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Kancheong King... Where To Hold Customary Dinner?

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wow late 2009 is quite sometime away. so u have decided to throw a small one?

Yes...at first not having one at all...but ever since CNY this yr, my grandma has been askin persistantly when im holding one..why ROM so long already nv hold..then my mum say she's v old already, she juz wan to see me get 'married' off officially etc etc etc. Say until i softened...will be a very small affair..cos i dun have many relatives & i only intend to invite very close frens..can say 95% of the tables would be my hubby's side...

Yup yup, late 2009 quite some time away...but i do things v slow :lol: Like to research & research & research...then compare non-stop...and also becos i need time to get the financial aspect ready :)

How's ur preparation coming along???

lol.. i think she is most likely

a) Doing the laundry

b) bathing

c) ****ting


Stalker!;)!! :):)

but don't know how small is it?? 8|

Very small....lesser than 20 tables....at most 20 tables...lol.


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Very small....lesser than 20 tables....at most 20 tables...lol.

20 tables? ok mah. not small leh. erm, actually there're hotels which can allow you to hold 20 tables or less leh. eg, swissotel (min. 20), oriental (min. 10) etc. :lol:


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20 tables? ok mah. not small leh. erm, actually there're hotels which can allow you to hold 20 tables or less leh. eg, swissotel (min. 20), oriental (min. 10) etc. :lol:

To my hubby, its quite small i guess...I'll try to keep it to 16-18 thereabouts.

Yes, surprisingly, quite a few hotels do offer small ballrooms for lesser tables...its the restaurants that are having the minimum 20 or 25 tables requirement like Dragongate & Orient Ocean. I've considered Jade@The Fullerton too but max tables is only 15...still looking around thou. Din noe Swissotel & Oriental also offer small rooms...Am also looking at Hotel Rendezvous, Grand Hyatt, Hilton, GCW....surprised dat they have small rooms too....Quite a few choices come to tink of it....


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To my hubby, its quite small i guess...I'll try to keep it to 16-18 thereabouts.

Yes, surprisingly, quite a few hotels do offer small ballrooms for lesser tables...its the restaurants that are having the minimum 20 or 25 tables requirement like Dragongate & Orient Ocean. I've considered Jade@The Fullerton too but max tables is only 15...still looking around thou. Din noe Swissotel & Oriental also offer small rooms...Am also looking at Hotel Rendezvous, Grand Hyatt, Hilton, GCW....surprised dat they have small rooms too....Quite a few choices come to tink of it....

hotels have function rooms.. so they can take in smaller banquets...

I feel better dont drag too long.. hotel prices keep increasing.. 2009 will be a new price to pay... :P


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To my hubby, its quite small i guess...I'll try to keep it to 16-18 thereabouts.

Yes, surprisingly, quite a few hotels do offer small ballrooms for lesser tables...its the restaurants that are having the minimum 20 or 25 tables requirement like Dragongate & Orient Ocean. I've considered Jade@The Fullerton too but max tables is only 15...still looking around thou. Din noe Swissotel & Oriental also offer small rooms...Am also looking at Hotel Rendezvous, Grand Hyatt, Hilton, GCW....surprised dat they have small rooms too....Quite a few choices come to tink of it....

nowadays, most hotels have offered smaller banquet liao lor. or else how the hotels are going to compete with the restaurants. :P


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To my hubby, its quite small i guess...I'll try to keep it to 16-18 thereabouts.

Yes, surprisingly, quite a few hotels do offer small ballrooms for lesser tables...its the restaurants that are having the minimum 20 or 25 tables requirement like Dragongate & Orient Ocean. I've considered Jade@The Fullerton too but max tables is only 15...still looking around thou. Din noe Swissotel & Oriental also offer small rooms...Am also looking at Hotel Rendezvous, Grand Hyatt, Hilton, GCW....surprised dat they have small rooms too....Quite a few choices come to tink of it....

Swissotel has 1 small ballroom which has min 20 tables only, but the ceiling is the lowest, some close to a function room's and it has 2 pillars. The bigger ballrooms have higher ceilings. But if <20 tables, I think all the tables can be arranged in front of the pillars. From what I know, the min is 20 tables, if you have lesser tables, you could top it up by having a higher priced menu. Hope you understand what I'm saying.


Edited by jule

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hotels have function rooms.. so they can take in smaller banquets...

I feel better dont drag too long.. hotel prices keep increasing.. 2009 will be a new price to pay... ;)

Yes yes, they will offer the function rooms instead...Not dat i wan to drag but i juz wan to be more sure of the $$$ part first..make sure can afford, then have one :D I even comtemplated 2010 loh!:P But a couple of neighbours managed to persuade me over msn to have it in 2009 instead :P They tell me, dun be afraid of the $ part...juz do it one step at a time, sure can one...keke..Felt alot better after 'talking' to them ;)

nowadays, most hotels have offered smaller banquet liao lor. or else how the hotels are going to compete with the restaurants. :P

Yes, tink u r rite...and to be frank, families in sg are getting smaller & smaller...perhaps in future, big big banquets like 40 & above will no longer be the trend loh...Or mayb next time, wont even have such a thing called banquets :P

Swissotel has 1 small ballroom which has min 20 tables only, but the ceiling is the lowest, some close to a function room's and it has 2 pillars. The bigger ballrooms have higher ceilings. But if <20 tables, I think all the tables can be arranged in front of the pillars. From what I know, the min is 20 tables, if you have lesser tables, you could top it up by having a higher priced menu. Hope you understand what I'm saying.

Jule, thks for sharing the pic :) This pic is the one with the lowest ceiling isit??

Yup yup, can understd wat u r trying to explain...Read from sgbrides dat some couples reali wan to hold it at a particular hotel, so they compensate by paying extra $100+ thereabouts for each table becos they cannt fulfill the minimum requirement...


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Jule, thks for sharing the pic :P This pic is the one with the lowest ceiling isit??

Yup yup, can understd wat u r trying to explain...Read from sgbrides dat some couples reali wan to hold it at a particular hotel, so they compensate by paying extra $100+ thereabouts for each table becos they cannt fulfill the minimum requirement...

It depends on the no. of tables you short of, I think <$100 to top up per table, and you have a better menu


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Yes, tink u r rite...and to be frank, families in sg are getting smaller & smaller...perhaps in future, big big banquets like 40 & above will no longer be the trend loh...Or mayb next time, wont even have such a thing called banquets :P

yup, nowadays families are getting smaller. friends and colleagues have but not all tom, dick and harry also invite, right. :P


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It depends on the no. of tables you short of, I think <$100 to top up per table, and you have a better menu

I see..i guess different hotels sure have different top-up rates...I will definitely consider it if i reali love the hotel :P The menu part is true...b4 i decide to hold a dinner, i've always feel dat food is not v impt since ppl only give angbaos based on location & day. But now dat im planning one, i still hope to provide guests with nicer food...


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thats true... its actually ok i guess to start looking around.. and make a decision within the next 6months to 9mths..

at least you can get the hotel to commit to you 08 rates for a 09 wedding dinner..


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Agree with u...a fellow neighbour managed to book Chijmes with juz 20 tables :~ Very hapi for her but sad for myself loh, heh~

I would try to hold in early 2009 if im comfortable with our financial status bah...if not, it would be late 2009 for sure...i do noe dat prices are increasing & even the minimum tables requirements may change but im sure there will be places dat can accomodate lor....

Dun wish to hold a dinner in the midst of worrying abt $ too...my hubby's mum did comment why must 2009, why cannt 2008...but me+hubby are the ones footing the bill so i tink we have the rite to choose when we want loh *oops* :bleah: But i do have frens & colleagues telling me as long as i dun have too many tables & dun anyhow invite ppl juz to make up the numbers (cos actually, the guests will noe if they r there becos we wan them to be there or juz to make up numbers :) ), even if loss, wont be dat great...Haven tell my mum & grandma thou..juz wana make sure everything cfm then let them noe..else if change of plans, my grandma will be so disappointed....

Wow, u have 30 tables?? Lucky u booked already...Hey, usually men will only start to take action when they reali noe there is not enuf time liao..haha..my hubby is also lidat..but i will constantly bug him & he will entertain me loh :( Btw, can share ur BS is which one?


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Wow, u have 30 tables?? Lucky u booked already...Hey, usually men will only start to take action when they reali noe there is not enuf time liao..haha..my hubby is also lidat..but i will constantly bug him & he will entertain me loh :sport-smiley-003: Btw, can share ur BS is which one?

Haha...how true....guess most guys are the same..u wil be amazed by what they can do and will do in that short period of time..and u thought u won't get the see the enthu side of him...haha..!!

Edited by Air

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