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the lady asked me to contact her when my flooring is done...so i presume i can give her another set of keys?


Are you giving a set of your keys to the workers that is doing your defects? my view is to use a separate lock or get a lock from your id if yu had already confirmed yours. you would not want any of the workers to duplicata a set of your keys rite ?

The lock you can change anytime but house key more troublesome to change mah.. this is just my view lar :good:


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Are you giving a set of your keys to the workers that is doing your defects? my view is to use a separate lock or get a lock from your id if yu had already confirmed yours. you would not want any of the workers to duplicata a set of your keys rite ?

The lock you can change anytime but house key more troublesome to change mah.. this is just my view lar :yamseng:

Yup, it's better to give them a separate key to a lock etc..

Number lock is probably the easiest too.. I guess :P


just to seek advice-

i called HDB to check on my defects for 2 weeks, the lady said she cant give me a confirmed date as to when the defects can be rectified.

She asked me to go ahead and do my flooring and they will rectify my defects after the flooring is done.

She said they will go according to my defect list even if my reno starts in advanced...

any advice?



My defects also done during my reno.. coz they very slow.. cannot possibly wait for them to finish before doing my reno..

So I just gave them the number for my reno lock.. they come in anytime.. the prob is some defects solved by the reno people already like the kitchen flooring etc..

But ya.. they can still come and do the defects as long as dun affect each other etc :)


:( hope hubby can know what i'm going thru' now and can assist more...


Maybe u can talk to your hubby and tell him about wat u going thru and ur stress etc?

Also house reno is a two person thing.. coz the house belongs to both of them.. so decisions are best made together :)

This is how we decide etc..

Dun be too stressed too.. just relax and tell urself everything will go well.. :)



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Yup, it's better to give them a separate key to a lock etc..

Number lock is probably the easiest too.. I guess :yamseng:



My defects also done during my reno.. coz they very slow.. cannot possibly wait for them to finish before doing my reno..

So I just gave them the number for my reno lock.. they come in anytime.. the prob is some defects solved by the reno people already like the kitchen flooring etc..

But ya.. they can still come and do the defects as long as dun affect each other etc :yamseng:


thanks all!

yups i already bought a seperate padlock and gave the key to HDB. i suppose the tiler and hdb workers can share the same lock...



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Hello Guys

Good news - collecting our keys tomorrow am. Do feel free to drop by in the pm, help us to look out for defects


Bad news - yet to appoint ID


Edited by bobo_girl

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ya thanks. Me mc for 4 days and back to work mon. So renov matter leave to hubby liao. Hope hubby see this msg, 'dar, paisey hor. Everything u take care hor and i will help when better. U know my situation best.' hee hee


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ya thanks. Me mc for 4 days and back to work mon. So renov matter leave to hubby liao. Hope hubby see this msg, 'dar, paisey hor. Everything u take care hor and i will help when better. U know my situation best.' hee hee

The weather is really warm. Do drink more water and have plently of rest. Do take your time to settle one thing at a time if you are not in a hurry to move into the flat.


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hi nemofc,

Do take care ya. I oso agree hse reno is 2 person's job. Best to work it out together, so when both of u stay in there , sure got a sense of satisfaction . !!

HI all

Defects got to rush HDB if u need it urgently, coz my unit till now not yet fully rectify. Going to confirm ID soon. Maybe getting ID to help me chase them liao !! sick of calloing them again n again listening to the same old ting.

Edited by jazznpop

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ermm... not sure if its helpful.. but u dun have to wait for all defects to be done before u proceed with reno, rite? i moved in n i was still reporting defects.

anyhow, criticall stuff which u nid to wait for HDB to recitify b4 reno start would b like the power points etc... if u intend to proceed with reno even in havin that problem, just let Karin know (sort of like telling them that u have notified them), then u can go ahead so that if they deny, u have points to argue on.

i realised a socket not working after reno (but of course its the original point where no relocation of change of socket done), reported and they rectify for me.

understanding was the respective contractors will come do their rounds of rectification at certain fixed time, so, say, if toilet bowl, sink issues etc, report altogether so u dun have to miss n wait another round.

btw, i think a lil pressure does help... my gate lock wasnt working and was waiting for rectification for almost 2-3 weeks. the other day i just dropped by to check on the status and the next day someone came by to rectify.. so, some friendly and harmless pressure is good for them, i think !!


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ya thanks. Me mc for 4 days and back to work mon. So renov matter leave to hubby liao. Hope hubby see this msg, 'dar, paisey hor. Everything u take care hor and i will help when better. U know my situation best.' hee hee


That's gd, take this period to have a gd rest

and yup, drink more water.. I myself drink plenty.. :yamseng:


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nemo, do take care, i agree with cindy, take 1 ting at a time, no need to rush, i hv frens took 1 yr to do up their reno.. so.. it is ok to take ur own sweet time.. no pt pressurising urself too much.. (unlike us who hv to return old hse key w/in a timeframe).. so.. relax.. rest more, ya!


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hi nemofc,

Do take care ya. I oso agree hse reno is 2 person's job. Best to work it out together, so when both of u stay in there , sure got a sense of satisfaction . :P

HI all

Defects got to rush HDB if u need it urgently, coz my unit till now not yet fully rectify. Going to confirm ID soon. Maybe getting ID to help me chase them liao :yamseng: sick of calloing them again n again listening to the same old ting.

o paisey.. suppose agreed to do renov together... but i not well, so he - one man show... so, not he can't, is i cant... lol sorry for confusion...

For time being, i might be MIA here... but will response again... will update when renov is complete...

going to rest liao... all best to all!


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HAPPY & onepostwonder,

here a pix of the pebble flooring i did for my entrance. Used greyish pebbles.


Hi Krieg,

I actually wanna to do pebblewash for my foyer but both ID and my friends disapprove my action because the pebble will come out by itself after a few years. My friends's neighbour who has pebbleswash on her foyer suffered from lost of pebbles after using the vacuum cleaner. This is especially true when you are using very fine/small pebbles.

Do take note!


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