a 'rain shield' thingy above e railing, below e beam.

- how 2 go abt it har?

- wher 2 apply etc?

- dis few days rain non-stop, my corridor olmost flooded.

- metal gate, wooden door, doorway all wet wet.

- wen standing at e main door, jus like taking a shower made of tiny rain drops. :bath:


pix taken wen e rain subsides & floor is dryer.


Edited by jaCKY777

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