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Everything posted by pinkpetter

  1. aiyah I dun mind potluck a bit.. we bring a little of stuff here and there then when we leave we bring it back so you don't have such a big mess lor. hahahha
  2. wahhhh lol you need expert packers asap!!
  3. *sidetrack* Join the RT group in FB? http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=104319597634
  4. Ya I overslept after rushing to class ytd morning and was late late late!! Set up a FB group for all RT folks.. http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=104319597634 Glad you guys enjoyed also. parties are always tiring. hehe
  5. mmm no choice ba. what's been done is done.. and they probably won't change for you also so no point fretting about it.. Everything's ready??
  6. wah your storeroom really merges with the cabinet. Seamless look. Very nice. and those cabinets are very deep thanks to your fridge!!
  7. Hopeless.. did you ask them how much they will charge if you want to add extra photos? mm Not bad la.. my sis's was 4000++ ... from Taiwan.
  8. I used the $75psf one... Bellus (through Ah Soon of cos) and it's ok for me. No complaints.. It's been 7 months. But then we hardly cook. hehe
  9. hahaha my house also had the problem but my parents managed to do cleaned it. it's the workers la.. they anyhow throw things down.. or before the bowl was installed stuff go into the pipe.. Nice meeting you yesterday!!
  10. wahhh I missed quite a few people lor... So sad I overslept!! So happy to see so many of you today!! We must organise again another day! mm Maybe we should set up a proper group in FB for RT folks in general. hehe lemme see...
  11. mmm funnily I think the gaps make the whole wall look more natural... or is it just me? LOL Nice wall!!
  12. wah what a packed day you had!! so sad couldn't meet you... I like your washing machine leh. I always think that front load seem to wash clothes better. hehe
  13. Oh my... the house is very spacious and the basics are in good condition.. Congratulations!! Good luck on your reno!
  14. Hi aoiaoi! Your place looks fantastic and I think it'll look even better with your cosmetic reno!!! *looking forward*
  15. ya... generally laminate has a hollower feeling compared to parquet's solid feeling... makes for the difference in price I guess.
  16. LOLLL 3 years very long leh... LOL liddat must get you all Liang Teh... Huo Qi so big! hahaha aiyah at most when Uncle appear you pester him to his van to take lor. Last time I see his van filled... But I dunno about now. alamak.. I MIA cos crisis after crisis at work... Work from 645am (reach office) until 7pm for the last 2 days. Come home, eat, stone, and sleep early. LOL tomorrow will be **** again. Anyway... Am doing some art with the pupils in school and someone THREW AWAY ALL MY MOSAIC!!! Then I don't have any more mosaic when the girls are still midway in their projects! Can die or not.. I start calling up glass and art mosaic supplier all cannot meet me! or SUPER expensive... I have to pay for this out of my own pocket wor... In the end.. I CALLED UNCLE FOR HELPPPPPPPPPP Literally asked him to save my life just now.... to spare me some mosaic remaining from your houses. hahaha He even promised to deliver to my workplace tmr. I shall remind him early tmr morning...
  17. WAH very nice dining set and lights!!!!
  18. OH my bad... different Henrys!!! so sorry! Good then we now have more good people to share ard!! Jamie.. update us ok?
  19. mmm don't you just hate HDB? think at the rate they work.. keep your fingers crossed ya? BUGGG THEM!!!
  20. hi seashell! CONGRATS!!!!! Start a T-blog for us to see!! please please please... 666... huh why your IL never ask for a reduction since it's like that? mmm
  21. mmm *been MIA* mm seems like you're definitely more on your way! Happy for you that the things are of better quality after the change. Friday's the big day!!
  22. ahhh so when I called him he was with you! haha or just spokent o you... Congrats. I hope he gives you a good quote. and yes... do give him a call to remind him.
  23. AH? She obviously cannot be trusted ma... after so many phonecalls and didn't get SUsan to call back... yuckety yucks.
  24. Lol i disappear for 3 days and you all still arguing ah... lol