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Tim & Chenie Little Sweet Haven

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Hi eR1C and MaCe, :sport-smiley-004:

Thanks for your information on your rewiring packages. Just wondering, when is your rewiring done? The reason given by my contractor for the high price (2.5K) is that the wiring material (e.g copper) had risen during these few months, but we are not sure if this is a fact or not? Can anyone provide any insight on this?

yes, copper went up a lot. but the price between honest and dishonest contractors also have a lot of difference. You better spend more time in ELECTRICALs subforum and read more articles there.

certains thing like PUB testing is not a must, since no testing, you can place your sockets or whatever electrical related stuffs ANYWHERE YOU WANT.

take note of the following things

1) brand of socket/switches used.

2) wire tapping, make sure you are there when they are rewiring. all wires from sockets no matter how far it is away from the main db , must be 1 whole line and not cut+joints. all the wires from 1 end should ends at the DB.

Another thing is why is the price of stand fan so expensive? A typical stand fan cost ranges from $40 to even $100. Why is that so? Just manage to get 2 stand fan from COURTS selling at $19.90 EACH. Last month we tried to get a stand fan from GAIN CITY at $19 but was sold out.

Hope to hear from you guys and gals soon. Thanks! :D

Akira, Powerpac all these $20+ fans hor - they are noisy, I have both. they dont last very long. the oscillation got problem also.

KDK is the king in fans, quiet and long lasting that why cheapest is at least $80-$90!

Edited by MaCe

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hi Eric, Who do you engage as ur reno/ID? any drawing to see how beautiful your house will be?

As for ceiling fan, why not get a black one?


Edited by big orange

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As for ceiling fan, why not get a black one?


Hi big orange, :P

Thanks for your recommendation, but we are going for more light "HAPPY" 8| colour concept for our house, so try to avoid dark colour, though we know dark colour is easier to hide the dirt. 8|

So are you doing your renovation recently? Care to share your link to your blog and your renovation experiences? Really interested to know more because we are so newbie and not much people to ask around. 8|


I engage B&E Concept. They are office/showroom is in Yishun ONE.

I didn't have those 3D Computer Graphic Drawing, just Perspective Drawing nia.

it's at my T-Blog.



Hi eR1c, :)

Thanks for sharing your blog with us, its really an eye opener 8|

Hope to see more of your photo updates! 8|

yes, copper went up a lot. but the price between honest and dishonest contractors also have a lot of difference. You better spend more time in ELECTRICALs subforum and read more articles there.

certains thing like PUB testing is not a must, since no testing, you can place your sockets or whatever electrical related stuffs ANYWHERE YOU WANT.

Hi MaCe, :)

Thanks for your advice, will definitely try to browse through the electricals subforum, but we actually posted a topic on Rewiring but no much response then:P But from what we gather, the costs of rewiring ranges from 2K to 3.5K, but do not know what is included in the package.

PUB testing is not a must? Does it means that it not compulsory for the HDB fire insurance scheme?

Akira, Powerpac all these $20+ fans hor - they are noisy, I have both. they dont last very long. the oscillation got problem also.

KDK is the king in fans, quiet and long lasting that why cheapest is at least $80-$90!

Yeah, saw a lot of forumers got KDK, if not Amasco. :P By the way, how long your $20 fan last before they retire? zz3 to6 months?



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Hi MaCe, 8|

Thanks for your advice, will definitely try to browse through the electricals subforum, but we actually posted a topic on Rewiring but no much response then:P But from what we gather, the costs of rewiring ranges from 2K to 3.5K, but do not know what is included in the package.

PUB testing is not a must? Does it means that it not compulsory for the HDB fire insurance scheme?

Yeah, saw a lot of forumers got KDK, if not Amasco. :) By the way, how long your $20 fan last before they retire? zz3 to6 months?


most contractor will give you a pricelist like the one from ERIC.

all you need to do is to calculate HOW many sockets/lights you need while planning where to put your sockets/lights. then just add up all the figures and voila thats your rewiring $$$.

Changing a new DB box is not a must, can reuse!

it's not - what is included in the package, it's what you WANT in the "package".

how long the $20 fan lasts? I want to retire them immediately hahaha! my akira n powerpac still new but already noisy, go for powerpac, akira vomit blood very cheapo material used!

I still have a $25 sona fan in old house (4 yrs liao), I find them to be noisy thats all.


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Hi everyone, :sport-smiley-004:

Just contacted our contractor and ask him to get the rewiring package details from the electrician, just to be on the safe side. And also browsed the web for more information on HDB Fire Insurance, for those who are interested, here are the links:

HDB Fire Insurance Policies

AHA Fire Insurance FAQ

AHA Public Housing Protection Plan

As for the painting works, anyone tried the NIPPON paint promotion packages by HOMEFIX DIY Store? Seen their advertisements on the Saturday newspaper. Can comment on the two packages and the work quality provided?



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Hi everyone, :)

We are back with the fourth day (11 Jul 2007) of our renovation. :D

Lots of hacked tiles still lying around the places and a few more holes were found. :P Check with the contractor that they will fill up those holes later, do not know whether is they hacked wrongly or the wall condition is really that bad. :blink:

Wire meshes are exposed at the Kitchen Washroom wall.


Holes are found by the wall side of the MasterBedroom Washroom entrance.


Living Room


Here's more photos! :rofl:

Study Room


The "Two Cranes" Divider


The BIG Rubbish Bin


We will be back with more photos. The next stage of renovation will begin soon. :notti:

Edited by tim_chenie

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Demolition time! hahaha.

i know ur feeling, can't wait to see they start the next stage... :sport-smiley-004:

maybe the 'holes' are created when they hacked the other side and the pieces just came off...

but no big worries, they will just cement it back.


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Demolition time! hahaha.

i know ur feeling, can't wait to see they start the next stage... :bleah:

maybe the 'holes' are created when they hacked the other side and the pieces just came off...

but no big worries, they will just cement it back.

Hi eR1c, :)

Yeah, can't wait to see the start of the next phase! Also can't wait to see them ment the holes. :dunno:

Glad to see your house coming to completion, can't wait to see your completed renovation.:unsure:

Just browse the web again and manage to find some website for wall paint simulation, for those who are interested here are the links:

Nippon Paint Colour Scheme Program

Nippon Paint Product Range

ICI Dulux Paint Mouse Painter Program

ICI Dulux Paint Product Range

Hope this helps. :dunno:


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I used Nipponpaint's easywash - must say it's really easy to wash/clean! :P

dirts can come off easily with just simple soap and water, just wipe only.


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I used Nipponpaint's easywash - must say it's really easy to wash/clean! :)

dirts can come off easily with just simple soap and water, just wipe only.

Hi MaCe, :)

Thanks for the recommendation, just went to Nipponpaint website and seems like there's limited range of colours to choose from. :) Dunno whether it is the same case as ICI Dulux? :good:

Just visited some of the other forumer's T-blog and found the COOLSERVE website that has quite competive price for aircons. We were quoted 2.3K for Mitsubishi System 3 Non-Invertor but were surprised to see a much lower price at COOLSERVE website. Wonder if there is any hidden costs? :yamseng: Anyone hired this company before? Care to comment? :)

Also browse through the forum and found some related topics on Aircon, here's some link to share:

How much u pay for your Mitsubishi Aircon?, (System3 or 4)


Which Air Conditioner System Combination To Choose?

And found two blogs that focus on Fans and Aircons:

Just Me and My Singapore Ceiling Fan

Singapore AirCon

One section of the AirCon Blog talks about the difference between Inverter and Non-Invertor:

Singapore Air Con : Inverter or Non Inverter

Any recommendation for good service and competive price Air-Con Company? :) Still trying to source for a price lower than 2.3K. :P But heard some lower prices because they did not include the brackets and other stuff. :deal:

One company I got from the forum topics is Cool Breeze Aircon (Contact 9387 3367). Any comments on their service?

Hope this helps for those who are like us searching for the right Air-Con System. :yamseng:


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Hi everyone, :dribble:

We are back with the 6th day of renovation (Friday 13 Jul 2007). Basically all the tiles had been removed and transferred to the "BIG Rubbish Bin", and the wall and floor surface are being smoothed with cement, dunno what is that process called. :sport-smiley-003:

Here's some update photos to share:

BIG Rubbish Bin filled to the brim




Kitchen Bathroom


Kitchen Bathroom Wall being covered with cement


MasterBedroom Bathroom


That's all for now folks! :)


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Just realised that we had not post our floor plan yet, so here goes:

Floor Plan


And here's some sample tiles we got:



We had another discussion with the contractor again and he was able to get back to me regarding the painting and the rewiring.

For painting, he says it ok for a different shades of the same colour for a room, no extra charges for that, but the paint will be those ordinary paint, all that for 1K. If want those Wash and Wear type, need to top-up. And if want different colour in one room, workmanship will be charged.

For rewiring, all the sockets will be double-sockets, four each in the living room and kitchen, one each in the three bedrooms and one aircon socket in the masterbedroom, plus two telephone ports and one TV/SCV point in the living room. The MCB will be changed too. All that for 2.5K. If want to move the MCB down to adult height, then need to top-up 300. Additional sockets will be charged accordingly.

Any comments? :sport-smiley-003:


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ur floor plan looks simliar to mine...

Mine is an old flat.. urs oso mah? bt mine is 84sqm onie leh


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ur floor plan looks simliar to mine...

Mine is an old flat.. urs oso mah? bt mine is 84sqm onie leh

Hi xiaomumu, :curse:

Yes, our flat is near to 20 years old located at Tampines, 84sqm too. How about you? Where are you located?In Tampines too? :sport-smiley-004:

Edited by tim_chenie

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