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Any Sembawang Homers?

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nite cycling!!!...count me in too..


nite cycling can count me in also. my wife likes it. hey can organise bbq at sembawang park oso? tink should be easy to book the pit. and not a bad way to get to know each other? :drunk:


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Haha i got birds visit me. My storeroom now got bird nest.


that's why keltong got no more beetles... cos the birds ate them! :dancingqueen:

Just flush another one down the toilet bowl, simpleguy80 please tell your birds dun be lazy, eat up all the beetles please!

Think i'm one of the 2nd youngest =p

Another in the under 30s club?


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sometimes i do regret asking wat yr age question :)

guess i am the only lao uncle here .....hehe

aiya we oso young b4 mah. :thumbs up: dun worri, I am 36 this year. lao uncle wanna la kopi can look for lao uncle anytime. :yamseng:


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Ya wait until i move over to Sembawang then we go night cycling also. I can cycle long journey u all can?

eh... maybe if cycle together longterm then cn train into long journey liao.. for now i think can only cycle to sun plaza... hahahaha!!!

Hey everyone,

i just moved in to blk 359 one month ago. :yamseng:

hellloooooooooo! my hubbs aunt stays there.. hee hee

Wah...high standard leh, I thought the chong pang nasi lemak not bad leh, got lots of things to choose from. Try the fried bee hoon opp 7-eleven coffee shop. Eat the morning 'session' one. Lots of people, the bee hoon and chicken wing quite good.

? maybe becos i was sick la.. so the food was so so lor.. hee hee.... yaaaaaaaaaaaa i saw the beehoon shop ure talking abt! i saw the Q... hee hee

hahaah :bow:

one thought.....wat r the average age for all of us here? Think i belong to the older age grps, said 45+...

wat u alll said, which age groups u all belongs to ?

im in my 20s! kekekeke! but like the rest have mentioned... secret la.. but i tink i look super old la... haiii... i look like auntie... *sobs*

NOOOOOO..... lol! I enjoy my couple time w hb too much. My hb = 1 big kid. Enuff liao.

hehe hubbs & i are "kids" ourselves but we sure wld lurve actual kids of our own.. hee hee

nite cycling can count me in also. my wife likes it. hey can organise bbq at sembawang park oso? tink should be easy to book the pit. and not a bad way to get to know each other? :drunk:

ooo the park like a bit far leh.... i think la.. havent actually gone to it yet.... kekekekekeke i'm up for it!!! actually supposed to have one with the "older" members... but i think most of them MIA liao.. hee hee except angelwrath!!!


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aiya we oso young b4 mah. :thumbs up: dun worri, I am 36 this year. lao uncle wanna la kopi can look for lao uncle anytime. :yamseng:

I also CAT Z club. :sport-smiley-003:

eh... maybe if cycle together longterm then cn train into long journey liao.. for now i think can only cycle to sun plaza... hahahaha!!!

hellloooooooooo! my hubbs aunt stays there.. hee hee

? maybe becos i was sick la.. so the food was so so lor.. hee hee.... yaaaaaaaaaaaa i saw the beehoon shop ure talking abt! i saw the Q... hee hee

im in my 20s! kekekeke! but like the rest have mentioned... secret la.. but i tink i look super old la... haiii... i look like auntie... *sobs*

hehe hubbs & i are "kids" ourselves but we sure wld lurve actual kids of our own.. hee hee

ooo the park like a bit far leh.... i think la.. havent actually gone to it yet.... kekekekekeke i'm up for it!!! actually supposed to have one with the "older" members... but i think most of them MIA liao.. hee hee except angelwrath!!!

Cycling...hmm...it's been a loooooooooong time.....

Beehoon not nice dun stone me hor :P


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anyone unit main door faces the neighbour main door? do they normally closes the main door?

btw, do u guys believe in fengshui? if yes, who u recommend?

Edited by leongheng70

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im in my 20s! kekekeke! but like the rest have mentioned... secret la.. but i tink i look super old la... haiii... i look like auntie... *sobs*

Where got look so old?? You are younger than me leh. Like that machiam i am also super old :(

ooo the park like a bit far leh.... i think la.. havent actually gone to it yet.... kekekekekeke i'm up for it!!! actually supposed to have one with the "older" members... but i think most of them MIA liao.. hee hee except angelwrath!!!

Park where got far? Is just behind my house hee hee aiya cycle to Sun Plaza no kick should cycle to Causeway Point or Chong Pang. Ya a lot of members MIA liao. Finish renovating hse liao MIA from this forum. Aiya next time only left me in this forum. Poor guy..


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