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No Money Also Wan Reno...bk Batok 3Rm

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If prefab walls like ours, don't need to plaster. That's what our tiler said.

Huh? U mean ur resale flat as gd as new pre-fab so no need to do?


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theirs are pre-fab flat, no walls can be hacked de


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theirs are pre-fab flat, no walls can be hacked de

Oh ya I forget. They can't touch anything incl hack away the storeroom..


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Today is a day of happiness and RAGE!!!! :curse:

Due to the uneven wall case, i went down to take a more detail look....turns out to be a day of mixed joy :notti: and anger! :angry2:

Firstly, the happy part.

Plumbling and electrical work had started, new water pipes installed from mains to various water outlets

Electrical wiring had been done to specific power point location.

Looks okay to a layman like me, what do u all think?



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Now the rage part.

The aircon trunking imo is hideous! :bangwall:

The trunking was laid at the floor's skirting level(see 2nd pic on the top)....like tat how to place my bed's headboard against the wall sia!! :fire:

Surely, every one wants to see less of those fugly trunking but doesn't mean make it run at the bottom of the wall when i'm not even doing a feature wall!!

ugly trunking appearing in the middle of nowhere....wah i cannot accept this!

Next look at the Condenser unit, do u think it's safe????

To me, the RHS of the stainless steel bracket is at a bigger load stress than the LHS.

The condenser is not fixed to the bracket with bolt and nut, see that little left "leg" of the condenser, if it breaks due to corrosion/wear and tear, i dunno whether the condenser will flip anot.

I think this is not safe, what about u guys??


Next, with the ugly trunking marked with red circles, how can u visualise a beautiful build-in wardrobe??? srsly i can't.....



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Now the rage part.

The aircon trunking imo is hideous! :bangwall:

The trunking was laid at the floor's skirting level(see 2nd pic on the top)....like tat how to place my bed's headboard against the wall sia!! :fire:

Surely, every one wants to see less of those fugly trunking but doesn't mean make it run at the bottom of the wall when i'm not even doing a feature wall!!

ugly trunking appearing in the middle of nowhere....wah i cannot accept this!

Next look at the Condenser unit, do u think it's safe????

To me, the RHS of the stainless steel bracket is at a bigger load stress than the LHS.

The condenser is not fixed to the bracket with bolt and nut, see that little left "leg" of the condenser, if it breaks due to corrosion/wear and tear, i dunno whether the condenser will flip anot.

I think this is not safe, what about u guys??


Next, with the ugly trunking marked with red circles, how can u visualise a beautiful build-in wardrobe??? srsly i can't.....


OMG! :jawdrop: I'm not an expert here but I thought there should be screws tightening the condenser bracket? If it's left hanging like that, it might break in the long run, which will make the condenser a potential killer litter. I'm just writing this based on my gut feeling, maybe some experts can enlighten you on this instead.

And OMG OMG OMG! :jawdrop: Your air con trunking is worse than mine, at least on the last photo. Your ID isn't around to discuss with the air-con technician during the installation? Mine wasn't around, therefore the trunking was badly done in the master bedroom. :(


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The water pipes looks ok.

As for the air-con trunking, indeed a bit err... & OMG the condenser mounting like so haphazardly done!! :jawdrop: Think u better let the contractor know for safety sake!

Ur air-con guys did exactly the same thing as mine, i.e. ran the trunking above the skirting in the MBR (see my pics below)!! So no choice but to live with a gap between the headboard & the wall, which i can still tolerate. U see the wall behind the bed? There used to be a hollow (wat's the term for this har?). It was boxed up but only after the trunking was run!! So part of the air-con is actually embedded in the box-up! When i saw the trunking & quickly told my ID that the box-up should be done before trunking, he just said "放心啦!" 你说惨不惨?! :~ U can oso see the trunking is running into the wardrobe.. :dunno:

My MBR (see air-con trunking running above skirting)



My MBR (air-con trunk run into hollow before box-up)


Edited by jus4fun

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ya i see ur point lor, but mine is a flat wall ma, the so call hollow part like urs was plastered away by the previous owner redi, so i literally has a flat wall to work with.

hence, i nvr include any boxing up and neither i am doing a feature wall or false wall.

like that, my headboard confirm shake here and there one, aaron can still say normally they advise owners to do partition board behind the headboard. :angry:

then i ask" wat about my sidetables? wat if in any circumstances i need to shift my furniture,will ur partition shift along?"....no answers.... 8|

ur trunking run along the bottom of ur wardrobe and cuts in from the hollow part into the side of the wardrobe....so ur wardrobe front at the very least still look ok

...while mine one below , one on top, further more at the front of the wardrobe....sliding doors can only slide up to the 2 trunkings....can imagine how ugly the front of my wardrobe is lor

6ft wardrobe literally becomes 5ft, together with the loss in depth by the trunking at the back also..... :(

then why should i pay for 6ft? :angry:

anyway already unloaded my bullets on aaron abt this liao :fire: , tmr meeting up with him and the aircon contractor to discuss :argue:

Edited by edd

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And OMG OMG OMG! :jawdrop: Your air con trunking is worse than mine, at least on the last photo. Your ID isn't around to discuss with the air-con technician during the installation? Mine wasn't around, therefore the trunking was badly done in the master bedroom. :(

Thanks for share.. Something's for me to learn. I will make sure I will be there watching them to do the installation. Edited by niko

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anyway already unloaded my bullets on aaron abt this liao :fire: , tmr meeting up with him and the aircon contractor to discuss :argue:

Ya better meet on site with all parties to sort it out.. got chance to U-turn better U-turn.. otherwise once wardrobe up that's it!

Air-con trunking has always been a headache, especially for those with build-in carpentary.. really cannot just leave it to the air-con guys, or even the contractor or id.. haiz!


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Oh gosh... Before your aircon contractor commenced work, did you meet up with him to do site inspection and discuss on the running of the trunkings? Hopefully you can work something out before your carpentry goes in. Good luck!


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Yo bro! So how's the discussion between you, the ID and the air-con technician? Are they gonna re-route the trunkings?


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told them, this way of running the trunking is best for you but in the expense of creating three major problems for me to solve and live with a ugly wardrobe which is not up to my expectation and purpose.

well, aircon guy B insist tat way is the best to ensure a long lasting aircon operation with minimal service required. Nowadays where got electrical product is "long lasting" one???

my proposed way of laying the trunking, they say not enough gradient, say one year later sure got issue, then comment got electrical trunking on top, the fancoil cannot reach the ceiling, very hard to mount the trunking, etc...wait, did i install the electrical trunking myself? blame me ar?

best part is the sentence " you want it this way, i do for you lor but sure got issue"...to me this imply " u say one har, anything wrong dun come and find me hor!"

then ask for their "expert" recommendation, B say can move the MBR fancoil to another location, removing one ugly corner from the wardrobe area, but the trunking to the common room die die must go to the skirting level and thru my wardrobe to the common room. But he say and emphasize again " but u wan tat way(my proposed way) ma, i run for u lor"

so i dam sian liao, furthermore later going to work also, so i tell B " fine, then just install the MBR with the minimal trunking needed, no way i am going to accept a shaky headboard or a unmovable partition behind it and neither i am going to pay for a fugly wardrobe which at the same time fall short of my expectation"

Edited by edd

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