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Im using 30L storage heater and rain shower in MBR. turn out the water after fitting it and seems / hear fine , not as strong as those in hotels, but suffice for me. till i try bathing in it then let you know. now in final pharse of reno.

there is also a booster available to increse the pressure of water. If Im not wrong, current pressure is @2bar. any one can confirm this?

Hihi Ohoh,

Yrs is storage heater plus rain shower (in MBR) shouldnt be a problem for the pressure then. Unless someone is also showering @ the same time in the kitchen toilet, then most likely yr rain shower will run out of hot water lor. But i think for 30L storage, also not a problem, unless yr family members all like me bath very long/slow one, then not enough hot water liao. Lol. It all depends on the users usage of water (amount) and the timing. :dunno:

Really got this booster thing? Can any one else confirm this? Very keen if have this thing! All i heard last time when doing up my current plc, the id say the pressure/amount of water is due to the pipes size and also the level of floor u staying also will affect, hence he advice us if want more water faster, then to change the pipes to a bigger size one. :wub:

Dunno yet leh , actually I still dunno where and what to start , today meet my ID to see have artwork and design 1st . I only know she call as use water tank

me also changing the SCV point too , good question tonight i ask my ID how .

ANyone remove the bomb shelter door har ? as my ID say if I want to cover the bomb shelter actually i can remove the door and keep the door inside (as when you sell away yr unit need to put back the door only) . The only problem you have to find a place for the bomb shelter door .


I see. Good luck and have fun doing up yr plc! :jawdrop:

As regards to removing the bomb shelter door. IMO, think better dont remove it better. Cause heard before that for new flats, some time HDB will send ppl down to do random check on flats after reno to check whether the reno is done properly. So if sway they come yr plc, and see u got no door there, surely kena fine one. Besides, if u really wanna "hide" the door, u can just do a feature wall over the whole thing, and the door willl be hidden as well mah, so no need to remove it and then hide it again what? Anyway, that just my opinion only lah. :D

hello everyone,

Me and my wife also got a unit in JM. But we are not getting keys that soon. We will be getting them in late june. Now we are looking for IDs for our flat. Anyone got good recommendations?

We went to Freespace. Was attracted by their daring design. Anyone have experience with them?

Care to share?

Thank you!

Adam :(:P

Hihi Adam,

Welcome to JM! :)

I've pm u. Pls check. Thanks. :yamseng:


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hm... thought rain shower flow is base on the water pressure at our unit and not from the heater??

Tinking of getting a rain shower oso. No place for tub but got rain shower oso not too bad :D


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Hi Ms Bean,

The Home Shelter door cannot be removed. Infact it is illegal to do that. You can check it on the hdb website.



Dunno yet leh , actually I still dunno where and what to start , today meet my ID to see have artwork and design 1st . I only know she call as use water tank

me also changing the SCV point too , good question tonight i ask my ID how .

ANyone remove the bomb shelter door har ? as my ID say if I want to cover the bomb shelter actually i can remove the door and keep the door inside (as when you sell away yr unit need to put back the door only) . The only problem you have to find a place for the bomb shelter door .


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hey nemo, where are your reno pics? long time no see.

Paisey, cos' still not well... been dizzy... but photo taken by hubby liao... will try to upload at "myHOme" when better... stay tuned..


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thanks to all! hmmm....choosing water heater is an art of its own it seem...

yes Jazz, same sentiments...no bathtub, rainshower is gd haha

i do agree with mirage on the bomb shelter, if the door is remove, defeat the purpose (if suspected terrorist can escape from detention ctr) who know what might happen...


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Hello Everybody,

Dont know whether everybody has seem this before or not.

Check out my blog!!

The very first floor plan from Jalan Membina and was later changed into the present layout/floorplan.



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anybody did household shelter rack at cheaper than $150? (the L-shape type)

if yes, can recommend? :notti:

or shall we do a mass buy, maybe we can get a cheaper price?


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Hey JM forumers,

pardon mi kpo.

e earlier replies were correct ->

- Instant Heater (direct supply of warm water frm cold water)

- Storage Heater (stores & supply warm water, warm water volume dependent on heater capacity)

- Household Shelter Door canot b removed. (Anything concerning e shelter, canot b tempered with)

- Electrical conduits & trunkings canot b embedded in2 e structural members of e flat. (cement screed is not structural member)

- Electrical pts can b relocated, provided it does not tempered with e structural members & e wall adjacent 2 e exterior of e unit.

- Y hacking of walls need PE endorsement? Its bcos of Structural Stability of e blk. (Structural members = columns, beams, floor slabs and wall facing corridor & outside area r not 2 b tempered with)

Spend some time read thru' e link below, mayb useful 2 some of u ->

HDB Flat General Renovation Guidelines

HDB Flat Electrical Renovation Guidelines



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waaa thank jacky , the guidelines I see until "gong gong "

Mean if I want hack someway need to hv HDB approval right , so any charges for the paperwork ??

My bomb shelter door I wont remove after so many "man fan " issue and the sliding door cost me 780 A door leh . if next time shift hse I wont want to carry the door to my "future new hse "

Edited by msbean

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waaa thank jacky , the guidelines I see until "gong gong "

Mean if I want hack someway need to hv HDB approval right , so any charges for the paperwork ??

My bomb shelter door I wont remove after so many "man fan " issue and the sliding door cost me 780 A door leh . if next time shift hse I wont want to carry the door to my "future new hse "

HDB reno permit is FOC. However, if HDB deem it necessary to have PE endorsement for any structural change e.g. hack wall, then you need to pay for the PE fee.


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in case some of us forget... the potluck will be THIS SUNDAY dinner :jawdrop:


Me didnt forget! Haha, last night 11 plus , already forced my bf drive me to buy the fried bee hoon stuff @ Giant already! But hor, still dont know if he will need to go back to work on sunday or not? :(:jawdrop::jawdrop: Sian, if he needs to go back to work on that day, then i cant go liao. Cause i need him to fry the been hoon for me, cause i dont really know how to do it. :notti: Heehee, so pai sei, cause i dont really know how to cook. ;)

Now only can hope that he dont have to go to work, if not we yest. night rush to go out to buy the stuff for nothing already. Waste effort. Really hope that we can go and meet up w our neighbours! :jawdrop:


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