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Everything posted by bepgof

  1. Mortgage financing is tedious. Sourcing for the best rates, zoom down to a particular one, submit docs....approval, ..all these take time. Don't take it as child play. After approval, credit facilities letter (offer) often comes with a Letter of Acceptance at the back. Of course you need to explicitly express your intention to the banker of your future actions. No assumption. No take for granted perception! Express, clear and sharp. If money can settle the issue, let money does the job. Money buys experience.....
  2. I love your question. Allow me to elaborate:(Read some questions I raised to Sean in other threads, as to those FS theories....wuxing, yinyang, ganzi, etc)just wish to see how he responds to some of those 'terrible and horrible' FS theories that most layman don't seem to understand in details but 'believing' the explanations so strong as if the sun will rise from the east tomorrow. (perhaps correspond the saying that says he who knows nothing doubt nothing) Some extracts: 'The purpose of a theory is to explain some aspects of real world. Thus many kinds of explanations are rightly called theories, not just scientific ones. I contend that philosophy too, if it is to be of any value, must consist of theories, about subjects that are not captured by any science. And by improving our understanding of what makes a theory good we can thus improve our understanding of FS." "A good theory must have content, it must assert that things operate in one way and rule out other possibilities. Now just because the theory seems like it is saying something doesn’t mean it actually has content. The simplest, and best, way to determine if a theory has content is to see whether it can be refuted. If a theory can’t be refuted then it implies that it either does a very poor job of explaining, or that the objects of the theory are disconnected from the real world. And both of these faults imply that the theory only seems to explain, only seems to have content. So, even if we don’t plan on systematically testing the theory, whether it can, in principle, be falsified is one way to judge the quality of the explanation it provides........." "Freudian psychology fails to be falsifiable not because the theory is unclear but because the objects of the theory don’t seem to correspond to anything real. Freudian psychology posits an ego-superego-id structure to explain human behavior. How the ego superego and id interact is pretty clearly spelled out in the theory, so the problem is not that the theory doesn’t say anything definite about the theoretical objects it posits to explain phenomena. The problem lies in the way judgements about the ego superego and id (like the 12 earthy branches judgements, the Heavenly stem judgements)....." My answer to your question (base on assumed fact that K has not engaged S): You're asking K a value-judgements question (how do you know that he is good ?), and also a right/wrong question (since you never engaged him) which usually has more factual connotation. K is merely passing on his factual judgements on new/old reno vs new hand and old hand. He also passing on personal value judgement that a young chap can do as well as anyone if given the opportunity (new reno). You agree a young chap can do new reno/fs audit well?
  3. Bought something that against belief and look for 'cure' - quite a common human behavioural phenomenon among the olds and the youngs? Got your 'cure'? Or since almost 4 yrs passed, how 'bad' was that fs setting that bathroom at center of house, care to share?
  4. Been wondering what is the 'auspicious FS front door', particularly in HDB dwelling environment/setting. Another issue i was wondering was 'most of the suppliers only sell normal doors'. So I ask myself: - What constitutes a front door to be 'auspicious'' - What can an auspicious front door do? To who? Of what and to what extent and for how long? Got '20 years effects' like what XKFS theorists insisted? - Can an 'auspicious' front door does the job/s (functions) ALONE without any other efforts being synchronised? -Can a normal door become an auspicious door?
  5. Ensure no loophole (particularly money-making sense) in your case presentation/argument. Perhaps can use PG sentiments Or, give assurance supporting 'more children' policy, after marry?
  6. http://www.renotalk.com/forum/topic/64081-learn-how-to-enhance-your-wealth-position/?p=839283 http://www.renotalk.com/forum/topic/64081-learn-how-to-enhance-your-wealth-position/?p=858791
  7. More hand on will help. It's all about experience, hard to express in word. I guess you don't have the right tool - hexagon water tap spanner - a tube-like both end with different size hexagon holes. https://www.google.com.sg/search?q=hexagon+water+tap+spanner+image&rlz=1C1CHMO_en-GBSG663SG663&espv=2&biw=1366&bih=643&tbm=isch&imgil=p3-wJbesD7SuQM%253A%253BYTyLYIKEwZGoSM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.wonkeedonkeetools.co.uk%25252Fbasin-tap-wrenches%25252Fdo-basin-tap-wrenches-come-in-different-sizes%25252F&source=iu&pf=m&fir=p3-wJbesD7SuQM%253A%252CYTyLYIKEwZGoSM%252C_&usg=__0Lu8vDIqYIbUSVG_Uh0tMncwIwc%3D&ved=0ahUKEwjX3uvpr_HKAhVIHI4KHQnQBkwQyjcIMw&ei=lV29VpfAIMi4uASJoJvgBA#imgrc=p3-wJbesD7SuQM%3A Turn tap head slightly left-ward (1/4) after nut hand-tied. BTW, need rubber/plastic spacer in between... ......
  8. Cosmetic comes with price. Look good doesn't mean 'eat' good. Constant moisture and water .......'eat' the materials.
  9. U need apply primer first, otherwise whatever paint wouldn't hold for long.
  10. Singapore is a lawful country. Buy, sell, acceptance and consideration form the contract, whether in black & white or just verbal (best need some form of evidence). My guessing that you did not come with agreed pricing but gave instruction to go ahead for the reno jobs? and things turn sour. ID has no TITLE of the unit - he is not the owner. He has no single right stop you from accessing. His act constitutes an illegal occupancy, and police should be called to settle this. Get everything done in black & white.
  11. This looks like a name transfer issue. Yr mother must be able to top up your share, or, another name to be inserted who replaces you. And he pays you (cpf)
  12. Long long time did not use cpf investment acct.... In memory, the amount in cpf investment acct will be auto transferred back to OA, monthly? Even when make investment activating cpf, the transfer from OA to investment acct will be automatic? Issue is you must make investment using cpf investment acct. Only after loan deduction then you sell away the investment and money back to OA
  13. It is all about personal preferences and cosmetic with respect to internal layout of dwelling for present concrete jungle that comes with provision of electricity/piped water/furnitures/communication, and etc. These provisions could be utilised to help compensate shortfall of each, unlike era like tree men and cave men who had little choices. To save the mother earth and your pocket, use more natural light and wind effects. In fact, the original is good enough. Traditionally, you need a dining table and a sofa set, right? Where to place these? Both L1, & L3, create 'L' corner. For L1, see top RH of household shelter. For L3, see study rm's door. The 3 doors at entrance/foyer looks sort of congestion -'massive and messy' (to me) - which limits the 'concurrent' access to these 3 places. You'll understand what I mean when you actually encounter this situation. You may consider relocate kitchen door to facing the hall and apply 'half glass at top' for more light into kitchen.
  14. 信则有,不信则无. 江湖风水,须要调心. 心不正,易受耳调与口调
  15. L1 & L2 are indifferent, in term of wind flow effect. A kind of NS facing. The RH corner of study room would be more stuffy - wind travels via shortest route. L2 seems to be better than L1: - comaparatively more space in L2 than in L1 - L1 passage way (b4 door) has little space for meaningful usage and it 'creates' one L corner (try reduce number of L corners for residential....) Only thing bad about L3 are: - wall too near to entrance that limits access from entrance to hall - Door-door is very subjective as to personal preference, no ground on FS principle. To commend further: - Main dr is the only one facing N, meaning all wind flows (from/to windows) have to go via this door....If door closes, what will happen? Please study the wind flow directions in Singapore over the 12 months period !!! This is real FS-concerned! Read fig 8 & 9 http://www.weather.gov.sg/climate-climate-of-singapore/ L3 worsens the situation !
  16. - What if the opposite unit is your 财神爷/banker? - What if opposite unit stays someone you miss day & night?
  17. Sean, many thanks. In broad, bazi is a model that combines sets of theories in which constructed by its own 'fundamental components'. I've no issue understand these theories individually, however, the combine effects of such fundamental components, in each theory, 'criss cross' with the 'fundamental components' with other theories, are pretty 'fluid'. Perhaps, due to its complexities or fluidity(each theory itself, not to mention the 'combination), i guess many people do not question the model's accuracy, predictivity and correlation issues, or they don't understand ???. Allow me to elaborate some. The 'fundamental components' of each theory that I refer to: - 'ying' & 'yang' components of Ying Yang theory. - 'metal, wood, water, fire, earth' components of WuXing thoery - '甲,乙...癸' components of 10 stem and '子, 丑....亥' components of 12 branch. These are the very unique fundamental component that constructs the basic of Chinese 十天干十二地支 calendrical system. - and so on theories....not mentioned here. The 'combine effects', of each theory, that i refer to: - 阴阳相生,阳极生阴,阴极生阳 combined effects of Ying Yang theory. Why can't be ying-ying-sheng, or yang-yang-sheng, particularly in human relationship community? The theory founder's observation biased? Men and men can't compliment each? - metal produce water, water sheng wood, metal ke wood combined effects of WuXing theory. Metal produces only water? Can't it be part (can be ke or sheng) of earth? Can't it sheng wood (Wood needs NPK to grow. Nitrogen,Phosphate,K for Potassium. P & K are METAL!)? Obviously the sheng/ke effects interpretation among the 5 elements yet to be fine-tuned ! - 子,丑-(N 0-30 deg)-Rat,Ox-winter-month-time. It is a 6-level marriage! 子午对冲, 丑未对冲, 寅申对冲, 卯酉对冲, 辰戌对冲, 巳亥对冲...these are the combined effects of the 12 branches 'system'. On what grounds they are 对冲? The hot vs the cold weather ? Not to mention the 12 branch being linked with the animal zodiac symbols. 甲,乙 have 'wood' properties. 丙,丁has 'Fire' properties. 戊,己 hold 'Earth' property. 庚, 辛 are 'Metal' and 壬,癸 are 'Water'. Who was the smart alex (smart or stupid?) marriage the 10 stem with WuXing in this effect ! The relationship cannot be divorced nor re-married ! The 'criss cross' effects (marriage) that i refer to: - 甲,乙 are 'wood', 甲 is yang while 乙 is ying. This is a (10 stem-Ying Yang-WuXing) 3-party marriage combined effect ! Who was the match maker? Why he so sure the 3 party would work this way? Or it is just an assumption? On what grounds? Perhaps 24 jiaqi gives some clues, but why the Ying-Yang cycle repeats every 2 stems? - 子,丑-(N 0-30 deg)-Rat,Ox-winter-month-time. It is a 6-level marriage! The 'fundamental components' are ok to me, however, the 'combined effects' and the 'criss cross effect' are pretty symbolic in nature.The correlation (marriage) among the component-component, and theory-theory 很勉强.(很形象化) Symbolic means no specific meaning, too generic, or the meaning can be differ from person to person. If you see it as square, then it is a square, if you see it as a round, then it is a round. Example: life, some say very meaningful, some see it as no meaning. This gives rooms enabling interpreters to speak what audience wish to listen (selective listening !) Your thoughts please
  18. Many thanks for the invitation and very challenging....TIA Just to share some thoughts... Would you consider methods (methodologies, practices, analysis, rituals ....) of divination (to know the future via supernatural forces) as parts/branches of 'correct' fengshui? Your arguments please. Would you think Chinese's 4 pillar destiny theory/methodology for past/present/future interpretation of events on a particular person (if i phrase this wrong, pls correct me), involves any form of supernatural forces ? If not, what are the combinations of the fundamental components of this theory drive peoples crazy after it? Do you think most supporters of this theory understand the fundamental meanings of these fundamental components? Not to mention the 'combined effects' of the components? Do you think these days people can provide their 'bazi' accurately? What are the obstacles or what ZiPing has missed out in this very fundamental process?
  19. Use normal diluted bleaching liquid can liao, if you must use alkaline. You sure want to 'paint' ? Good luck. Now you ask how to remove wallpaper. Later you will ask how to even the wall surface Follow by why my my paint can't 'stick' to the wall..... Eventually you'll buy wallpaper to cover the wall..... Better now consider overlay with new wallpaper.
  20. Buy a set of needle files (<$10), enjoy filing the teeth slowly.
  21. Product needs 3rd party certification ? Seller has to be OE or exclusive authorised distributor ? Buyer needs liciense to buy ? Consumption needs approved permit, to appointed agencies ? After consumption, appointed agentcies issue certification ? LOL
  22. If u're bored, this may help kill some time. http://www.chinesefortunecalendar.com/2016/ Red fire Monkey (not red hair monkey ) is coming to visit us soon you know. Better do some homework in advance to welcome him.
  23. Gas for what? Cooking? If ready must see 'fire' then burn anything so long don't burn the house down. Anyway Singapore has committed to the world reducing CO2... http://www.lowcarbonsg.com/2010/03/20/singapore-to-reduce-carbon-emissions-by-16-below-2020-business-as-usual-levels/ Comparatively, modern city living these days that water & electricity are more urgent/important needs than gas. These days, electricity is replacing gas's functions..... I don't use gas in my condo. Alternatively, you may consider installing solar panel.