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Our 2nd Home In Bishan

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how much is the wood option sofa above?

personally, i prefer full fabric sofa

Edited by rierie

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how much is the wood option sofa above?

personally, i prefer full fabric sofa

The wood option sofa will be about $1.9K for a 3+1+1 with a coffee table set.

Actually after viewing some nice hotel-style full fabric sofas yesterday, we may also consider the full fabric set.

A set comprising of a 2-seater with 2 nice wing arm chairs and an ottoman with storage will cost about $2.1K.


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AJ, thanks for ur reply on the water pressure in our block.

sure helps to have an "old bird" who has been staying in the area to help on the issues we're facing ;)

ur 2nd appt is today! u can look forward to the reno of ur new place on monday.


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Heya Beany, no worries. Always glad to share. :)

Yup, the completion is finally done yesterday and we've officially taken the keys!

Over the last week we've been very busy running around trying to settle our home accessories, furniture and household appliances. I'm practically broke and heavily in debt now. :P

While yesterday was quite happy, it was kinda marred towards the end by some sadness, frustration and alot of tiring head-cracking.

- After completion at HDB Hub, my car took a small hit at the rear and my bumper got dislodged slightly. Its quite painful for me cos' my car is like my 2nd wife and its still bugging me until I send it in to the shop and get it sorted. More money down the drain.

- After HDB Hub, we went down to pick my in-laws as my wife wanted to show them the place. While my dad-in-law's pretty OK and helpful with suggestions, my mum-in-law on the other hand, always quick and ready to slam my ideas and always like want things to be her way or we should do this-and-that. This is one thing that really gets me pissed off because firstly, she has never spent a single minute on the planning of the space compared to the months of research, planning and re-working that I've had to do. Secondly, she has no clue about design and rationales (To her, its nice to look, but not nice to eat) and thirdly, its MY place and I'll be the one living there and I'll do what I like. I mean suggestions is one thing and can be positive, but enforcing your thoughts on people about their own place is another.

- After we were done with dinner with my in-laws, wifey and I went back to the house to go through again and figure out how to work the layout for the MBR, which is the most problematic. We used masking tape to mark out the approximate locations based on the initial plans and seriously, the whole MBR will look like a store-room! Based on that, we made the decision that we would now combine the MBR and the next room together, so in effect, the gap between both rooms will remain with perhaps a folding door so that our air-cond won't be powering 2 rooms. We will put the wardrobe (now we can have a 9ft or 10ft long one) and a small dresser in the next room, and there'll still be a space for a bed for the kids and even a small working or computer table.

- The next headache is the bathroom. With the need to place a TV console, we may not be able to do the full glass toilet anymore as the console will be triangular and slot at the right angle of the corner of the wall.

- We'll be meeting Yeak today to go through the changes and also gather his feedback. The wiring and socket points now are also abit off. So we'll need his advise as to their repositioning.

Quite tired and drained, and coming down with a bad throat and fever and my back's aching really badly after standing around for so long the whole day. Hope today's meeting will bring about some fruitful and ideal solutions.


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Hi Adrian

totally understood tt overpowering feeling: nvr pay a cent, but want u use all his/her ideas :P

me got the similar experience but worse as she is my aunt, not even my parents/in-law

really super kapoy :S

Just say, ya ya ya... but eventually do it ur way lah :)

by then it will too late for her to comment liao :P

can't wait to see ur reno transformation!


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hey adrian.. i understand perfectly how u feel about the in law imposing her ideas on u... i've got a pair of those plus the sis and bro in laws too... imagine i got a bro in law who talked to uncle soon direct and insist uncle soon to do my alter HIS way??! when uncle soon brushed it off he told uncle soon : don't listen to her listen to me, do it my way sure nice!! vomit blood....

anyway.. it's ur place. do it, in accordance to what you like, not to please any body else except urself, wifey and the kids.


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hey adrian!!! got to congrats you first!!! finally its time to see the transformation of your home....

guess everyone of us will definitely encounter one side which is either prone to imposing their ideas or just being plain negative.....can you imagine till now my in laws have not been to my place?...since the first time we mention about moving till moved, she has been negative about almost everything...like "why move?", "why so fast?, should take time to see", "why the kids so skinny now? must be not used to the place...", "don't this, don't that" or "why this or why that" aiya fan(2) si(3) ren(2) le...... ;)


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think we all face the same problems with overly "helpful" folks...

sometimes i really appreciate my folks who doesn't meddle in things i do...so understanding...but then, other people's parents hor...i also can't say much lah :bangwall:


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Understand your agony.. Sometimes just pacify them a bit and then just do it your way.. Since you are living in it, just design based on what you like..

If I listen to my parents and in laws, I think I can even forget abt renovating.. Because everything is new and good to them.. :)


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congrats on ur completion! finally moving on to the reno stage. In-laws are bound to be in-laws, even parents sometimes want their own say in our house! My mum wanted my main door to turn this way be it ended up another... i just told her "HDB says cannot..." and everyone satisfied. There's always a way to go ard... More pics soon!! :)


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Yup, the completion is finally done yesterday and we've officially taken the keys!

Over the last week we've been very busy running around trying to settle our home accessories, furniture and household appliances. I'm practically broke and heavily in debt now. :P

While yesterday was quite happy, it was kinda marred towards the end by some sadness, frustration and alot of tiring head-cracking.


Quite tired and drained, and coming down with a bad throat and fever and my back's aching really badly after standing around for so long the whole day. Hope today's meeting will bring about some fruitful and ideal solutions.

Hi Adrian,

First off, congratulations in completing the house ownership thing with HDB! :)

Though I can't speak from experience, I do understand the kind of frustration you are having with your MIL. Whatever it is, do what you think is best for all, if her idea really don't fit in, probably then can find some ways & means to "pacify" her a bit (which I know it is not easy at all), so long as it doesn't sour the relationship in the long run.

Finally, do take care of yourself. Have a good rest the whole of Sunday and worry about things after the weekend.

Health is more important, solutions would be there "waiting for you" when you are better!



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I also buay dahan my ILs when we were renovating. My FIL everything also wana keep, and my MIL kept telling anione who will listen that she didn't like the look of the house once she stepped in. :curse:

I wanted to quarrel with them so many times. In the end, my hb listened to all their suggestions, nod his head, and we told Yeak to do everyting our way. haha.. After do finish liao they can't change aniting liao wat. Like wat u said, they didn't spend time on research, space planning or aniting else. I'm sure your well thought out designs will impress them when it's done. :)


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Rdnest, Ivy, PJ, F4, Booy, MrsPiglet, Skyblue and Angel.

Thanks all for your listening, advice and empathy of the IL situation.

I guess everyone shares the same problem of not having understanding and know-it-all relatives that seem to give more 'advice' than they're worth or have too much 'bird talk' (hokkien) to say. The house is only but one incident, still have to deal with flak that comes with regards to raising children and even medication and food to eat. Sometimes I know they mean well, but I guess they also got to learn to cut people abit more slack and respect our personal space. Anyways, I already told my wife, regardless of comments, we'll take only the really helpful advice/suggestions (some of which came from my FIL) and we'll do it our way.

Met Yeak on Saturday, appreciate him for taking time off his own personal famly time to walk through the whole house to sort out the jobs to be done as well as offer good solutions and suggestions on some stuff we had thoughts about. The home layout is essentially settled. The only place that differs from the initial ideas and sketches is the MBR. I'm trying to find some time to do the sketch out or at least the 2D floor plan.


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Some 'BEFORE' pictures to show of the new place. It sure looks spacious when its empty, but I think it'll be quite cluttered once things are up and furniture is placed.



LIVING ROOM VIEW FROM BALCONY - Showing Foyer, Kitchen Entrance, Storeroom Slot and Corridor to Rooms






Edited by adrian_john

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