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Our New Place @ Clementi

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Hey hey ivy, which block are you staying at? Your layout looks nice =)

Yuene, you staying at clementi too? the flat is at blk 340

Your house is really big! Congratulations on the purchase. how much u bought it? COV? i wuld vote for both boys to be in the same room

Thanks! I paid total $482K( $460 valuation + $22k COV) this was committed in october before market crash.. :furious:


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interim update for all.

Fengshui Master seen the house yesterday. Die man... I can't go along the theme which I like... I wanted a black white grey house.. but due to the facing of the house... to ward off certain negative energy.. it has to be a all white wall house and capentry either yellow or brown (symbolises earth) :( It sound like I either gotta go with contemporary or resort style now...

Some other things which I planned for e.g. position of MBR bed.. need to change... the most drastic is i need to seal off 1 bedroom door and reopen it right in the centre of my living room wall which is initial planned to be my TV wall....

wanna cry liao...

Below is our likely layout.. will reconsider whether to build the low cabinet and platform for MBR..


Edited by ivy

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"the most drastic is i need to seal off 1 bedroom door and reopen it right in the centre of my living room wall" - wah, that's v drastic! Somemore must be in the middle of that wall?

What happens in future when you want to give each boy a room? Not nice to have room door opening out into the middle of the living room. That door will always have to be closed.

What about putting your TV on the opposite wall?


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"the most drastic is i need to seal off 1 bedroom door and reopen it right in the centre of my living room wall" - wah, that's v drastic! Somemore must be in the middle of that wall?

What happens in future when you want to give each boy a room? Not nice to have room door opening out into the middle of the living room. That door will always have to be closed.

What about putting your TV on the opposite wall?

that room is good for study room. The study table is advised to be placed directly opposite the new door with the kids/user sitting with back against the wall.

he advise against putting TV on the opposit wall. That panel of wall is best for the TV as electrical appliances symbolises fire which is no good for the facing of the opposite wall...

I am quite tempted to default away from some of his suggestion.. esp the colour scheme of MBR.. see how first.. gotta think think think


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the latest is, me and hubby had decided we are not going to seal off and hack another entrance for the affected bedroom. Opening door at the other side is for improving wealth... We decided to sacrifice a little on the wealth part..


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ok following up my last post on our latest decision not to relocate the bedroom entrance. Below is my updated version of layou plan proposed by me, again subject to endorsement from FSM as I added another length of wardrobe plus dressing table in MBR and a low cabinet in the boys' room


Whether the above can be materialise is also dependent on the total cost of quotation. Seems like alot of carpentry work.. i dun have a gold hill to lean on.. so gotta do budget control..

Coming up will be pics of the current condition of the place.


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Finally got the courage to ask current owner for permission to snap some photos during the fengshui audit. :notti:

But the blur me forget to bring camera lah...... **** duh... so I got to make do with my handphone camera, that's why the quality of the photos are not fantastic..

This is the small FOYER AREA that was bought over. It's a bout 4 meter square.


A view of the Living/dinning area and also passage way leading to bedrooms. Picture on the right is taken while standing at the balcony end.




MBR. Can't really get a good shot cos space is pretty challenging.


2 other Bedrooms


After this posting, I guess that'll be no more pictures for the next few months till I get my keys and start the reno.

Edited by ivy

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ooo house seems a bit dark the moment wor... But the flooring in the bedrooms seems pretty good. no toilet pics?

haha can still have pictures ma.. pictures from ID! :)


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ooo house seems a bit dark the moment wor... But the flooring in the bedrooms seems pretty good. no toilet pics?

haha can still have pictures ma.. pictures from ID! :)

yeah it is pretty dim. they don't have ceiling light in the living room one. just a string of halogen bulbs. didnt take pic of the toilets. pretty original condition but clean. heheheh

ohh yah still got 3D. that is if i am engaging ID. if contractor then no have loh.

Hehe, agree that the floor looks good. :good: And I like the extra wardrobe idea! More storage means more space to buy & store clothes! :P

The whole house is laminated flooring except the kitchen. I will have to replace the laminate cos it's already 9 years old. some parts starting to pop. Will be laying homo tiles for living dining and passage area. Laminate only for bedrooms. if budget allows, will go for all homo tiles including bedroom


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